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Thread: Thank you soooo much SL !

  1. #81
    Join Date
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    East Lothian, Scotland
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    Rapier_Racer -OFW-


    Ech banning that song happens to be something I agree with..

    I don' think HD is quite the barrel roll fest past games have been though. Play it on elite at Phantom, using them is almost a death wish on some tracks. I'm not sure I want to use them online against pilots of an equal skill level theres far too much energy loss and not enough reward, no wonder they put respawn in the game.

  2. #82
    Join Date
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    Lima, Perú


    guys you are really killing me, how would you rank this game, and maybe more importantly to me how would you rank it compared to XL/2097?, if it rates really that good, i will make a sacrifice with my budget, and i mean a real sacrifice, and buy a PS3.

    but really... a real sacrifice.

    guys from the trinity era (WO, XL, WO3) please chime in.. is it really that good compared to those?

    the game really looks good, but man, i need to know this, i wish i could find someone on Peru with a PS3 that wants to buy the download, and believe me i will be bothering my gaming friends here (but very unlikely to find one with a PS3)

    thanks all for your time.

  3. #83
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    Rapier_Racer -OFW-


    Your not going to find a straight answer here. Your going to get barrel roll haters telling you no flat out, people in between who don't think you can justify buying a PS3 for this or any other one game alone and then people like me who will insist you have to have it and say it's the reason I bought a PS3, which it is and it was worth it

  4. #84
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    You cant say that with too much conviction though, Stephen - you've been playing NASCAR, GTA, and other stuff on it too.

    If you were planning on buying a PS3 just for WipEout HD and you weren't keen on Pure or Pulse, then I have to say it would not be a wise decision. With just 8 tracks and the fact it's essentially a re-hash of Pure and Pulse, I couldn't say with my hand on heart that this is worth buying a £300 console for.

  5. #85
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    Lima, Perú


    Rapier: definitely agree, but different opinions can really help me and i can find relatively common thoughts with all those opinions with mine and from there make a mess in my head

    Rob: my wallet´s heartbeat is returning to normal it seems

  6. #86
    Join Date
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    Rapier_Racer -OFW-


    Yeah but most of the games I own are cross platform Foxy, if it wasn't for such a die hard love for Wipeout I wouldn't have went out and bought a PS3 so readily I did so expecting Wipeout on it. If Wipeout dies so will my Playstation brand loyalty. I own 13 PS3 games not including HD and only 3 are PS3 exclusive, only 2 of those 3 I actually like thats RFOM and HAZE, as much as I like them it I doubt I would have bought a PS3 for them.

    Why did you have to bring up GTA.... now this thread reeks of lol

  7. #87
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    Well, I was hoping to jump on the congratulatory bandwagon tonight, but the silly PSN store won't verify my credit card to allow me to add funds to my account enough to buy HD, which means it'll have to wait.

    So anyway, I'll stare at some more screenshots and videos 'til I get lucky.

    - F

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    "the trinity era" - great phrase, I am adopting it.

    Mano, although I suspect I like HD a lot more than Rob, my advice would be more or less the same. The barrel rolls are done better I think in this game than either Pure or Pulse. There are less " grey area" BRs, I think, less silly combo BRs and no wall-grind BRs I have seen so far. The shield loss from BRs is more like Pure, so that`s good. But still if you hate BRs you will not enjoy this. Apart from BRs, the game is basically Pulse with a few wrinkles ironed out (and some not), some great new features, and it takes place on Pure`s tracks. You get to play on a proper screen with a big controller, which makes it more fun, but you cannot compare the handling to the holy trinity. It`s the handling and the weight of the ships that makes those games, and to me these ships don`t have any feeling of weight, such as if you compare an old Qirex to an old AG Sys, HD ships just have different turning circles. There is pitch control in this, especially at fast classes where you need to control the pitch, and a control method that`s pretty good for achieving it.

    It`s a very good game, loads of fun and I`ll be playing it for ages, but it`s a million miles from 2097; a bit of bouncing doesn`t make it like that. For £11.99 it`s a steal. For that plus a PS3 you should definitely not buy without trying it out.

  9. #89
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    I don't know about you guys but I'm glad the Zone mode is only ripping my eyes out, throwing them on the floor and dancing cha cha on them (© eLhabib), and does not rip them out, throws them on the floor, dances cha cha on them, burns them with a blowtorch, drops them from the 100th floor, tears them to shreds, glues them back together with a glue stick and punches them back in my orbits by shooting them with a baseball bat.

    So yeah, thanks SL

  10. #90
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    Thanks for the link, Rob, that was a fun read for sure. It's well beyond me how you managed to avoid that song for so long under your circumstances! Must be pretty good karma I guess

    To join in on the discussion how to rate HD compared to the trinity era: you just can't. It's too different. If HD had no online, I'd definitely say DON'T buy a PS3 for it, but the stellar Multiplayer justifies it for me. And, of course, I'm a graphics nut, so that's another reason why I love it. Gameplay-wise, as was said before, it's very different to the old games, but I just so happen to like Pure a lot, and HD is basically like a better Pure for me. It's only remotely related to 2097, but it's so well polished that it's hard to look past. Just know what to expect from it - if you want the 'old' gameplay, you'll have to play the old games.

  11. #91
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    Yeah i don't think we will be seeing the old type of games again. I think we are going to keep on seeing a evolution. But I do agree with one thng. the crafts feel really light!!! It's so annoying when my Assegai keeps on bouncing up vertically and i have to wait for the damn thing to "float" back onto the track again.

  12. #92
    Join Date
    Feb 2002


    Gentlemen, you have wandered very thoroughly away from the topic of this thread and into a topic discussed elsewhere. Please compare the natures of the different versions of the series in more appropriate threads, and return to the thanking for HD in this one.

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