View Full Version : ship vs track vs pilot

17th April 2018, 01:41 AM
I am trying to figure out all the differences between the ships just performing a simple single turn movement. I want to know why doing a simple turn messes with my stomach in pilot view. What I can see is that the cockpit mode keeps you straight up and the front and side of the ship tilts. in track mode allows the entire ship to tilt with the cockpit. In Pilot, it does the same, but seems to be slower, and not tilt as much or as quickly (analog). However, it also turns my stomach just turning, which seems bizzarre. can anyone else figure this out better?

17th April 2018, 10:01 PM
Don't you think that your stomach turn when you get that massive movement in peripheral vision in pilot view. That's what is happening for me at least. I can't stand pilot view for more than a lap. My favorite is the cockpit view. It feels very genuine when you think of how the VR ships are constructed. Track view feels very weird for me. Why would the ship and cockpit rotate while the pilot stays level with the track?

17th April 2018, 11:28 PM
I don't get sick but I lose so much control when I'm in pilot view. I think all the sudden jitters might be to blame. I noticed that the screen shakes very minimally in pilot view. This is certainly more realistic, but way harder to control.

But if you look at the vr ships, it looks like the cockpit pod is somewhat detached. Maybe this explains the cockpit view as the cockpit stays put while the ship does its thing.

19th April 2018, 12:11 AM
Don't you think that your stomach turn when you get that massive movement in peripheral vision in pilot view. That's what is happening for me at least. I can't stand pilot view for more than a lap. My favorite is the cockpit view. It feels very genuine when you think of how the VR ships are constructed. Track view feels very weird for me. Why would the ship and cockpit rotate while the pilot stays level with the track?

Funny, I thought the opposite and wondered why it doesnt tilt at all in cockpit mode. It is a little strange tilting, but I liked the look better.

It seems that pilot sits kinda in the middle of the two, because it does tilt, but less. Maybe multiple things are going on. All I know is that it makes me feel off on a simple turn

19th April 2018, 07:57 AM
Track mode: view stays level with the track, ship hull and cockpit rotate around the viewpoint when leaning into turns.
Cockpit mode: view is fixed to the cockpit, which stays level with the track, only the ship hull rotates around cockpit.
Pilot mode: view is fixed to cockpit which is fixed to ship hull, so everything - including the viewpoint - rotates. That‘s why many get sick in this mode - when you do a turn, your viewpoint tilts to the side, even though your physical body stays upright on your chair/sofa. This disparity causes your brain to lose orientation, but you can get used to it.