View Full Version : The most sensible thought - from a Mulsim

16th November 2015, 10:52 AM
I really HOPE everybody at this forum can view and watch this.

It's a missive from a Australian Newsreader, that happens to be a Muslim......everybody in Aus knows this...he is well respected.

He gave this missive Yesterday.
Listen people.....no hate, please, it's what the arseholes want!


16th November 2015, 11:59 AM
Channel 9 commenting on a Channel 10 show... okay.

Beside that, he is right, they're trying to make Muslims an enemy of non-Muslims... even though they represent way way less than 1% of the Muslim population.

13th December 2015, 07:00 PM
Have to agree, I'm a Muslim and I think all this is kinda dodgy as eff. ISIS or ISIL whatever they call themselves now are not representative of Muslims and do not represent me.

Even my PSN-id is a piss-take play on the idea of it because I love computer games lol.

Thanks for the share BW.


16th December 2015, 05:00 AM
I'm very political here in the states, and the one thing that pisses me off is how people group Muslims with extremists. I have many Muslim friends. Some of them are honest to God refugees. But here in the states, there is an ignorant stance about it. Just being a Muslims follower imbibes a negative view from the ignorant masses. I see otherwise. Most of the devout Muslims are very peaceful, passive, and accepting of outside cultures. They reject the extreme notions of the 1%. Yet the US does not tend to be accepting of the peaceful faith of the Muslims here. They here so much negative press releases and base their judgment around the extremists.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Muslims, just like Christians have some sort of Old Testament that is more barbaric. As a self proclaimed Christian, I don't abide by the old books. I don't begrudge anyone for their faith unless it involves the malicious slaughter of other religions. The majority of Muslims in in the States are just trying to make a living like everyone else and harbor no ill will against other religions. I applaud Muslims for their devotion which is not as strong as many of the Protestant religions here.

People don;t understand that the vast majority are not the extremists the media keep reporting on. I'm very accepting of other religions, but I'm the minority here. I live in a place where I can hang out with Muslim followers with no tension. They can barbeque the **** out of some lamb! This view needs to be more mainstream because all we hear about in the news is the bad 1%. I'm a gun toting right to bear arms American. When I don't crack out on WOHD, I'm at the range and I can attest that some of the Muslims in the range are accepting and nice people just trying to make their own way. This Stigma has to stop and I wish that people would make the connection that Muslims are just the same as Catholics or Prodestants in the sense that they have strong religious beliefs but don't mean harm towards any other religious group.

All the negative press only serves to divide.

But then again, I'm not the typical American.

17th December 2015, 10:40 AM
Nice to hear Mannjon.

The video I originally linked to ended up being heavily edited.
Please watch the full video as it was originally broadcast.....about 4min...it really is a well made speech made by the voice of common sense, the unedited version got put up on YouTube.

Tis a pity the U.S.A. is in Election mode ATM.

Donald Trump is not doing the U.S.A any favours....thankfully most sane people realise he is a rich moron [anybody that can go Bankrupt 4 times - and especially if one of those bankruptcies was a CASINO ] , is a proven fool ....the worrying thing is the support he is getting....but then again....look at who he is running against for party nomination...not exactly a brains trust.

There is a general FLAW in the Election process, both in the U.S.A and the U.K.
That flaw is only those with a want to voice their opinion do so with a vote...... the rest of the population who have been slack / uninformed / disinterested due to no party raise issues they have , don't / haven't voted.
Result is these people tend to get shifted into ever increasingly sized minorities ....which leads to ever increasing disparity between the Haves/ Have nots ... ends up = social distress ....ideal playground to induce feeble minded , easily brainwashed potential suicide bombers for those that choose to do so.

A easy solution to help halt this, but would be something Corporate American / National Rifle Association would be vehemently opposed to [keep them dumb and make them think we know what we are doing principle - Trust US ! ]

Would be to make VOTING COMPULSORY for ALL USA / UK citizens .....watch the reversal of so many BIG financed plans by the mining and weapon industry go south that effect their constituents , since the senators of each state would have a TRUE realisation of who they a representing, rather than baying to the will of the lobbyiers from the vested interests of corporate America.

Voting is compulsory in Australia , impossible to not vote unless you want to get fined .

I watched this yesterday, quite amusing ..... A mass of contradictions
Russell Brand destroys Bill O' Reilly [Murdoch's Face of FOX ]

Oh, Please..... People are actually watching and believing Bill O' Reilly's dross.
Is his crap being broadcast any better then the Bias being broadcast by ISIS ?

FOX needs to be held accountable for it's presenters.... and views they broadcast .