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Thread: Omega Pack VR, your thought's so far

  1. #1
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    Default Omega Pack VR, your thought's so far

    I've just been playing with it today after I finally managed to finish downloading it [A powerboard failed and killed my Modem on Thursday night as well as a blown channel on my HT amp, and a driver on one of my main speakers]

    I haven't done any testing regarding VR V's None VR ie: lap times, but to me, all the tracks feel like they have be shorted when played in VR.
    I've always played with internal/cockpit view, unsurprisingly that's what I'm using in VR mode, so that's what my comparisons are based on.

    To me, it seems you find yourself at turns and other known sections of track quicker than you do in none VR mode, it's a strange difference, and not one that I was expecting.
    Also air braking seems much more responsive than none VR [I've yet to try adjusting air brake settings].
    What I think is occurring is that although not immediately obvious, is that the wider field of view that VR mode gives you, is actually setting the craft further ahead than than in none VR mode, even though it doesn't really appear that way visually.
    This is what's making the turns feeling like they are arriving quicker, and the braking to occur quicker and to be more powerful [causing over braking],basically needing quite a big adjustment with turning/braking points on the acute turns compared to none VR mode.

    Also TBH, to me, VR mode doesn't seem to show as much as a difference between the speed classes as none VR mode, well I'm not feeling that I'm traveling at Phantom speed when racing at that speed, anybody else finding this?

    Early days with this, but I see it's going to need a certain amount of "unlearning of tracks" to get to grips with VR mode after 10 years of playing it normally, and become as proficient.

  2. #2
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    The view does cause that slightly slower feeling for sure, but it still moves quick, just different. Have you ever played split screen wipeout? the vertical split in the games always caused the game to look slower, and you had to practice to get the braking right. Playing in horizontal mode caused it to look way faster and wasnt really playable. I think the ship is set forward more as well.

  3. #3
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    I just had another couple of laps in VR mode and I think it might be because the side walls of the track tend to loom up at you quicker, and seem larger when in VR mode, it's almost like your point of view has shrunken into the track somewhat, and also steering movement seems quite rough when using the D-Pad, I seem to be getting a lot more movement for the same input when using the D-Pad, and as I use R1 L1 as my air brake triggers [again Digital controls] I suspect that's why the braking seems so abrupt compared to normal mode.

    One thing is for sure, I find it a LOT easier to time and line up a turbo shortcut [Ubermall forward ] 9/10 hit rate in VR mode so far......BR's on the other hand, don't have the hit rate of normal I've found , quite a lot of failed BR's...why? I don't know

  4. #4


    I feel like it's a lot easier to lift the ship of the track somehow. I am sure people will get creative with that.

    I think the lower speed classes feel very slow. Rapier feels about right, but at Rapier and beyond corners an up very quickly somehow and it can feel chaotic.

    I have been wondering if the tracks were completely new to us and we had never played them before, would VR be easiest to fine the best line, or would flat mode give you a better overview? I do think VR allows you to fine tune things a lot though. I immediately smashed my zone scores.

    I'm really enjoying it. I don't have any major complaints (if I had to pick one for the sake of it, it might be the ship noise. Sounds like a milk float, never liked it, very in your face with 3D audio). I'm not sure how much I will ever go back to playing on a TV. It feels luxurious not having to lean forward to get the best view of everything. Can really sit back and enjoy.

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    On a lot of places on a lot of tracks, it seems easier to maneuver and line yourself up [once you come to grips with the perceived handling changes], but by the same token, when in cockpit view at least, some places on some tracks are a complete nightmare, and it is very very easy to get disorientated, Modesto tunnel section is the worse offended I've found so far, all that dark Blue everywhere [I still haven't raced all the tracks in VR mode], I suspect Subway might end up suffering with the same disorientation effect in some sections.

    It's a tunnel / lighting thing that causes it, well for me at least, when you are turning inside one on a hairpin like bend and have no view of a exit/heading, and things only worsen if you happen to suffer either hitting a side wall, getting bumped by another craft, hit with a weapon or run into a bomb/mine, it then becomes virtually impossible to have any idea where you should be turning/ heading, or even if you are facing in the right direction.

    If I change out of cockpit view this disorientation effect isn't as bad, but racing in VR in those other views makes me sick, so I'm sort of stuck with the problem.

  6. #6
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    Now that I played the regular mode right after VR, I find the vr to be faster, and normal mode to be sluggish on turns (and easier to play now). VR mode was way better than first person for hitting pads/staying off walls. My sickness is going away some which is great. lock to cockpit view or track feel similar and Im not sure which one I like better, one of them feels like it runs very slightly more choppy around turns. I wont play pilot as I never liked that anyway in first person view. I find that I dont like normal mode as much(even though for me its far easier) now after that immersion in VR. On a side note, I turned off vr and still had the VR setting for normal mode. It felt considerably different than normal mode. There was alao a strange bug that gave van uber a 10 speed when I unplugged it from vr while loading a track, but you could not choose it, or move it either

  7. #7
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    I just spent about a solid 4 hours playing online in VR, and I've worked out that I am most comfortable at Rapier, anything slower feels too slow - and I would like something between Rapier and Phantom.

    There are one or two tracks (Both directions on Moa Therma, not sure about anything else) where the game thinks it's being helpful by turning on pilot assist, changing the camera lock (if you were using pilot) and setting VR Helmet mode to Large, all of which make me want to scream. It's even worse in multiplayer because you only have time to address one of those things before the race starts. This really needs an override in the main menu, or an option to say "shut the hell up, I know what I'm doing" rather than the current state which is that the only button on the notification simply acknowledges that you have been advised of the change. The biggest irony here is that Moa Therma is one of the tracks where I find VR most useful (if it doesn't gimp it for me).

    At this point - this is how I play Wipeout now. I'm not going to bother going back and forth comparing because this is a lot of fun and I feel no need to go back to the regular mode any time soon.

    FWIW: First gen PS4 (bought on launch day) and first gen PSVR (there's now a version that supports HDR, mine is not that) and it runs great. If there's any choppiness anywhere I haven't noticed it. Though I did get the left eye flickering white in the menus just before the last tournament I played. I wouldn't be surprised if that was heat related.

  8. #8
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    VR is this level of immersion that every WipEout player probably ever dreamed of.
    I just love to look around at the track before the race starts. Despite their age, the detail is just amazing!

    And it's an assault on the senses. If they were to make a full-VR WipEout next, it probably would feel like playing the series for the first time.

  9. #9
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    Been enjoying the game a lot. Phantom feels great and all the other classes feel a bit too slow for my liking. I agree that the auto pilot assist being turned on is bloody annoying and they need to patch that out for those who don't need it.

    I have only played HD tracks so far since I'm not really a fan of 2048 unfortunately but I will give them a try later on. Overall my experience is fantastic and I would love a fully fleshed new game in VR with the option not to play in VR of course. Now I hope they don't go the 2048 route and more back to the HD side of things.

  10. #10
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    This is a true story and happened just 10 minutes ago. My young brother, who NEVER played a wipeout game b4, tried omega in VR and played 2048 zone mode Empire Climb. He didn't know the track nor the handling of the game, but managed a solid zone 87 on his first try. He's a PC guy, and don't play on console very often. Afterwards he really was amazed by the game and considers to get a PSVR for his PC now

    edit: I showcased omega VR to my 70+years old father, who never plays video games at all, and he was blown away by just standing in the starting grid
    Last edited by JFthebestJan; 1st April 2018 at 07:14 PM.

  11. #11
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    What camera mode are you all using? I felt too sick and had to cut my session short.

  12. #12
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    lock to track...................lock to cockpit is ok, but the cockpit doesnt tilt.
    headset settings vr-off
    field of view setting vr-on

    for some reason, lock to pilot, even when just sitting there and turning slowly makes me sick, even though I think for that it should almost feel like cockpit view except for BR, but it does not.

    lock to pilot
    headset settings vr-off
    field of view setting vr-on

    If you like outside the ship this feels pretty good, like playing in 3D mode with a huge ship in front/below you. I looks pretty awesome if you like seeing the ship
    Last edited by JABBERJAW; 6th April 2018 at 02:07 AM.

  13. #13
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    I find the internal lock to cockpit mode with headset settings off the most satisfying and enjoyable. Although lock to pilot mode seems like a true experience, for me it's way too disorienting, not all the time though, but during sharp turns when a ship tilts almost 90 degrees it's just hard to understand your position on a track. Maybe it's just a matter of practice. Anyway, kudos to the developers for implementing the fixed cockpit mode, I think it's the smartest solution for such a game as WipEout.

  14. #14
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    I feel like those turns get really blurry in pilot mode. It is hard to follow. As VR gets better, we will see perfect resolution and I bet that takes care of a lot of the motion sickness

  15. #15
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    I think lock to cockpit was a genius idea as it gives you a strong sense of presence while easing off the crazy tilts of a sharp turn. Kudos to the devs for going the extra mile to implement ships with a swivel cockpit. I was sceptical at first, but it really is the optimal solution

  16. #16
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    i play internal view locked to pilot, and all other 'gizmo' is set to 'off'. amazing ****, especially zone mode is porno. what did the trick for me, was to change from d-pad to stick. works wonders in VR. i immediately broke my PBs with my first try on 'metro park' and 'sol', 'empire climb' and 'altima' will be next.

  17. #17
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    sorry, I meant lock to track, the ship cockpit tilts with this making it a bit better,
    i though it was the other way around, unless my game is glitching. In this mode I was 2 tenths faster per lap easily as well. Ill change my settings n the thread

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by JFthebestJan View Post
    i play internal view locked to pilot, and all other 'gizmo' is set to 'off'. amazing ****, especially zone mode is porno. what did the trick for me, was to change from d-pad to stick. works wonders in VR. i immediately broke my PBs with my first try on 'metro park' and 'sol', 'empire climb' and 'altima' will be next.
    Omg, i thought it was just me! I feel like i have much better control over all than non vr. Lines are a little harder to maintain but I'm getting much better over all control i feel.

    Personally, i think they nailed the adjustments too. I was worried at first it would put vr players at a disadvantage like was the case with the vita crossplay, but i feel like i can race in vr just as well as with out.

  19. #19
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    Once you get to grips with it, I feel that VR actually gives you an advantage. Yesterday I wanted to find out how I compare against my non-VR self and did speed laps on my favorite and best track, Subway. After 3 laps I beat my previous record. So that pretty much says it all.
    There are some bits though which I feel are harder in VR, like the shortcut on Sol, which is hard to hit in VR because you can‘t see the track below you once you are airborne.

  20. #20
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    I am not yet familiar with the 2048 tracks, and spent some time tonight playing multiplayer.
    it's amusing to me that subway is your favourite - it's the first track in the game that's had me yelling obscenities... the number of times I ploughed straight into the signs that indicate a fork in the track...

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