View Full Version : Freaky near-future art

27th February 2017, 01:56 PM
A friend shared this with me. It's weird, but super cool. The scale of some of the machines is epic.


27th February 2017, 02:22 PM
Funny coincidence, i recently stumbled upon him after watching Unreal Lighting Academy vids.
He has an amazing eye for texture detail and lighting, holy, it's insane!!
Let alone the imagination! Fantastic work from him!! :)

27th February 2017, 03:23 PM
great artist, love the sci-fi style, but is a repost, i already posted this on the self-started "Share Art" thread here 1 month ago: http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?10297-Share-art!

27th February 2017, 03:41 PM
These are simply superb. Stumbled upon his work quite some time ago. Thanks for the reminder – obviously he made a whole lot of new paintings since then. He really knows how to compose his scenes. Don’t forget to check out his earlier work too; dinosaurs and stuff. Nothing but respect for this man.