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Thread: 10 Things I hate about WipEout Pulse

  1. #21
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    I'll have a go, but there's nothing I really hate outside of the first three on my list. The others are more things that bug me.
    1. The voices. Too disrupted and oh so clichéd - why does everybody have artificial vocal chords in the future? At least they're not pitch shifted, I suppose.
    2. The track intros that I have to skip every single frickin' ****ing time. I can do ten or more attempts at a time trial in a single session. That's ten or more skips of the track intros. I just re-started the event - I know where I am and I don't know why your voice is distorted, but it was annoying enough that I skipped you the very first time. So this Bud's for you, Mr emotionless faux-futuristic track intro announcer - in a game created in 2007 you dared to sound like the love child of Tina Turner and a Cylon from 1970's Battlestar Galactica. (For the love of zod can we have an option to turn these off entirely in WipEout HD like I begged for when we were making Pulse?)
    3. Barrel rolls. I still find these hit and miss - any track where there's more than one per lap I just find them gimmicky and frustrating. I'd agree they "extend the gameplay" due to the fact that missing one can waste an otherwise perfect TT session so you have to start again (and bask in the warm distorted voice of the track intro). Admittedly I hate them less than I hated them in Pure, but I still hate them. I wish Colin had been weak enough to take the £1000 bribe I offered him to take them out of Pulse.
    4. Weapons. There's too many of them - not in terms of amount, but in the volume of weapons fire during a race. I like that the AI ships seem to make more use of them, but I think the racing would be better if there were half the weapons pads on each track.
    5. There are a number of issues with the website, such as the lack of navigation of the rankings on the PSP and pages that look a mess on both PSP & PS3. (hey, if I'm going to critique other people's work I can at least do my own!)
    6. Respawns are still a bit random. Last night I came off the track during a time trial and respawned further up the track than I had been. Cant remember which track, though. I prefered the "emergency autopilot engaged" idea, where the ship brings itself back to the track in a similar way to WipEout 3 but without the wuss wagon.
    7. Going up to go down in track select catches me out every time and it does my head in. Especially when you go up to go up in number on the grid selection screen.
    8. The order of the teams makes no sense to me. I understand that Colin didn't want to have FEISAR first because it would make it seem like the 'tard ship, but alphabetical order wouldn't have hurt any of the teams and would have been more intuitive.
    9. Erm... the Team Allegiance thing made me feel guilty about defecting from AG-Systems to Qirex, then from Qirex to EG-X. I know I pushed for this to be in the game and the website... but I guilt trip easily. Possibly not a fault of the game.
    10. erm... running out of steam here. Ah! Lack of a downloadable version - my Pure UMD fell to bits on me and I'd rather have an e-distribution version of the game on my memory stick than a UMD version that might break. Again, possibly not a fault of the game.

    That's all I have.... but then again, I haven't opened Outpost 7 yet.

    Oh - I have to add that I haven't had a single freeze yet. I'm on FW 2.8 and I've made quite heavy use of the online component with regard to the web integration. Haven't tried photo mode or multiplayer yet, though.
    Last edited by infoxicated; 20th December 2007 at 09:05 AM.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacen View Post
    if you haven't noticed, pulse is running with the full 333Mhz. thats 50% more than in pure ... that serves for more eyecandy AND improved framerate.
    Yes, so... what are you saying? ;)

  3. #23
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    less slowdown due to higher clockrate.
    if you play pure with 333Mhz, it's even more smooth than pulse.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacen View Post
    if you haven't noticed, pulse is running with the full 333Mhz. thats 50% more than in pure ... that serves for more eyecandy AND improved framerate.
    Pulse isn't running at 333Mhz, because developers cant run at 333Mhz and use the wi-fi component at the same time.

    There would be no point in creating a game engine that needs to run at 333Mhz for single player smoothness if it ended up a slideshow at 222Mhz when you're playing online, when frame rate is cruicial.

    333Mhz was experimented with as a single player option, but it was too late in the development schedule to implement it without the risk of introducing problems, so it was dropped.

    Anyhow - back on topic.

  5. #25
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    Custom Firmware uses beware. Set your clockspeeds to default.

  6. #26
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    Custom firmware users can beat it - I don't want any talk of it on this site at all. Like I said, back on topic.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by infoxicated View Post
    Barrel Rolls.. I wish Colin had been weak enough to take the £1000 bribe I offered him to take them out of Pulse.
    This is true
    in fact I think he upped the offer to 1500 and a pint at one point

  8. #28

    Default About the 5 skin limit...

    1 - I just read that this limit pertains to server limitations, which, at least to me, seems like a very good reason to give us an offline editor and allow players to have as many skins as they please saved on the memory stick.

    How about it?

    That is my only complaint for this game.

    2 - By the way, any chance of a patch that allows the game to recognize the PURE downloads and make them available for PULSE ??

    That would e cool...

  9. #29
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    No. Pulse tracks are designed for Pulse physics - plus other things, tags and triggers which are set-up specifically within the tracks, would not work from Pure to Pulse.

    My one regret regarding the ships is that I would have loved to have added a more 'layered' visual structure to them. Wings over plates over fins, layered over a visible chassis covered with nice complicated pipework, weapon pods and blinking lights.

    As it turned out, it didn't work visually on the PSP screen (too small, fiddly and 'smeary'), and would have presented too many problems for customisation. The only things that remain from my experiments are the blinking nav-lights and the visible pilot.

    I would've liked to see a grid full of engineers and floating robot thingies before a race, too. Sadly, we just didn't have time (or memory) for those sort of niceties.

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Egg View Post
    No. Pulse tracks are designed for Pulse physics - plus other things, tags and triggers which are set-up specifically within the tracks, would not work from Pure to Pulse.
    OK, thanks for clearing that, I knew it was probably just wishful thinking on my part.

    What about an offline editor?

    Or even a patch that allows players to save as many custom ships on the memory card as they like?

    I mean, you could keep the current editor, with only 5 save slots on the website, but you could let us save unlimited skins on the memory stick.

    Is this possible, in a future update?

    Pretty please??

  11. #31
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    Yeah, that was the thing I meant: 5 skins for the website, unlimited for your memstick.

    So... it's great to see that some nice discussion has started And I like the fact that you, Colin and Jon, joined the topic.
    And just to make things clear: I didn't say the game is bad, ok? Actually it's a WipEout game I really, really enjoy (so did I with Pure). And as already said there are probably a lot more good things about the game and it's refining than things that - at least for me - turned out to be not as good as I expected them.

    You guys did a great job and I did not want to offend anybody if it felt that way

    Maybe I'll just leave the Outpost 7 races aside, the grid allows me to do so

  12. #32
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    Comments like "oh, I don't like this particular track" I can generally discount, since it's usually just player preference exerting itself, but these are the kinds of comments I've been waiting to see:
    Quote Originally Posted by infoxicated View Post
    [*]Weapons. There's too many of them - not in terms of amount, but in the volume of weapons fire during a race. I like that the AI ships seem to make more use of them, but I think the racing would be better if there were half the weapons pads on each track.
    It sounds to me like most people complaining about the weapons are really complaining about heavy weapons fire during the first half lap when they're manuevering from the back of the pack to the front. That part of the race should possibly be more about pilot skill than weapon skill. If we can't have a system that allows us to start at the head of the pack if we're the best pilot on the track (and really, I'd call that the optimal solution!) then perhaps taking a page out of the XG3 book and turning off all weapon pads till we're partway through the first lap would be the ultimate fix here. That way we could have the full-on weapons for the later laps where we might need them to gain position and the gold, but at the same time not get eliminated in the first lap when we're just getting up to speed.

    Quote Originally Posted by infoxicated View Post
    [*]Respawns are still a bit random. Last night I came off the track during a time trial and respawned further up the track than I had been. Cant remember which track, though. I prefered the "emergency autopilot engaged" idea, where the ship brings itself back to the track in a similar way to WipEout 3 but without the wuss wagon.
    Not liking the sound of that, I was really hoping for any kind of "slowly return you to the track where you left it", but I've heard that the "teleport line" has been pulled way back so that's definitely good news.
    Quote Originally Posted by infoxicated View Post
    [*]Erm... the Team Allegiance thing made me feel guilty about defecting from AG-Systems to Qirex, then from Qirex to EG-X. I know I pushed for this to be in the game and the website... but I guilt trip easily. Possibly not a fault of the game.
    I would call that massive success for the game! Serious emotional involvement from the player is one of the hallmarks of a truly superb game. That and all the difficulty some people are having finding 10 problems with the game means I keep looking more and more forward to the NA release!

  13. #33
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    Heh-- maybe the reason that AI doesn't bother me is that I think that time trials are the "true" racing experience in Wipeout If there are other ships on the tracks, I kinda expect to get hammered. But can't you turn weapons off if you so desire?

    Quote Originally Posted by infoxicated View Post
    Pulse isn't running at 333Mhz, because developers cant run at 333Mhz and use the wi-fi component at the same time.
    Oh. I thought it was "confirmed" that Pulse runs at 333Mhz-- so it's not using any more processor power than Pure? It runs so much smoother!

  14. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Berry View Post
    This is true
    in fact I think he upped the offer to 1500 and a pint at one point
    You turned it down? Crikey.

    Must have been Fosters...

    I would have a list of things that are great and not so great about Pulse, but no one's sent me one...

  15. #35
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    You can get them in the shops, dude! Just drag your unfeasibly large wallet along to one of them there game stores and get yourself a copy!

  16. #36
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    Didn't Egg say it ran at 333? Whatever it's at makes for a smooth framerate anyway.

    I can't believe you don't like the voices. But then, I love the Cylons so I'm biased. On the respawns, there's a point on the Tech No Ra bridge that will allow you to get a bit further by dropping off.

  17. #37
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    I've always thought that increasing AI difficulty should be about increasing the racing skills of the AI piloting to bring their racing speeds closer to those of the live players, not about making them shoot more.

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dogg Thang View Post
    Didn't Egg say it ran at 333?
    You know what? The 333 thing was kicked around the studio for so long, and the framerate improved so much from Pure, that I assumed the two were related (having played the game every day for 12 months, and not having heard anything to the contrary). So I blurted. My bad. Just don't tell anyone, ok ?

  19. #39
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    Won't say a word. It's a believable story though - the track detail seems improved and yet the framerate seems to have jumped dramatically. Just looking at it, I would have sworn it had to be 333. But then I don't know what I'm talking about most of the time.

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lance View Post
    I've always thought that increasing AI difficulty should be about increasing the racing skills of the AI piloting to bring their racing speeds closer to those of the live players, not about making them shoot more.
    Its both, actually. On most tracks they are a more competitive bunch of racers than their predecessors were, although they do use weapons a lot. Even so, you HAVE to master the track in order to win a race - but you CAN do without weapons. So, at the end of the day, I believe the formula, if tweaked a bit since Pure, remains pretty much intact.


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