CoD has never been on my radar, but I quite liked BF3... unfortunately, after playing the beta and reading/watching gameplay from BF4, it's rather apparent that Dice have screwed the game up massively. They've made everything easier, simplified at the cost of diversity in gameplay and strategy, or outright idiot-proof. Playing as infantry has been made much more simple in every important regard, and the classes have far more tools available. Apparently a new weapon for support is basically a man-portable TV missile that can 1-shot helis - will be lovely seeing 20 of those flying around the map at once. The remaining bastions of skill-focused gameplay have been cut very far back and struck down with enforced tedium in order to prevent skilled players from making noobs rage as much as they did in BF3. Except for the scout chopper, that's been buffed like crazy for some reason.

Basically, it uses WipEout 2048's approach to game design: alienate your best players and dumb down/muddy the core experience with unskilled nonsense in order to make the game as accessible as possible. Really can't see any redeemable features in the game at all at this point. And of course, nobody at all should even buy the game in its current state: on consoles and PC, the game is plagued with client and server crashes, bugs, inconsistent netcode, and more crashes.