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Thread: korodera...i hate you

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2012
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    Quote Originally Posted by lunar View Post
    Korodera is hard, but perfectly designed and the most satisfying to conquer, for me, but you have to respect it at all times! imo it`s the toughest track in the original game. Although I think the toughest corner in the whole original game is the last left turn on Altima, followed closely by the Terramax tunnel of doom. Looking forward to the rest of the videos FrostE And there are going to be some brutal F3600 battles at the NA Championship for sure.

    Edit: Saw the video, nice Korodera racing too! If that`s the PSN version it`s different to the one we have in Euroland. I suppose yours is based on NTSC version and ours on PAL, which makes sense I guess. You can tell by the shape of the weapon icons which are elliptical on NTSC and circular on PAL.
    I thought the elliptical weapon icons was just a messed up aspect ratio. But yes, the PSN version [that I downloaded] is the American Version. I know because I have it, and it is missing half of the songs Ami Nakajima mentioned.
    Last edited by Amaroq Dricaldari; 20th April 2013 at 04:42 PM.

  2. #22
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    I might be the weirdo here because I love Korodera, it's never really bothered me too much. As long as I push the nose down before the jump on Rapier class I'm usually fine. I suppose that corner with the double speedpad on the outside screws me over now and then. Silverstream wasn't too hard either because I knew about the left routes . But I have a bloody vendetta against Firestar. Mostly I get to it with 1st place on every track in the tournament and usually finish 4th and all my efforts in the previous tracks are fruitless. It's that first bit.taking he first right had more speed pads but they love shoving me into the wall on exit. I would love it if there was a clear line into the next corner, but there isn't. Then the right route is too slow and I fall behind.

    Terramax isn't too bad but the AI love to lauch missiles as I am about to fly over the jumps, then I don't make it and have to wait for the ship to slowly put me back on the track...and into last place.

  3. #23
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    *shows annoyance at your display of distaste towards Firestar*
    ...they just keep on coming, and coming and coming until they get back what you took...
    ...two by two... hands, blue...

  4. #24
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    Look on the bright side ScottishN3ko - if they do consider you a weirdo, you're not the only one! I also was able to adapt to Korodera very rapidly and consider it a fun (yet always challenging) track. I also have trouble with the right path at the start of Firestar, but if I can nail the rest of the course, I can take the left route and still win, just not very comfortably! I got my first WipEout win on Terramax, although I still hate the tunnel of death and the corner before the jump that follows. Otherwise, Silverstream and Firestar are just a matter of learning the courses and figuring out how to execute them, in my opinion.



  5. #25
    Join Date
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    I hate both Korodera and Silverstream. Mostly on rapier class

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