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Thread: WipeOut Pure is better than WipeOut Pulse

  1. #121
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    leungbok - BADTEST


    Pure has timetrial online !

  2. #122
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    Pure beats Pulse’s art direction. Pure is exactly what it says in the name: Pure. I mean: look at the intro and you know what I’m talking about. That is WipEout Pure.

    Also the environment design seems a lot less distracting compared to Pulse’s. Technically, Pulse is superior to Pure, but it adds so many details and neon lights, it’s sometimes complicated to focus on the track. Especially because some are too dark, too. That’s not really a problem for a home console game, but with the PSP and it’s glossy display, it is. In addition, too many details can look pixelated on the small PSP screen.
    Also, the Magstrips do not work as well as you would think on some tracks. „Basilico“ for example has far to many Magstrip-parts and you have to adjust your ship on every new steep turn to avoid crashing into walls. WOHD’s selection of Magstrip-tracks is fine, but Pulse has some Magstrips where they seem like cheap gimmicks. Pure shows that good track designs do not need Magstrips – and Pure has plenty of good tracks.

    The ship designs are polished WOPure models, so that’s okay with me. You have plenty of Skins to choose from and even prototype models. Some of those look pretty awesome. You have online modes, Eliminator and plenty of tracks to race, plus you can make your own leagues and some things are simply a tad better.

    But: The whole menu design is a huge step backwards (in my optinion, that is). The whole hexagon theme does not fit. Those color gradients and stuff. Thankfully they did everything right with WOHD. I know it’s only the menu design, but it reflects the whole game for me somehow.

    And: Pure’s handling is a lot smoother to me. In Pulse I see me bumping over the track, from left to right and up and down. Pure simply flows over the track and feels right. Leagues are predefined – that’s a huge downer for multiplayer – but the handling does make up for that.

    I have just recently rediscovered my love for WipEout Pure and I’m really enjoying it. I just started a new profile and it’s a lot of fun.
    And then, maybe, I have a stronger connection to Pure, as it brought WipEout back to life and – retrospective – it was my reason to have a PSP. I spend so many hours with it, also online via Xlink, and it was the game of the first WipEout Convention back in 2007. So many memories. I just do not have that connection to Pulse.

    That being said, Pulse is still a damn good game.
    Last edited by Sausehuhn; 1st May 2011 at 10:23 AM.

  3. #123
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    Not being able to put on my own music (pls correct me if there's a way to do it) kills pure for me

  4. #124
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    When I had pure I had no idea what I was doing (because it was typical me)So I sold it.Just wish I hadn't.Still have pulse so I think what looks like pure is better than pulse.

  5. #125
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    I'm neutral, but not having Harimau or Auricom in Pulse sucked for me. Pure, the annoying thing is no eliminator. Sucky
    Pure 9/10
    Pulse 8.9/10

  6. #126
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    I hate such discusions.
    I love wipEout games and sometimes I like PurE, sometimes PulsE, heck Fusion is nice sometimes to and here and then I still like the original.

  7. #127


    Pure is definitely the purest for the purists as it takes everything that was amazing about the entire series, distils it and places it in your pocket. Pulse on the other hand, whilst good feels that it takes a couple of steps forward and a couple back at the same time.

    If Pulse had came out first and then Pure people would have said "Now thats an excellent progression and evolution of an already good game" but as it stands it wasn't fully up to the impossibly high standards set by the first title.

    Also the simplicity of the first one and its sparseness compared to the overly busy vibe of the second one was a minus point for me. The Vita version took this entire aesthetic and turned it up to 11, simultaneously ruining what could have been a potentially amazing game as I have many times before complained.

  8. #128
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    pulse is the way better game in my opinion, pure is just an incomplete prototype style game. non working BRs and shitty framerates, even on psvita. pulse on the other hand plays like a charm, and is absolutely beautiful on pstv

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by JFthebestJan View Post
    pure is just an incomplete prototype style game.
    why do you think that? 8 tracks? didn't WipEout, WipEout 2097/XL, and Wip3out (non SE) only have 8 tracks as well? does that make them prototypes too? no of course not. yes standards have changed over the years and gamers generally expect more content these days but one thing i always appreciated about WipEout is quality over quantity. the 12 tracks in Pulse just weren't as great overall compared to the 8 main tracks in Pure. in all fairness Pulse has some great tracks (Moa Therma, Tech De Ra, and Platinum Rush) but honestly the rest are merely good and there are a few mediocre ones (De Konstruct and Outpost 7 ). on the flip side its really hard to find a track in Pure that isn't pretty fricken awesome, in physical design and visual design, though the classic tracks were disappointing.

    Quote Originally Posted by JFthebestJan View Post
    non working BRs
    yea its annoying but you learn to work around it and its certainly not a huge issue. you just have to account for the extra time it takes after the animation completes before the speed boost is given. if you know you don't have enough time, simply don't perform one. afaik BRs weren't even advertised in Pure. i'm sure thousands of people played it without even knowing they could do one.

    Quote Originally Posted by JFthebestJan View Post
    and shitty framerates, even on psvita.
    the frame rate really wasn't much better in Pulse, at least on the default 222 MHz. it was more consistent though and actually ran above 30 FPS in TT and Zone which was nice. regardless you can run Pure through emulation with an FPS fix so it runs at a perfect 60 FPS in HD.

    Last edited by applepiejr; 21st July 2016 at 05:26 AM.

  10. #130
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    Moa Therma better than De Konstruct and Outpost 7?

  11. #131
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    Moa Therma has great flow, effective use of mag strips, and great visual design. i'm sure the developers felt the same way which is why it was remade for WipEout HD.

    i imagine your reasoning for preferring De Konstruct or Outpost 7 over Moa Therma would be because they are harder. but a hard track does not mean a good track. and an easy track does not mean a bad track. You can have technical circuits that are very well designed (Platinum Rush). Outpost 7 was not well designed.

    De Konstruct was a cluttered mess and Outpost 7 was hard for the sake of hard with bad flow, a bridge section that isn't worth going on (making it pointless), and somewhat weak visual design. and i'm sure a poll from the community would agree those were the worst tracks in Pulse. i mean seriously it made me question if the developers ever played Outpost 7 on Phantom with Triakis or Piranha. it's painful to play on with those vehicles, even as a veteran who memorized the layout.
    Last edited by applepiejr; 22nd July 2016 at 12:58 AM.

  12. #132
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    Outpost Black and White, totally loved those tracks, but mine average score on both sides are 1.52.xx with Feiser ship! Got to admit, l used to play TT religiously over 5000 laps. Pretty normal to me lol


  13. #133
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    an easy track does not mean a bad track
    Yes it does.

  14. #134
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    care to elaborate?

  15. #135
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    Easy tracks are useful for learning the ropes, but after that, they're basically boring. I like tracks that punish mistakes, because it's more of a challenge in itself, and also because it allows expert players to pull ahead, which is how it should be. And I enjoy trying to work out a nice flowing line through a tricky track. The tracks you're bashing do have a good flow if you know what you're doing and are accurate enough.

    edit: Actually, I will say this for easy tracks - in Zone mode, they allow you to reach ridiculous speeds, which is a whole different kind of challenge!
    Last edited by MrSmadSmartAlex; 22nd July 2016 at 08:16 PM.

  16. #136
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    Just to let you know, Colin Berry the Lead Designer for Pure, Pulse and WipeoutHD wrote way back in 2007

    "Tracks... its odd how people see things different. The designers of the tracks (Karl and I) both see Outpost 7 at the one we are the most disappointed with, yet some people really like it. Personally I think Tech De Ra is the best Wipeout track of any iteration, including the numerous tracks created and scrapped over the years. Its up there with ghost valley 1 ini snes mario kart as a track that is a joy to race over and over, for me anyway.
    To call them randomly generated.... well thats just not true and its a bit dismissive to the time effort and dedication that went into them over the past 18months. Criticism is fine, it how we improve areas and indeed I would say the areas I'd change would be to add a few more jumps in general and also I would undo the decison to have a black / white for every track, some work very well, a couple dont. I do know though that a lot of time effort and care went into the track and environment generation, its an area I particularly value highly. I think it is a strong line up of tracks though there could probably have been an extra harder track in there, it should have been outpost 7 but its a little frustrating, but I have 100% faith in the track building process and the ability to come up with tracks of our designers, indeed I know we have the best people for the job. Looking back throughout each Wipeout, all of them have had tracks that some people disliked and some loved, its the nature of the beast, being unable to please all.

    None of the tracks share bends, they are all designed individually and whilst some bends may end up similar, none share the same data at all. they are all constructed afresh (aside of course white / black versions of same environment)"

    Original link


  17. #137
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    sounds like any track that throws enough obstacles at you is considered good in your eyes. is there any hard track you don't like?
    like i said objectively speaking hard or easy in itself has no correlation with what makes a track good or bad, expect for extreme cases (which does not apply for any track in WipEout Pulse).

    don't misinterpret my statements. Outpost 7 is not a bad track, but it is mediocre in design. its an okay track, but i expected better from WipEout.

    hard tracks are the hardest to get right from a design perspective.

    and good flow would be a track that gives you visual cues. a track that blends visual design with the physical attributes which results in cohesive design. not Outpost 7.

    as for De Konstruct its mostly the visuals that hurt it more than anything else. and the split on the Black run though a nice idea was not done well.

    yes, i know, i read it myself along with every other post from that thread

    of course you cannot please everybody, but you can try to please as many people as possible. and i guarantee Outpost 7 displeases far more people than it pleases. someone somewhere will always like something, that doesn't make it good.
    Last edited by applepiejr; 23rd July 2016 at 02:04 AM.

  18. #138
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    Not at all. Not all obstacles are equal, and there's such a thing as too much. Yeah, I don't like Platinum Rush very much. Its particular challenges aren't fun to me, and there's not really any smooth line through it if you want to set competitive times. I'm not too keen on Orcus Black or Vostok Reef Black either, which are both pretty tricky tracks from the DLC packs. And of course a few from the other games.

    We're not speaking objectively though. We're discussing opinions. Only tracks that have serious glitches (such as respawn points within the track limits) would be objectively bad, and there isn't really stuff like that in Pulse (only when you push it too far trying to cut corners! ).

    and good flow would be a track that gives you visual cues. a track that blends visual design with the physical attributes which results in cohesive design. not Outpost 7.
    as for De Konstruct its mostly the visuals that hurt it more than anything else. and the split on the Black run though a nice idea was not done well.
    This is incredibly vague...

  19. #139
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    only tracks that have serious glitches would be objectively bad? no thats not true at all.

    what is the purpose of the bridge in Outpost 7? its supposed to be a shortcut but you don't really save time on it, do you? i find on anything but Venom its not worth going on.

    vague? i didn't think i needed to be descriptive for something obvious. De Konstruct is a mess visually speaking. there is junk all over the background, which makes navigating the track confusing. and ultimately feels claustrophobic. it has good ideas, looking at other racers above you was obviously the main intent of the track, but the rest of it is cluttered junk visually speaking.

    and the split on the Black run. really, you can't think of a better application of a mag strip split? there are so many more creative ways. and thats a fundamental problem i have with some of the tracks. they lack creativity.
    Last edited by applepiejr; 23rd July 2016 at 06:41 AM.

  20. #140
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    I like the harder tracks better as well, too many straights don't allow for many mistakes. It looks like the emulation is allowing some barrel rolls that would not have worked on the psp with the other ships onscreen.

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