Well I'm glad they sorted the Campaign out a bit.
Now you can choose a different chassis other than Vixen to upgrade, which should make Mannahatta and Trans Atol easier, although why they chose to have the two most technical tracks only being able to be opened at the two fastest speed classes in the first place didn't make sense, oh well, at least people can now open up tracks by winning prize money.

It will be interesting to see what happens when this game gets ported to the PS4, because at the Elite speed, both Manahatta and Trans Atol are far too twisting and turning for that speed class, I would liken it to trying to drive around Sebenco climb at Zone Subsonic speed from the start of the race.....then you have the Boost on top of that, and it's ridiculously fast.

I doubt people are going to be able to race each other competitively at these speeds on these tracks, at the moment at least, I think it would be more suited to those Wipeout players that like Zone mode and would want to go for the fastest time trial time, that will be challenging enough

As for actual craft modifications, I think there either needs to be a wider range available, with a bigger difference between them, or that the mods themselves can be tweaked between a certain range once fitted.
Otherwise I can see that people are going to pretty much all end up using the same mods on all craft with the current race types, as certain combos are just so much better than others on specific tracks, and some mods don't seem to make much, if any difference at all, well none that I have noticed [I'm talking about the AG mods ], I suppose if some of the tracks that we tested around a year ago were to be fully rendered, then they would, as you might find yourself flying off the track all the time otherwise.
As it is at the moment with the Analog controls not working, it's pretty much impossible to win certain race types without have the 'Assisted Handling' mod engaged, this especially true at Elite speed, you would be constantly blowing yourself up from hitting the side walls.

Interesting times ahead.