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Thread: Do you still play wipeout?

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asayyeah View Post
    ' do you still play WipEout?'
    Actually i did exactly the same as Lunar & Lance : i had it after my 2097 ( before Wip3out) just played it during 1 hour and went back immediately to cool-comfort 2097
    Same here, but I got around finishing WO1 after wrapping my head around the different game mechanics. In fact, I believe getting through all the WipEout tournaments doesn't take much longer than it does in 2097/XL. It's just a little harder and there's fewer classes and races, so you keep spending more time on one event, which might make it a bit more frustrating.

    Quote Originally Posted by Asayyeah View Post
    I noticed the ' hit wall = been stopped immediately' is not a true lesson, i found a difference between each hit, depending on how your ship is collapsing the wall
    Absolutely! That was merely an exaggeration. But it's much more of complete stop than it is in any other installation.


  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asayyeah View Post
    i am amazed by the similarities WipEout has with Pure in term of handling, you absolutely need to anticipate on each turns and also you can feel really the weight of the ship.
    I`ve thought the same thing. There is the similarity of the way the walls behave in the two games, although Pure`s are kinder. They are both stick2trax games: no big shortcuts through the scenery like those in 2097 and 3SE. You can shortcut over the track, but the physics and wussbots won`t allow you to do much more. The other big similarity is in the handling and the weight of the ships, as Arnaud says. In WipEout, particularly in the heavy ships, releasing thrust for a millisecond on corners can be the best way to get round, on occasions. It`s hard to describe, but sometimes on WipEout when you are cornering you can feel the weight of the ship pulling it towards the outside. Anticipating this and releasing thrust, briefly, removes that force and enables you to turn in, and is much more effective than braking in some cases. Similarly, in Pure, once you get onto Rapier and Phantom class, there are places where a quick release of thrust can return control to the pilot and "let go" the weight of the ship, which is trying to take itself somewhere you don`t want to be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
    there is a moose carcass dragging along on either side of the dogsled...
    When flying Auricom or Qirex, I think of releasing thrust as cutting the ropes that attach the moose to the sled. That image helps me explain it to myself anyway.

    The handling of this game has never been beaten, and that`s one reason why we`re still playing it. The absence of shortcuts make it great for competition on the tables. I also think it is in some ways a more friendly and less stressful game than 2097 and 3/SE. I find it relatively relaxing to play, although the heart can beat a bit faster on the last lap of a TT WipEout is Zen, 2097 and 3 are Ninja.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by lunar View Post
    ...WipEout is Zen, 2097 and 3 are Ninja.
    In that case, I am ninja

    No, seriously - I find wipeout and 2097 stressful and Wip3out relaxing
    Last edited by q_dmc12; 23rd May 2007 at 11:00 PM.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    May 2007


    if i play any one of the wipeout's, i end up having a go on all the others afterwards. i get hooked.

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