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Thread: Weapons and Tracks

  1. #161
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    *thorws a brick at mid* ya boo it was boring and rubbishy looking, 2097 look was the best one in my opinion, I was also a fan of those cool class logos

  2. #162
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    Asayyeah -OFW-


    Quote Originally Posted by "Assegai Developments
    2097 look was the best one in my opinion, I was also a fan of those cool class logos
    Totally agree with that, some details like the yellow powder expanding from pipes in Talon's Reach or those flash of lightning from Spylskinanke, the darkness of Gare d'Europa... i really love that kind of atmosphere...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mobius
    Does anyone play a fast racing class then get impatient when they play a slower class after beause it feels too slow?
    Oh YES , one big reason i can't stand anymore vector or venom class just feel toooo sloooow, i hope like Colin said Flash will be the start of real speed.
    I can't wait phantom and try to FLY

  3. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lance
    oeuber? oeber?
    LOL, I mean some keyboards have it as a button combination like ctrl+shift+u the actual spelling without the dots should be ueber.

    Totally agree with that, some details like the yellow powder expanding from pipes in Talon's Reach or those flash of lightning from Spylskinanke, the darkness of Gare d'Europa... i really love that kind of atmosphere...
    Couldn't agree more, the wo games have been getting a bit too bright and clean for my taste, I really liked the grittiness of 2097, but at the same time the backstory has been getting more dystopian with each game, like in Fusion europe is plagued with terrorists and they execute homeless teenagers to protect wealthy vacationers! (WTF!!!? the ludicrousness of the European Union - or European Federation by then - actually executing people to protect fat cats is just stunningly stupid) It's kinda ridiculous and I hope they go back to the utopian background we had in w'o" and 2097, things were actually marginally better than they are now AG tech basically dethroned the elite who controlled oil supply and hence the wealth of the world in favour of the masses - that would actually solve a lot of problems.

  4. #164
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    now hang on a minute there, assegaidevelopments, look at where we are. the WipEoutzone. At least have the decency to call it a "missile" instead of a brick!

    I loved the finishing touches on W1 and W2097. May not have been the most practical but looked pretty. The minimanimalist style of W3 tried to convince me it was more functional than stylish. Only problem was that it wasnt practical, or stylish, or anything really! (apart from brown, which it did have a lot of)
    Fusion was bearable, but like the whole fusion project, it just needed a few tweaks. Not much, but a little love could have gone a long way.
    At least in PurE there is the option to adopt a team's colours for all the in-game menus...

    anyway, they did have logos for the speed classes. Weird angular ones. Weird but good.
    And the speed classes now stand ( I believe) as follows:

    VECTOR :beginner
    VENOM :novice
    FLASH :intermediate
    RAPIER :advanced
    PHANTOM :expert

    It makes a lot of sense having five grades of difficulty, it might give us snail-paced pilots enough of a conditioned reflex for a gradual phase in to phantom rather than jumping from the preverbial frying pan into the incinerator! :wink:

  5. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seek100
    Totally agree with that, some details like the yellow powder expanding from pipes in Talon's Reach or those flash of lightning from Spylskinanke, the darkness of Gare d'Europa... i really love that kind of atmosphere...
    Couldn't agree more, the wo games have been getting a bit too bright and clean for my taste, I really liked the grittiness of 2097...
    Totally agree. I loved the darkness in Wipeout and Wipeout 2097/xl; however, I loved the style of W3 also. I really didn't begin not loving Wipeout to death until Wipeout Fusion came out. I mean, look at the first track: it's freak'n sunny!!!! When you start out on the bottom class, you at least should show it with a bit of darkness. Barely starting out with a bright sun blinding me just makes the game seem so easy to take advantage of. Wipeout isn't supposed to be an easy support, it's supposed to take a lot of skill, which people feel good about after beating. I felt nothing when I mastered Wipeout Fusion like I thought I would. However, I'll give Pure a big chance. It definately looks more like Wipeout 3 than Fusion.
    btw: Wipeout Fusion had no mystery. It's like everything just would "bam!" in front of your face. It definately needed more love and work put into it. End of me yacking. :wink:

  6. #166
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    I thought Wip3out was cool, the music, the menus and the tracks etc., you could tell that they all had a little something in common, it wasn't bright or in your face, it wasn't attention grabbing uber darkness, it was just subdued, guess my love for it comes from my tastes in most things, I'd pick subdued and non-attention grabbing over dark or in your face any day. Meh, each to their own.

    Oh and uh... (where to start?) i think it will be interesting to see exactly how much Venom and Rapier have spaced out to allow enough room for Flash, as is I honestly couldn't see it, since when you put Phantom into the mixing pot even Rapier looks relatively slow, we'll see

    Uh, I vaguely remember the class logos, though that's not really all that important IMO, it's all FX300, right? :wink:

    On which class is the best, I like both Rapier and Phantom. Rapier is a lot easier to control so it makes for those times when you don't fancy hairing (sp?) round the track so fast that you just know you're going to crash whereas racing Phantom just seems right for time trialing; I mean, there's nothing else on the track so why not just crank it up to 11 and embed your ship in the nearest wall? head

    Oh and one final note, I quite like haribo, especially those nice little cola bottles

    edit by Lance: you're talking about haring around. it comes from the hares, those very fast and very maneuverable rabbits.

  7. #167
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dimension
    Oh and one final note, I quite like haribo, especially those nice little cola bottles
    I like them too, I like them too much... :wink:

  8. #168
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    I do hope we are talking about the sour cola bottles! I cant stand the wimpy regular cola bottles. I also like the smaller versions of goldbears.... we have one of those sacrificed in our lab.
    Well, he's not sacrificed at the moment. He's just dying.
    we've pinned him against the window ledge using a big "thumb tack" style pin and waiting until he dries out enough so we can tint him brown, then make two small tippex dots for eyes, then sellotape him to the ceiling.
    Only then will the sacrifice be complete!

    Sorry, doctor, did I say too much?

  9. #169
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    I've managed to identify most of the weapon icons now

    Ms - Missile
    Rt - Rockets
    Sh - Shield
    Ap - Autopilot
    Tu - Turbo
    Tb - Thunder Bomb (Possibly)
    Eb - Electrobolt (Possibly)
    Pb - Plasma Bolt (Possibly)
    Qd - Quake Disruptor.


  10. #170
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    how about mines for that MI ?

    Praeterea censeo autopilotum esse delendam

  11. #171
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    Didn't notice that, thanks! ops:

    Edit: one thing else i forgot to mention was that the letters on the icons, i added. So i could be completely wrong.

  12. #172
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Not completely wrong....

    but not completely right either

  13. #173
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    I miss you. Please come back. :cry:

  14. #174
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    Call me naive, but who is Colin Berry?

  15. #175
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    Colin is none other than the lead designer of Wipeout Pure. (And good drinking buddy into the bargain.)

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