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Thread: INTRODUCTIONS - New pilots start here

  1. #381


    Hi everyone,

    I am actually a game developer currently working on an Anti-gravity racer. No it's not a new Wipeout, however Wipeout is a big inspiration for the project. I would love to tell you guys all about the project but this is not the place to do it.

    Kind regards,


  2. #382
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    PSN ID


    Hey all!

    I created an account here months ago, but I've never actually posted. With Omega Collection just around the corner, I thought now might be a good time to change that.

    I have plenty of experience with the WipEout series in general (The only two games I have yet to play are 64 and 2097), and I'm a huge fan of the series, in particular Pulse and HD/Fury.
    Unfortunately, I didn't own HD/Fury back when online was active, but I'll have PS+ up and running as soon as I've completed Omega's campaign, and I'm looking forward to see you guys on the track!

  3. #383
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Hi, welcome.

    What’s with the nickname?

  4. #384
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    PSN ID


    It was just a dumb nickname i came up with while I was bored one day lol.

    I've since switched to "Mann SOI" on most platforms

  5. #385
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    GMT + 10
    PSN ID


    Hi everyone, I've been a member for years but haven't ever engaged in any personal capacity. I'm Clancy, early 20s living in Aus and studying communications & media; first WipEout was Pure and it was love at first sight with that amazing box-art Super pumped to get back into the community when OC releases.

  6. #386
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    GMT -5


    Hello. I've been aware of this site and community for years but have never taken an active role in the forums. I've only recently created an account, so I ask that you forgive me for my lack of familiarity with any of the users. I am, of course, familiar with Hellfire_WZ's contributions, which are many. Wipeout has honestly been an interest of mine which I've rarely shared; interest in the series is lacking in my area, and I'm fairly kept to myself in regards to certain passions.

    That said, I've been a fan of the series since '95. I remember going over preview material in a number of gaming magazines for the PS1's launch lineup and being very anxious to get my hands on Wipeout. I was happy to find that the game exceeded my expectations. I've not ceased loving the series since.

  7. #387
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Welcome, you two.

    Cool to have some fresh blood, even if it’s not so fresh anymore if like many of us you started playing WipEout when it first came out

    Cheapether, I like your attitude.

  8. #388
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Italy - Rome
    PSN ID


    Many new entries Welcome on board

  9. #389
    Join Date
    May 2017
    New Jersey
    GMT -5
    PSN ID


    Hey all. I had been lurking around here as a guest for a few months and I figured it was time I joined.

    My first exposure to Wipeout was HD back in 2011, which I got for free (along with Super Stardust HD) as a result of that 2011 PSN hack. Loved the crap out of that game though I never bothered to go back and play the previous entries in the series. It wasn't until this year when I discovered BallisticNG on Steam that I went out and bought the 3 PS1 era titles from an awesome classic gaming store, and boy do I love the ever-loving hell out of them. Wipeout 3's probably my favorite overall, especially for its graphic design, a field which I had been studying in college (graduating real soon ).

    I still need to catch up with 64, Fusion through Pulse and 2048, the latter of which I've had a taste of on the Vita but will fully explore on the Omega Collection. I still don't have a PS4 unfortunately but I'd love to get one by the end of the year. And I'm probably still gonna buy it right away even without a PS4, just to support this awesome franchise.

    Anyways, that's my Wipeout story.

  10. #390
    Join Date
    Jun 2017


    Hi at all!

    im not new to Wipeout, but a new member here and soon a owner of the Wipeout Omega Collection(tomorrow to be correct).
    Cant wait to fly some races against you guys. Is here a thread, where you guys always disguas the races?

    Also are here some mebers, who arent that pro like AG_clipper and Hellfire ect....Because im mastering the phantom class pretty well. But not on the level you guys do. I have little falts here and there(for example chengue project hairpin corner.....) and i have no chance at all against these pilots.

    Also i dont master the tracks backwards. Need a lot of practice.

    Cheers Pilots

  11. #391
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    GMT + 2
    PSN ID


    Hey everyone, I'm Juho (great Finnish name, bet you can't pronounce it). Been a fan of racing games, sometime ago got interested about WipEout, tried the very first PS1 game on the Vita, then the 2048 Demo, watched a lot of Hellfire_WZ, now the new game came out and got HD/Fury and 2048 in one package! Also interested in getting the earlier games at some point.
    Well, since one of my other main interests is anime and Japan (filthy weeb) I main AG-Systems, although I do plan on getting full affinity with all different teams.

    Favorite tracks I'd say would be Capital Reach in 2048 and Sol 2 in HD (although in the latter I'm prone to getting pooped on).

    Looking forward to seeing you guys online or in a possible tournament!

  12. #392
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    GMT + 1
    PSN ID


    Hi everyone i'm Michele, fan of wipeout since pure. I love the omega collection (already got the platinum) and I hope to find someone to play with here

  13. #393


    Hi all,

    The name's Mathieu (call me Matthew if thats too weird) and ive been playing Wipeout since ps3.
    I mainly started this game to collect the trophies but i got in love with the amazing challenge of the game.

    I joined these forums in the hope that i could add some of you as friends on psn to race together, and also challenge myself with your ridiculous records in timetrial/speedlap.
    That last part is based on some of the vids ive seen of you guys.

    Hope to see some of you online in the near future

  14. #394
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    GMT + 1


    Hi guys,

    my name is alex, I'm italian and I love WipEout.

    My first game of the series was wipEout 2097, followed by Wip3out and WipEout Pulse. When WipEout HD hit the ps3, I bought the console immediately to play it. Platinum trophy was obligatory and for some reason I achieved it the same day I got my driving license xD
    Now I'm playing Omega Collection, firstly 'cause I didn t play wipEout 2048, but also because...I mean, it's wipEout, have to buy it, you know... platinum is on his way in few days.

    My favourite teams are FEISAR and AG-Systems. Love these ships! <3

    I joined this forum to learn more about this beautiful series and share this passion with other people. See you on the racetrack pilots

  15. #395
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Brisbane, Australia
    GMT + 10


    Hi everyone, I'm David posting from Australia

    I bought an original Playstation on launch because of Wipeout! (mostly Also played 2097 on release & competed in the Club tour/tournaments.

    2017-07-23 23.28.15.jpg

    Played a bit of 3SE but then had ~20 year retirement from racing & gaming to concentrate on DJing, Event Promotion & Touring Artists in my spare time.

    Now returning to gaming & re-introducing myself via those PSOne titles on PS3 (via original PS discs) before tackling HD/Fury & the other installments on Vita. Getting proficient with the d-pad driving technique again, and missing my NeGCon for the same reason!
    Last edited by Shards; 23rd July 2017 at 02:07 PM.

  16. #396
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toulouse, France


    I like the photo with both sides of the T-shirt visible in one pic. Where did you get that? (I mean the T-Shirt, of course)

    There are a few players around here who swear only by the NeGcon. When you say you miss it, that means you don’t have it anymore?

    And Welcome to WipEoutZone :)

  17. #397
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Brisbane, Australia
    GMT + 10


    Thanks! The T-Shirt was a finalist prize from the 2097 club tour & tournament in 1997

    I parted from my NeGCon & PSOne console downsizing & moving house 5 years ago now, and while I could order a replacement it won't work unmodified with the PS3. Certainly my preference of controller for Wipeout & PSOne Racing games generally- their use were excluded from those tournament competitions I attended 20 years ago, as it was considered too much of an advantage
    Last edited by Shards; 1st August 2017 at 09:11 AM.

  18. #398
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    GMT + 1


    Hello everyone!
    I'm Nopy. As a kid, I played Wipeout 1 and 2097 a little bit, but it was with the PSP-games that I really got into it.
    I would say that I'm mostly here on the forum in the role of a developer, rather than a very skilled Wipeout player. I really love the graphical style of the games, and the technology. I've even tinkered with PsyQ (development kit for PS1) to learn more about the tech. I really love game, physics and graphics programming as well as 3D and 2D art. Oh and music. So yeah. Basically, I'm like everyone else.

  19. #399
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    GMT + 1
    PSN ID


    Welcome Nopy and enjoy your stay! The forum is currently not very active but i'm sure you'd still get a reply in any of the threads.

  20. #400
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    GMT + 1


    Hi. Heard of this forum in a WipEout related thread I made at an imageboard I frequent and decided it would be a neat idea to join it. So now I'm here. I'm a Spaniard, so please forgive any typos. Also, looking forward to hear about any fellow Spaniard that plays WipEout. The WipEout scene in my country is sadly dead as heck, but I have faith something could be done about it.

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