View Full Version : Are We Entering a Bit of an AG Renaissance?

Hot Violet
30th December 2016, 06:36 PM
Is it just me or is there a little bit of a revival going on at the moment?

BallisticNG continues to grow in leaps and bounds, Formula Fusion just got a huge update and Redout is great fun and seems to being critically well received.

There are a whole bunch of other AG racers floating about (see what I did there?) such as Radial-G and Flashout 2.

On top of that, against all odds, Sony have announced a new WipeOut release.

Perhaps 2017 will be the year of the AG/Futuristic racer. :)

Now, if only more people would play Redout online! :P

30th December 2016, 08:53 PM
Sure hope so. Sony releasing the Omega Edition seems to support that view.

31st December 2016, 08:52 AM
If Nintendo finally decided to bring out a new F-Zero, it would boost the market even more. Now is the time apparently.

31st December 2016, 03:28 PM
yeah, a new F-Zer0 would be amazing, especially with the 'switch' on the horizon

Amaroq Dricaldari
7th January 2017, 11:57 PM
Oh, and who could forget about AG Drive, and the hopefully-soon-to-be-revived Slipstream GX?
Btw, Zorg still hasn't added Tier 3. I'm going to run out of upgrades to buy pretty soon for my ships.

8th January 2017, 08:39 AM
Even in other genres of games you can see its growth, such as Destiny's Sparrow Racing (there were people who bought the game just to play the game mode).

Amaroq Dricaldari
9th January 2017, 10:11 PM
That must be pretty cool. This thread sure isn't entering a renaissance though...
I wonder what we, as fans of Anti-Gravity Racing, can do to keep this renaissance going~

Hybrid Divide
10th January 2017, 09:53 PM
That's easy, talk with your wallets and buy the WO Omega Collection when it comes out.

Ditto for WO related DLC for other games (Little Big Planet, Rezogun, etc)

12th January 2017, 04:34 AM
Maybe, but considering most of them are just sub-par mobile games, I'm not so sure. Scifi in general has sort of come back, though, so we may very well be seeing (or will see) the return soon. The Omega Collection makes me optimistic, but it alone is just a port of old games, so it could also just very well mean the opposite.

12th January 2017, 07:41 PM
I think it's just Sony testing the waters releasing the Omega pack to find the answer to this question, as since it owns the Wipeout rights, if the sales of the Omega pack are good, it might give them the impetuous to commission a new one, if they aren't, they won't.
After all, it was Sony that told SL that AG racing games were out of fashion [according to the bean counters ] and they weren't going to be making any more Wipeouts for the foreseeable future [they didn't factor in that people wanted it on a full console, not solely on a handheld ]

They are probably looking at global sales of other types of games at the moment, and finding some aren't selling as well as they might have a few years ago, I'm guessing action/adventure RPG's have reached saturation point, much like FPS, as a lot of them are tending to get a big price drop a lot quicker after release than they would normally.

Also I'm guessing that the cost to build a new AG racing game would be quite a bit less than a huge sandbox RPG, probably about the same amount budgeted to promote that dud of a game 'No Man's Sky'

But then again, they have always 'USED' Wipeout to sell new technology, rather than sell it as a game, if it had released PURE & [ PULSE - at the same time as PSP version ] on the PS2/3 I think SL would still be with us now, it's been a huge mistake not having a NEW full console Wipeout since FUSION -2002 [ I suppose you could call HD NEW-2008 if the person playing it had never played those tracks on PSP ], 15 or 9 years, depending on your point of view, is a long time in hibernation, at Sony's own doing.........Hopefully it has told mother to wake up the crew and build a new one.

Amaroq Dricaldari
13th January 2017, 03:09 AM
Omega Collection. The Omega Pack is the DLC for WipEout Pure :P

But yeah, Sony's recent failures can all be attributed to bad business practices. Region-locking the DLC? Not selling all the games on PSN? Still using a fixed-price model? That sort of crap.

13th January 2017, 08:39 AM
Well if any of you were fans of FAST Racing Neo on the Wii U (like myself) then you may be happy to know its a getting a follow up: Fast RMX
Definitely getting a lot of sic-fi racing games recently.


Hybrid Divide
17th January 2017, 04:36 PM
Redout is coming to the Switch, too! I'll likely be picking that up along with Fast RMX. :D

18th January 2017, 10:19 AM
Well if any of you were fans of FAST Racing Neo on the Wii U (like myself) then you may be happy to know its a getting a follow up: Fast RMX
Definitely getting a lot of sic-fi racing games recently.




18th January 2017, 04:10 PM
I think it's just Sony testing the waters releasing the Omega pack to find the answer to this question, as since it owns the Wipeout rights, if the sales of the Omega pack are good, it might give them the impetuous to commission a new one, if they aren't, they won't.

Speaking of which, I was in contact with Clever Beans recently about it and it does seem to be the case.


18th January 2017, 10:45 PM
Thanks Conzio, that’s lovely to hear :)

19th January 2017, 10:16 PM
Hyyyyyyypppeeee!!! :d