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Thread: Big News. Big.

  1. #1
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    Default Big News. Big.

    Hello folks,

    I think I've stumbled upon something here that deserves a thread of its' own.

    The following is a quote from ThreeSpeech that doesn't really make complete sense by itself..

    Under the heading "Future PS3 Games";

    "Looking a bit further ahead, there are persistent rumours that Sony Liverpool is working on a new version of the much-loved, ultra-cool WipEout. Alas, that won’t be ready until next year,although there could be an HD-ised version of the PSP’s WipEout Fusion to keep us going in the interim.."

    Now, we all know that Wipeout Fusion is a PS2 game. We also know that it wasn't a very popular or well-selling PS2 game (especially here in North America).

    So I think it's safe to assume that they actually mean the PSP's Wipeout Pure or Pulse.

    Which got me thinking... the recently released Pulse screens are much higher resolution that normal for the PSP...

    ... so could we all be REALLY looking at the screenshots of a PLAYSTATION STORE release of Wipeout Pulse for PS3 ? Cross-platform online multiplayer, anyone?

    I'm betting the farm on YES.

  2. #2
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    I guess it's entirely possible but I wouldn't come to that conclusion just based on the resolution of the screenshots. You'll find that the old Pure shots are the same, as are many other PSP screenshots. For whatever reason, they often get released at a higher res than the PSP is capable of. I'd imagine it's more likely to be Pure but then, the man said Fusion so who knows...

  3. #3
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    [What i think]The hi-res shots show what the PSP hardware is capable of but the screen obviously has to display it at a lower resolution, thus degrading quality.[/What I think]
    Am I right?

  4. #4
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    Do you have a link? if it`s true or not?


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by insertcoin View Post
    [What i think]The hi-res shots show what the PSP hardware is capable of but the screen obviously has to display it at a lower resolution, thus degrading quality.[/What I think]
    Am I right?
    I don't think it's linked to the PSP hardware, it's just that seeing hi-res shots is more appealing than ones that are of the PSP screen size.
    The PSP hardware capabilities are not shown by a certain resolution, it's what you can see and do at max resolution (meaning screen resolution) that's important. Of course, displaying at higher resolution needs more resources, but what would be the point for the PSP to do that if it's to shrink it to fit the screen?
    Now, am I right?

  6. #6
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    The screens are just made from a monitor, because yes, SL - and probably every other development studio that works on PSP titles - can see their games not just on the PSP but also on bigger screens. That's all. Nothing new actually.

    [...]though there could be an HD-ised version of the PSP’s WipEout Fusion[...]
    PSP's WipEout Fusion. Never knew, that there was a PSP version of Fusion.
    So I guess they're talking about Pure or Pulse then. Hm.
    I tell you, imo, that is the worst SL can do. The PS3 WipEout should be something new. So people don't think it's just a cheap rip-off.
    The PS3-WipEout should not make any bad headlines with fast ports.
    If they really port the PSP game(s) to another console, do it for the PS2. Fusion was a mis-step for most people, I hear them scream "give us at least one good WipEout for that console!". Maybe add a HD-resolution-mode if you play the game in your PS3 then or something like that.

    But don't make it a port for the PS3. Just don't.

  7. #7
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    I agree Max such a plan has bad news written all over I can't see it being given great reviews if its just a rip off of a couple of PSP titles, anyone familiar with the saying "Last gen game, next gen graphics" who here wants a title like that slapped on a Wipeout game? Sounds a little cheap fellas, however if its only a little something to keep us going till the real PS3 Wipeout arrives then by all means make it available in the Playstation store for a reasonable price but for gods sake don't market it as new and charge 40 quid for it, I might pay that if it had online multi player since even with an online mode in Pulse we cannot race at more than 5 ships due to PSP limitations, I've tasted Motorstorm against 12 other players with no lag WIPEOUT NEEDS THAT
    Last edited by Rapier Racer; 10th April 2007 at 06:46 PM.

  8. #8
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    I highly doubt they would put fusion on ps3. However, I would like to see a game in the style of w3o:se but with tracks from 1, 2097, 3, fusion, pure & pulse on PS3 in high def. That would be great. ^^ Not Fusion! >=O

    As for high res screenshots, I bet that the developers make the game on screen and then test out the game using an emulator without the need to keep tranferring data onto psp all the timd. It would be much more efficient, easier, faster & logical.

    Thats what I think anyway =)

  9. #9
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    There is always the possiblity that the media is speculating! Its not unheard of.

    however, if they do do an HD remake of ANY of the Wipeout games, i would be hoping for Wip3out. Pure (although i dont have a PSP and ive only played the demo on the Stealth UMD) didn't do it for me im afraid. Having said that, im getting a PSP so i can play on Kai.

  10. #10
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    To be clear, nobody is suggesting that this Wipeout Pulse for the Playstation Network would be THE Wipeout for PS3....

    Threespeech suggests that the full realization of Wipeout on PS3 is happening in 2008 (the one using the Motorstorm engine, if you recall)...

    The HD'ized version of "Wipeout Fusion" for PSP (which doesn't exist) I am suggesting to be Pulse HD-ized for download over PSN compatible with cross-platform online play.

    And despite the 'dev kit screenshot' notes which are correct, I still think I'm right


  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by TMoney View Post
    Threespeech suggests that the full realization of Wipeout on PS3 is happening in 2008 (the one using the Motorstorm engine, if you recall)...
    And, just like that, all credibility of ThreeSpeech is lost.

    I wish people would stop perpetuating that "rumour" (the new term for "**** conjured up by lazy journalists who want visitors at their gaming site"), I really do.

  12. #12
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    I think Pulse may look better than Pure because they might have spent most of the disc space on textures, lighting, engine and all the basics, while most of the levels and crafts will be downloadable.

    I wouldn't count on this 'HD-ised PSP WipEout Fusion'. I'm going to need more information, and preferably substance, to be convinced. I'm not a skeptic in general, but this just doesn't seem authentic enough for me.

    however, if they do do an HD remake of ANY of the Wipeout games, i would be hoping for Wip3out.

    Hell yeah, WipEout 3 SE. I love that game. No other WipEout game has that level of airborne freedom. You could fly from the drop off on P-Mar Project all the way over the finish line. It just feels good. But I guess it was just the first impression for me. Wip3out was the first WipEout game I played, and just has that special, individual feeling about it.

    By the way, good to see another Kiwi.
    Last edited by Max A K Challie; 15th April 2007 at 10:46 AM. Reason: Last two paragraphs added.

  13. #13
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    There isn't going to be any HD Wipeout Fusion for any console, why in the name of sweet Satan would SL do that

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rapier Racer View Post
    There isn't going to be any HD Wipeout Fusion for any console, why in the name of sweet Satan would SL do that
    Not only do I agree, I also like your choice of words.

    I really should learn to do my research before posting. I find that Pulse has all the same textures that Pure does. Not only that, but it uses all the same craft models, but with different skins. The only part about the new crafts that I like is that you can see the pilots. But my beloved fish is bland..

    I like the track design, however. I like the clear floors, and they look fun to race through.

    Hopefully Studio Liverpool don't get as lazy as id Software, who now run all their games on the Doom 3 engine, not to mention that they don't even develop them anymore.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Max A K Challie View Post
    I think Pulse may look better than Pure because they might have spent most of the disc space on textures, lighting, engine and all the basics, while most of the levels and crafts will be downloadable.

    I wouldn't count on this 'HD-ised PSP WipEout Fusion'. I'm going to need more information, and preferably substance, to be convinced. I'm not a skeptic in general, but this just doesn't seem authentic enough for me.

    however, if they do do an HD remake of ANY of the Wipeout games, i would be hoping for Wip3out.
    I'm a bit sceptic about the anti-aliazing of those screenshots. I don't work in SL and I'm not a developper but maybe the fact that the UMD in Pure is not full is for one reason : to make WipEout Pure run fast on the PSP. I think that if they fill the UMD too much with textures and anti-aliazing, Pulse won't run as fast and fluid as Pure when there are many ships and weapons exploding around you. I hope that I'm wrong, but I think the best way to be sure of this is to wait until september no ?

  16. #16
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    I remember reading an article when the psp was about to be released in Japan (Dec. 2005) about the special hardware features for the programming teams. It said something to the degree that the psp hardware runs things like anti-aliasing and texture smoothing so that the programmers don't have to hard-code them in the games. I'm not 100% positive on this and I forget the source (maybe playstation magazine) but I do remember reading it.

  17. #17
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    Actually pure was quite laggy still.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by q_dmc12 View Post
    I remember reading an article when the psp was about to be released in Japan (Dec. 2005) about the special hardware features for the programming teams. It said something to the degree that the psp hardware runs things like anti-aliasing and texture smoothing so that the programmers don't have to hard-code them in the games. I'm not 100% positive on this and I forget the source (maybe playstation magazine) but I do remember reading it.

    Interesting, thanks or the info

  19. #19
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    Wow - TMoney was pretty much bang on the mark in some respects - looks like WipEout HD is pretty close to what he suggested. Still too early to be 100% certain, though.

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