You are not totally wrong...

Truth is, I even would like some things to go back as they were...

No more barrel rolls and no more side shift. I actually enjoy them, but at the same time I don't. It's strange. Don't Know how to explain it.

And I think it does make the game even harder for new ones. Before all we had to do was to learn the tracks and master the ships.

There were actually nothing else to do (and it was already hard !)

Now there is the side shift to master and the barrel rolls. I am a veteran player in wipeout, I'm far from being the best but I have some pretty good skills.

So I learn a track and when I'm good enough on it I go online... God when I see players with godlike skills like Feisar_2097, roll barreling everywhere, on parts of the tracks I did not even know it was possible, and, thanks to the boost if offers, then skipping entire part of the track it is just... Not fun, but it is also non fun to watch. There is a track, I think we should stay on it and not being able to take short cuts.

About shortcuts, there have always been different routes in Wipeout, but in 2048 it is just too much I think.

So yes, I think for some things Wipeout should go backwards but for other things it should brings some new stuff, as I said I'm a previous post.

And btw, an arena for eliminator mode would be awesome.

I even thought it could become a new sport in the wipeout lore.

And in game we could have 2 careers:

A career for a racing pilot, and another for a combat pilot.

And it could be a team sport like rugby or football: 2 teams of 10 ships each fighting in a huge arena. And season would work like the football world cup with semi finals, final etc.

And the last thing I imagined: Why not in a zero gravity environment? We would pilot our ships more like planes than cars. And we could have some epic dogfights ahah.

But well this is just an idea ^^