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Thread: Online dying

  1. #1
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    Default Online dying

    in less than a month theres barely anyone playing anymore, at the moment there is only one lobby in the EU region, and that is the only region that has people playing.

    how come only a very few plays the online? is it because of plus? or is it because people don't care anymore?
    Last edited by Racingfan; 6th July 2017 at 10:58 AM.

  2. #2
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    Maybe Im just on at the right times, but there has never been a day when I havnt seen at least 5 - 6 lobbies. Even right now.

    Need to remember not everyone is as dedicated to the series as people on this forum, which is a real shame. And Im sure online will be more hectic at certain times of the day and over the weekend. I think it just depends on when you go on. Either that or people are attempting the Campaigns etc. Also, games like Crash have come out recently, so people might be playing other things.

  3. #3
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    Basically those that have played Wipeout before have already played to death the titles in the Omega Pack.....simple....nothing NEW, basically NO Interest.
    We already know the NONE event of SONY USA promoting the game.

    I'm suffering bad headaches from my skull fracture from several months ago, so I really can't play anything that has fast graphics, and I don't think I've even fired up my PS4 for nearly a week or more.

    Sad, but true....lack of promotion, Summertime in Europe [who want's to be inside when the weather is fine?]....Tour De France...Wimbledon....all happening at the same time.

    Give it a couple of weeks, see what happens

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackwiggle View Post
    I'm suffering bad headaches from my skull fracture from several months ago, so I really can't play anything that has fast graphics, and I don't think I've even fired up my PS4 for nearly a week or more.
    I remember you from PS3. Get well. That sounds like a rough condition to deal with. Hope it's healing well.

    When it comes to online Play...
    I haven't really noticed a lack of lobbies except late at night. I'm in the Mid-west US and don't usually see many EU lobbies after about 9-10pm my time. I know it's because most people are sleeping in the EU region. But even then I don't see many US lobbies around the same time. There might be a couple of Flash lobbies but that's about it. It'd be cool if more US players had the game (and were somewhat good at it). Also yesterday was a holiday so there might have been less people in the US on than normal. I barely played yesterday because of the holiday.

    If I play earlier in the evening (4-8pm my time) there are usually a lot of EU lobbies and some US lobbies. On the weekends there seem to be a lot of people on for me throughout the day and more people on than normal going into the later hours.

  5. #5
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    I can only speak for myself, but last time i played WO all I did was play multiplayer. It's been nice change for me personally playing other game modes.

    I've never looked, but it does it say anywhere how many people are online? Not neccessarily playing multiplayer?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by OBH View Post
    I've never looked, but it does it say anywhere how many people are online? Not neccessarily playing multiplayer?
    There isn't anything that shows this in the game (that I'm aware of). It'd be cool if there was though.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackReign View Post
    When it comes to online Play...
    I haven't really noticed a lack of lobbies except late at night. I'm in the Mid-west US and don't usually see many EU lobbies after about 9-10pm my time. I know it's because most people are sleeping in the EU region. But even then I don't see many US lobbies around the same time. There might be a couple of Flash lobbies but that's about it. It'd be cool if more US players had the game (and were somewhat good at it). Also yesterday was a holiday so there might have been less people in the US on than normal. I barely played yesterday because of the holiday.
    Same time zone. BAM! Noticed the same thing about the online peaks. I did take the weekend off to platinum some older games. I spent some time doing SL and TT some, but not much online play. I notice you on a lot too around the same times though usually. KronicReaper and FullMoctlCam also typically race some during the same times (I think they are both Eastern time) and are both pretty good (but out of practice a little from HD days). Add me if you want some good competition: mannjon

    I think some of the lack of online play deals with the collective "us" that have all played before. New pilots probably got turned away from it at launch because of all the good pilots everywhere. If I do find a lobby, I usually empty it after a few races. One thing that would seriously help, is to be able to add friends from the "players met" list, which has already been pointed out. Finding people that are at your skill level is crucial to staying interested, and you can't do that as easily without being able to easily add pilots around your skill. I reach out when I can, but I've noticed that I don't get many friend requests answered. In HD it was easy.

    I also think that a lot of pilots still play HD on the PS3. Ever look at how many casuals are currently reading the boards for each game? IT typically looks like this:

    Omega collection (7 viewing)
    2048 (10 viewing)
    HD (54 viewing)

    This leads me to believe that a lot of people just simply don't have it on the PS4. We might see a surge if prices on the hardware come down to sub 200.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackwiggle View Post
    I'm suffering bad headaches from my skull fracture from several months ago, so I really can't play anything that has fast graphics, and I don't think I've even fired up my PS4 for nearly a week or more.
    Jeeze, I had no idea. I'm really sorry to hear that, man.

  9. #9
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    Had my first few games online last night. Didn't recognise a single player. Won by over 30 seconds, and someone thought it was funny to go backwards on the last lap.

    Not the most thrilling of races I've had to pleasure to be involved in

  10. #10
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    I imagine PS+ also being a reason, yes. Especially for those who still own a PS3 and WOHD, there’s really no great incentive to „upgrade“ to PS4 for WOHD alone. PS3 online play still doesn’t cost anything after all. With WOOC being another re-release there’s probably also a big discrepancy in skill levels: Veteran players know the tracks in and out and new players are easily put off by losing every race by a massive distance – which is somewhat understandable. Last time I played WOHD (PS3) I was so far behind I lost every race and I was playing that game for quite some time in the past.

    For the casual player WO is just a though game to master, especially online. That being said, I don’t know how good or bad the situation is right now as I did not play WOOC online yet – my PS+ order just shipped today. See you on the track someday

  11. #11
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    One thing I have noticed is that the people that jumped ship from HD on the PS3 is that they are regular racers. There are far too few, but I can pretty much count on racing with the same 4 people at least once a night.

    Still though I think PS+ is ruining a lot of online games. I don't know how much additional money Sony thinks is worth losing out on customers. Of course now even nintendo has pay to play.
    Last edited by mannjon; 6th July 2017 at 01:12 PM. Reason: My phone is a piece of $h!+

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by mannjon View Post
    Same time zone. BAM! Noticed the same thing about the online peaks. I did take the weekend off to platinum some older games. I spent some time doing SL and TT some, but not much online play. I notice you on a lot too around the same times though usually. KronicReaper and FullMoctlCam also typically race some during the same times (I think they are both Eastern time) and are both pretty good (but out of practice a little from HD days). Add me if you want some good competition: mannjon

    I think some of the lack of online play deals with the collective "us" that have all played before. New pilots probably got turned away from it at launch because of all the good pilots everywhere. If I do find a lobby, I usually empty it after a few races. One thing that would seriously help, is to be able to add friends from the "players met" list, which has already been pointed out. Finding people that are at your skill level is crucial to staying interested, and you can't do that as easily without being able to easily add pilots around your skill. I reach out when I can, but I've noticed that I don't get many friend requests answered. In HD it was easy.

    I also think that a lot of pilots still play HD on the PS3. Ever look at how many casuals are currently reading the boards for each game? IT typically looks like this:

    Omega collection (7 viewing)
    2048 (10 viewing)
    HD (54 viewing)

    This leads me to believe that a lot of people just simply don't have it on the PS4. We might see a surge if prices on the hardware come down to sub 200.
    Hey there. I've played with you a couple of times. I'll add you. I played with KronicReaper and FullMoctlCam a few times in Omega too but they tend to not stick around long. I'm noticing in US lobbies at least, there's a bit of an aversion toward Rapier and Phantom and A/A+ in 2048. I prefer playing on these speeds but I've been hard pressed to find players in the US good enough to play higher than Flash late at night. Most of the time players come in do a couple of races with lots of self destructs and then leave. Contender Eliminated! lol. Last night was a bit different though. I stayed up late (later than I should have) and got an 8 player Rapier lobby for a good while. A few left but came back quickly because it was the only US lobby going at the time. It was a good hour to 90 min. Good stuff overall.

    I love this game to death (if you could love a game). If there were some way to inject WipE'Out into my bloodstream I'd probably do it. lol. When HD came out in 2008 I was living in Japan and I guess the time difference favored the EU so I was able to play with a lot of really good players I recognize here and on PS3. I've been sending invites to good players I come across recently.

    I didn't notice how many people are still viewing the older forums on here. Hopefully, more players will give in and upgrade to Omega. I've also noticed a reasonably following for WipE'Out on Reddit but not quite as robust as here.

  13. #13
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    Reddit pilots race on novice. Can't hang with us.

    I'll practice up on phantom for ya. I'm only getting like top 100 times for speed laps and stuff so I'm definitely out of practice.

    Rapier is pretty easy though. I personally prefer acrobatics over speed, but there aren't too many pilots like me around so finding decent matches in venom and flash doesn't happen often. Though I did get smacked around pretty hard with Booney a few days ago. Ouch. I'm not used to being behind 6 seconds on venom.
    Last edited by mannjon; 6th July 2017 at 04:38 PM.

  14. #14
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    Drop me an add mannjon, have always preferred the technical to speed also. Happy to race when your around!

  15. #15
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    More often than not you get a screen full of games on the EU servers, sometimes you can't see all the races so remember and use the filters just yesterday I used it and found 4 Rapier lobbies and 1 Phantom that were not on the main screen, is there a scroll I'm missing?

  16. #16
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    From playing online on and off most of the last week, i've seen pretty much full screens of lobbies around early afternoon times in the EU server, for a good few hours, and one or two in US, makes me wonder if some people miss that you can change location too.

    People don't like waiting for games to fill up either and quit out which sucks, when if you wait one or two minutes, usually people will join.

    I've beat the campaigns and stuff, but still drop in online every now and then, trying to support the game

  17. #17
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    Has anyone seen any JPN or AS servers at all? Ever?

  18. #18
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    I saw one solitary person trying to get a somebody to join them once on the Asia server [it could of been somebody testing it for all I know], but that was in the first week of release, I've never ever seen anybody on the Japanese server, or the Asia server since that one time, and I'm in basically the same timezone as they both are.

    I still have a few Japanese Wipeout pilots on my friends list from the HD world Cup, none of them have the Omega pack, which sort of speaks for itself really.
    Desingner79 [he's Swiss but was/is based in China for work], and used to race with us Aussies in the HD days, but he has yet to get a PS4.
    Apparently the Chinese government vet's everything coming in and going out internet wise, so those filters can make online play very hard, if not impossible

  19. #19
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    As much as I love WipEout, like mentioned above the lack of any new content has just depleted my interest.

    I still occasionally join races but I have no inclination to get as deep into it as I once was. It's sad but Omega Collection feels like neat fan-service but nothing else since we'll probably never get another game.

  20. #20
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    I guess this is A main reason why the online is almost dead in wipeout omega collection

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