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Thread: The Wipeout HD Cup

  1. #2581
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    Hehe, studying Digital Arts & Entertainment taught me a lot of things, mostly studying it for 3D stuff so yeah Max is part of that, did Modding for a game called Borderlands for 2 years as well, which was based on the Unreal 3 Engine, so i pretty much know UDK inside out (Therefor thus also Cascade) Hope to be jumping into ZBrush next year ^^

    As for the sound FX and and video footage, i'll get to that this evening
    Will let you know it's size when it's done, and yes, i know the feeling of full drives lol, 8TB all filled up


  2. #2582
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    WOW, that's some serious 3D stuff, I'm not even gonna pretend to know what these other softwares are

    RE: the sounds and other files - I really appreciate your help bud, a lot. Thank you once again and respect!

  3. #2583
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    FYI got most of the sound FX recorded, just need to split everything up, unless it's fine like that and you'll search through it yourself, but let's take this to PM, shouldn't be filling up this thread with all of this
    And hehe, Visual studio C++, C+, Unity, Apophisys, PS, Illustrator, MonoDevelop, final cut, wavepad, AppleScript, Automator and a whole bunch of other minor stuff, nothing too special ^^


  4. #2584
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    is this thread dead?
    Last edited by prototype890; 30th August 2014 at 10:50 AM.

  5. #2585
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    No it's surprisingly still open... So I guess it is time to post... Before it's too late. Well it's already "a bit" too late, as it's been more than 3 years now. So I don't even know where to begin after all this time. So much to tell, but for sure my first words will be; Skrotos, Texasalex, Tiduch, bazzman, Triboy, and everyone I offended...
    I'm deeply sorry. For not delivering until the end. For loosing my faith into Wipeout all because a pity thing like this Speed Glitch. By that time I was living into 2 dimensions, real life and a virtual one completely dedicated to this universe. I struggled a lot with the wife, the job and well... uhm... the drugs (nothing really serious though, I mean the green, but enough to drive you a bit crazy). Sometimes it was like a daydream as I was spending litteraly all my free time playing Wipeout HD. Mostly racing endless runs in SL, kinda transcendence with good music. My pit stops where for WZ, reading your posts, contributing a bit, sharing with you all mostly. Feeling alive I would dare to say, because I've never felt again this state of mind after this long journey with you. Could have been considered as a sickness due to the time I spent in this virtual dimension but that was in the same time the world I belong. I've met in person a few of you, and I shared a lot with a lot of you. Enough to know I've found my tribe, people who shared the same vision of life, some sort of alien tribe I should say eh eh.

    It's been 3 years now but it's still alive in me, I still feel this in my blood. I will never forget this experience. How could I?

    Ruined by a stupid glitch as I said. Some people said this stuff wasn't a big deal after all, but for people like me it was. It almost instantly broke all my dreams. Must explain a bit more there.

    With first Pure, then Pulse and finally HD, Devs and test pilots didn't notice something both obvious and almost invisible, known as the speedglitch. At some point some people found it but never reported it officially, and surely not to the devs. Untill on my birthday date lol, august 29th, 2011.

    Quite a lot of time uh. Why this stuff was a game breaker at least for me and for a lot of SL/TT purists you should ask. Well basically, a stupid combination of left steering+right airbrake, or the opposite, gave you instantly a tiny boost speed. Not a lot more for sure, but enough to improve a lot your times in the end. You could do that in the air too, which means you could accelerate during all your time in the air. When I finally had a clue of how this glitch worked thanks to a few pm of some WZ friends in august 2011, I tried it in my Speed laps. And that was a real slaughter. Sure the thing was obvious in lower classes, but I can assure you I destroyed almost all my phantom PB in SL, and was about to destroy a lot of the SL WR too, I'm not bragging out at all, it's just I dedicated by that time my entire life to WipeoutHD with more than 1000 hours (probably more, just can't remember) and mostly Speed lapping. First I went mad, thought about uploading my times. Then I spoke with Pirahpac and few other friends, and realized that was silly. Then a few days after, I deleted Wipeout HD.

    Be assured I'm not blaming AT ALL anyone who's still playing a previous version of wipeout HD. I'm not pointing fingers to anyone, just stating some facts, as a lot of you already did. It's just about the fact we finally got two different games here.

    Keep in mind -probably- 99% of the pilots weren't aware of this glitch, but sadly 100% of them were doing it inadvertently, not consistently but at some points during their run. On a hard turn, after a double dash, when anticipating the next turn... We all wondered why, sometimes, when looking at our own ghosts, we were a bit faster apparently for no reason at some point of a lap. So this stuff was always here since the begining. As a backdoor, some sort of zero day exploit. So yes, this search for the best times ever was unfair right from the start. This statement instantly destroyed all my love for this game. Again, some people will think it's a bit stupid to "repudiate" something you loved that much just for that.

    But I was a competitor, a purist, and it just took a second for my world to come crumbling down.

    I really feel ashamed for the people I let down after this episode. i totally disapeared, sold my ps3 and gave my psvita a few times after I realized 2048 was not at all my taste (30fps allergic).

    i felt a deep disgust for everything wipeout related, and yes I must admit the zone and you people I considered as my friends were collateral victims of my nervous breakdown. Not to mention the fact I had, one time or another, to go back to my real life. Was way too more implicated to this wipeout universe, the wife and my relatives were starting to think I lost my mind. Well kinda...

    So here we are now. August 2015. Still feeling nostalgic of these times. Probably a Formula Fusion after effect, as I instantly bought the early access on steam and have big hopes on this one...

    And here I am, finally... Again.

    I'm not trying to find some excuses for my behaviour here, I haven't any, just tried to explain. So again, all my apologies to the people I let down. Looking forward to read you there. Well not there particularly, as this thread should be definitely closed after all this time.

    Love you all, 'til the end of times, as sincerely, I lived some of the most intense moments of my existence here.

    In the wipeout universe. On the tracks, in the chatroom...

    @ avalon.

    Sorry for my bad english btw, I'm a bit rusty after all this time.
    Last edited by kanar; 6th August 2015 at 08:45 PM.

  6. #2586
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    I know about this glitch from a friend, but i never stood still by the fact you could be doing it accidentally, and now, it kind of makes sense, sideshifting one way, and slighty counteracting the sideshift so you don't shift off course, is this why pre patch was faster? as nearly every good pilot sideshifts when coming out of a corner :/

    You kind of enlightened me now lol
    I used to fly post patch competing with a lot of newer gen pilots, but some of them went pre patch because it's faster, not really knowing why, so had to go there too if i wanted to keep battling together (I had a blast regardless though ), and indeed it was & still is faster pre-patch. The leaderboards should've been purged when the fixed handling came about, maybe that's also why a lot of people left, they no longer could beat their own times, let alone others'

    I never knew you, nor the others, wish i was around abck then, would've loved to play with you all, but i think it's all okay, maybe it was a bit of a good thing as it allowed you to re-unite with your family I'm sure the others would forgive you, maybe they'll even stop by to say so

    If you're still feeling nostalgic about everything, and would want to have another couple races fro the memory, Stinkleroy, Anerare, Ericd7m & I have been keeping little friday evening Avalon sessions where everyone just races for fun and has a great time (hopefully!! :s ), anyone's welcome if you feel like it


  7. #2587
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    OH ****.....I saw that somebody had posted in this thread after 3 years, I thought, OH NO ! Not again!

    Good to see you back again Kanar .....CAT's running mini Avalons on Fridays night's Euro time

    I posted at ARENA about Formula Fusion, it seemed to wake up the forum momentarily.....depends if you are up to it....I lived through your explanation above, so I understand if you are hesitant .....we need to get the OLD crowd together again via the PS4, KAORI, MIKADO, EXPAT, ASSA, LEUNG, PIRA, G-Super the whole ARENA gang for FF....see what happens, no pressure

  8. #2588
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    Hi, long time, I read your post kanar, interesting information ... actually I've been working on a 3d racing game now and I have a strong intuition that this is not a mere "glitch" but simply a consequence of not using proper "anti-grav" physics in this game, instead using approximations, so it's harder to fix than it seems.

    Basically, they had been toying around with the parameters until they got the *right* balance, and if they change 1 parameter, then suddenly other problems will appear ... so they probably added a post-processing function that "hard limits" the speed, something like that, but it's ugly code ... well the main problem is that it kinda destroyed the purpose of the leaderboards now, such a shame :-/ I should have added another filter "game version" in the rankings)
    Last edited by Connavar; 14th August 2015 at 01:38 AM.

  9. #2589
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    Wow we have some dinosaurs showing up here, good to see you guys (sorry off topic )

  10. #2590
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    Honestly, coming from someone who didn't have a PS3 until November of 2012 or so, it sucks even worse to know you will never beat anyone's records. Even on I didn't know about the speed glitch because I never played prepatch. I still threaten to go back and revert the version, but I'm glad I haven't now. I just wish there was a way to classify records as either pre or post. Times are still significant in post patch to some.

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