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Thread: New Game Mode Idea

  1. #61
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    I like the idea of having a Survival like race as an exclusive event, it makes it more, well, exclusive, for lack of a better word. I don't know if it would work as a full game mode, but like Kai said, with further development, we will see. As for Time Bomb, again, I'm cool with only the Sao Paulo run, if we make it as cool as what it sounds like from what I've heard, I think this would work very well.

    As for the Zombie ship, I should be able to get it colored and I will get a side view done sometime in the near future, this week is going to be busy though. Doesn't help that we've got a snowstorm moving in, I guess in that case I may have a lot of time for sketches!

  2. #62
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    Well, possibly a rivalry between 2 teams, such as CEN-R and Zepher? That might work as an exclusive event for both.

  3. #63
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    I think I'm going to talk to the dev team about rivalries, I have some ideas as far as that goes, but we'll see how they work out!
    Last edited by DDD113; 6th December 2013 at 12:18 PM.

  4. #64
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    So, special events might go with certain rivalries, such as a Survival Race with one of the teams, Zombie mode for another, and possibly Timebomb for another?

  5. #65
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    Hm no they aren't connected to actual game modes. It is rather a unique race setup. Also not all key events are about rivalries. Some others are for example training missions or friendly face-offs, rescue and escort missions. They can't be cathegorized into certain game modes.

  6. #66
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    So, they'll just be like campaign events? I'm fine with that, but I think it would enhance the experience if you could play it in free play at any time. Just saying...

    *hops back in his Helios and flies away, eventually exploding into a Zepher*

    EDIT: New (Sort of) game mode! (This was from Fugitive Takedown 2)

    Street Race

    Race against 7 or 11 opponents in a 3, 4, or 5 lap race (depending on speed class, of course). However, cops appear randomly at times and will bust (eliminate) the last-place pilot. Weapon pads can be replaced with repair pads, which restore 10% integrity every time you run over one. This is because if a cop hits you, you'll either be instantly eliminated, or dealt 95 damage to your craft and receive a small slowdown.

    When there are only three racers left, 2 cops will come out and pursue the player, randomly ramming craft and the player, dealing small amounts of damage (about 10%) each ram. However, these cops are outrunnable, and if you get out of sight of the cops, the cops won't pursue you anymore. The winner is the first craft to cross the finish line (if there are going to be any ).

    EDIT EDIT: Another new game mode: Refuel!

    You are the only craft on the track (needs to be randomly generated, point to point, endless), and your shield energy is constantly decreasing. The goal is to cover the most distance possible before your craft is destroyed by running out of vital integrity. The only way to restore shield energy is to go over speed pads, which will restore some of your shield energy. You are also on a time limit, and you must pass checkpoints within a certain amount of time. Your time will also slightly be frozen for about half a second every time you hit a speed pad. The question is though: How far can you fly before you are inevitably destroyed?

    And finally, possibly an extreme game mode that shouldn't be implemented (but could be released as DLC [won't be part of the ARC-150 because of the high numbers of casualties involved]: Destruction Mode!

    The goal of this mode is to cause as much damage as possible by destroying your craft at a junction of some sort. Your craft is armed with a self-destruct bomb that will automatically activate after one minute. You can also manually activate it as well. You gain points for every other craft you destroy and also for collateral damage, and you can get cannon pickups that can help you cause more damage too (other craft have very weak shields that can be broken through with about four shots. On destruction of your craft, your craft will send out a blast radius (like the Bomb from Wipeout games), and you can control your craft in mid air whilst it is destroyed, allowing you to cause more damage. You get two attempts to get as many points as possible.

    I know that Destruction is not a really good game mode like Simulation Damage, but I feel like it's worth putting out there. Any thoughts on these game modes?
    Last edited by Mike458; 31st December 2013 at 04:08 AM.

  7. #67
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    We need to revive this thread and finish the game ideas we've started, namely Zombie mode and possibly Time Bomb. First off, I actually do like the idea of being unarmed in Zombie mode, basically making it a run-and-survive mode. That way the focus would be solely on precision piloting skills instead of combat, which also fits better into the storyline since the ARC-150 is just coming off the violent and now-hated F9000, so you would think violence would be limited (i.e. no eliminator, no Zombie weapons, I'm not saying change the AI aggression, that's some good stuff! ). Since rubber banding cannot kick in instantly, if you jumped out ahead of the Zombie ships, you would have a short little break before they caught up to you, which they would since this mode would have to be extremely rubber banded. That's my thoughts there, on making it a precision battle. But we can still have Carlos come and replenish your energy.

    As for Time Bomb, first of all I have to say I'm curious as to how far Damon got with this idea when he brought it up, and what he can add that we may have missed. For what we do have, though, I think it would make the most sense to have two bombs at a time, one starting with the player and one with another ship. If you like, the the bombs could be made Plasma Bombs for extra interest, and explode in a bright color with a blast radius for visual effect (and sentimental inclusion of plasma ) Also, one of these bombs will detonate after 20 seconds (close to one lap in Gamma class) and the other after 40 seconds (close to two laps in Gamma class), and you don't know which one is which. Note: the detonation time will be adjusted for each speed class so that the bombs detonate slightly under one and slightly under two laps, respectively, but all further data will refer to the Gamma version of the mode. The bombs cause an automatic elimination on whoever's ship they sit on as they detonate, and they attach to the ships like magnets, and transfer rapidly by contact with another ship.

    After both of the first two bombs have detonated, as the field comes to the start of their third lap, two more bombs will be waiting on the ground at the start finish line, in the middle of the track. They will gravitate to the first two ships that pass by them, and still detonate 20 and 40 seconds after they are picked up, not after they are spawned. So then the cycle starts again, and by the end of lap 4, only four ships remain, so at the start of lap 5, the sequence starts again in the same fashion. Then, at the start of Lap 7, as only two pilots remain, a single bomb will lie in wait at the finish line, causing a battle for the finish. This bomb may detonate after 20 or 40 seconds, that is unknown.

    If the bomb is in ship transfer when it is supposed to detonate, it will wait to detonate when it's attached to the ship it is currently in the process of attaching to. The bombs cannot be dropped by the ships, and when the new set of bombs sits on the ground they are guaranteed to attach to the first two players that pass by, regardless of how close they are to the bombs. Also, if the player attempts to go backwards in this mode, they will proceed to the results screen as the AI computer takes over their ship and Blocky says, "Ship Decommissioned." Also as a sidenote I think this mode could be run on all tracks including Sao Paulo, the narrower ones would just make it more interesting. Also, the AI would have to be heavily rubber banded around the player again and coded to stay in a relative pack-like formation.

    And here's a delayed response to your ideas above, Mike: For Street Race, the first problem is that's what we'll be doing in the first few events of the campaign, so the name would have to be changed, but anyway, I'm not a big fan of the cops vs. robbers style modes, especially in AG racing, that just seems odd to me. I think Zombie mode is enough of a pursuit, without bringing the 21st century influence of cops and robbers in.

    For Refuel, some of the aspects you talked about are likely to be used in Velocity Challenge mode (see thread here: The frozen time when you hit a speed pad will not, however, it would make the gameplay too choppy, keep in mind, a flowing experience is the goal.

    And yeah, for Destruction, far too violent, terroristic, etc. Doesn't fit the ideals of the ARC-150, especially following the F9000.

    Anyway, hopefully some of you guys (dev team and others) will evaluate my refined Zombie and Time Bomb (or maybe Plasma Bomb? ) ideas, and give me some feedback on them, so we can work further toward finalizing our mode lineup and then refining the modes themselves.

  8. #68
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    I agree with all of your points there, and I just thought that Destruction would be worth sharing anyway...

    I was about to say in the Velocity thread: "Hey! You took some of my ideas from Refuel mode! "

    Anyway, I have another game mode to share, something on the simpler side of life:

    Free Run: The track is randomly generated, and it is endless. You have infinite integrity, and the goal is just to simply have a nice cruise and have fun. You are given the options to set the difficulty of the track generated (and the track is randomly generated, not a closed loop), and whether to have AI opponents or not.

    And for Time Bomb, should there be a no-transfer period after the bomb has been transferred (2-3 seconds?)?

  9. #69
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    Just kidding, lol We had thought about random generation for Velocity mode, but kinda left it because it didn't fit the constant acceleration idea, you kinda have to know where you're going there. Interesting thought though, just for a joyride, I'm just not sure about the work input vs. reward, though, in my opinion I might play it every once in awhile but I would mostly stick to the race and time modes (including Velocity Challenge, and all the other modes with AI). Nice to see new ideas popping up again.

    Also for Time Bomb, what exactly are you referring to with the transfer period? Like how long it takes to go from ship to ship?

    P.S. Can't believe you read that far in the wall of text that is the Velocity Challenge thread.

  10. #70
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    First of all, I think we should continue discussing new race modes in one thread, otherwise ideas and critics get mixed up, even if threads are about a totally new idea. I won't merge the Velocity thread into here as of yet for a simple overlook but I'd like to ask you guys to keep any further discussion about race modes in this thread. For those who don't know the Velocity mode/thread, please read here:

    I for myself still like the Zombie mode the most. Especially your idea with not giving the player any kinds of weapons, Davy. Kinda reminds me on that indy-horror game Slender: If you have no way to defend yourself and all you can do is run, it's an even more thrilling experience to stay alive.

    Time bomb sounds also ok. I know this race modes from Destruction Derby, Crashday and Flatout - typical "destruction" modes so to say. But I never really enjoyed this modes, maybe it's just me - doesn't mean we won't include em Lets wait and see what the others think.

    As for the overal violence. You both made some good points:
    - Story-wise it would make sense to not put too many violence/weapon based modes into SSGX.
    - Otherwise we could say "screw the story, I want to have fun"

    Now we can discuss which of this two points makes more sense cuz I have no idea

  11. #71
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    I think a merger of those two points goes best. I talked to Damon yesterday and he (finally) remembered bringing up the Time Bomb idea, and also a game mode called Tag, where players basically play tag with their AG ships using weapons and rams. All in all, I think if we have one or both of these modes and no eliminator, I think it still fits the "not-all-out-death" motto but still allows us to have fun in aggression-filled races. I also think that Time Bomb and Tag fit the feeling of the game, because overall, SSGX is a very technical game, and requires tactics and intelligence to succeed at. These two modes take the aggression from eliminator mode, but add a tactical twist, something the brute-force raw eliminator didn't really have save for shielding tactics. It just feels like a more intelligent way to play to me, and that goes with the game, so I think we can stick to the less-violent ideals of the ARC-150 and still include these modes.

    Sorry about the Velocity thread, I just decided to form it because I knew I was going to go very much into detail and thought people may be deterred from this thread by the massive wall of text that met their eyes upon viewing it. You can merge it if you want, it's not critical to be kept separate.

    P.S. Kai if you like scary indie-horror games, you should definitely get Outlast: It has a great story throughout the campaign, and at some points, if you play alone and in a dark room, can be downright terrifying. I played through the whole thing in one long night and have no regrets.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDD113 View Post
    Also for Time Bomb, what exactly are you referring to with the transfer period? Like how long it takes to go from ship to ship?

    P.S. Can't believe you read that far in the wall of text that is the Velocity Challenge thread.
    Yes, I read the entire wall of text ; took me a while!

    And the transfer period is basically the "no tag-back period" of sending the bomb to someone else right after a ship gets a timebomb.

    Quote Originally Posted by DDD113 View Post

  13. #73
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    Now that's a smart point with the no-tagback period (lol, we sound immature! ) We really should have some sort of short time period to give the player handing off the bomb time to escape again, very good point there. That would have been a costly oversight!

    - Imagines two ships bouncing off one another endlessly until the bomb detonates and destroys one of them -

  14. #74
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    I was imagining the same exact thing when I made that post.

    Anyway, should Sao Paulo also have an open variant where the whole city is yours to explore or play tag in? I think it may be interesting for outsmarting other players by blocking off corridors, trapping them inside to tag them. If that's the case, should there be Infection tag? (From Forza Horizon, 1 person starts off at it, that person has to tag all of the other players, and if you get tagged, you get infected with the other player. The last person not infected when all the others are infected wins. This helps with tactics and teamwork!)

    Also, if the open variant is allowed, maybe we could do some easter eggs (platformers, secret areas, falling off the map , the possibilities are endless!)?

    Thoughts on this?

  15. #75
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    Only thought is that the entire city of Sao Paulo fully modelled and rendered to SSGX standards would not be able to run on any normal computer, the city is simply too large for that. From my understanding there may be skillcuts and alternate routes, but the main route will be the same, and although all the streets will be open, they will not be able to be traveled down for a distance. That's a cool idea, but would only work with a console game. On the infection standpoint, it made me think awhile, but overall I think the problem is that the 'infected' would become too powerful toward the end for just one or two players to avoid six or seven of them. Plus I like the idea of a two ship mano-a-mano battle at the end of the round, it adds to the appeal and tactical nature of the game. Plus it puts a very 'final' nature to the mood of the mode with the result of the bomb detonating as an elimination.

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDD113 View Post
    .... and although all the streets will be open, they will not be able to be traveled down for a distance...
    You already know more than I do and I'm the one preparing the track, lol.

  17. #77
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    I thought that's what you said when we were talking about not making it a closed circuit, so the streets would be open but you couldn't travel down them without respawning on the main course unless they were specialized split paths. Maybe that's just the way I interpreted it, lol Point in fact, there's still a lot of modelling to go, so I guess not much is really set in stone at this point.

  18. #78
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    True, true, and possibly who knows what might come out of it?

    New "sort of" game mode!

    Cone Challenges (or whatever):

    This is an extension to Time Trial, but this time the track is littered with cones. Your goal in this mode is to knock down every cone placed randomly on the track. If you miss a cone, you will get a 5 second time penalty at the end of the race for each cone you missed. Cones that hit and knocked down also count as hit. The number of cones spawned is multiplied varied on speed class. Barrel rolling also releases a small blast from your craft, knocking down all cones in the radius.

    So for the multipliers:

    Alpha: 100% of cones
    Beta: 150% of cones
    Gamma: 200% of cones

    The first extension is basically a reversed version of Cone Challenge. In this mode, your job is to avoid as many cones as possible. At the end of the race, you get a 5 second time penalty for each cone that you hit. Barrel rolling this time around activates a Phantomizer for about one second, as well as giving the speed boost that BRs normally give. However, the number of cones spawned for each speed class is the same.

    The other extension to this game mode is in an open area against 7 other ships. Your goal is to knock down as many cones as possible in the open area as you can before time runs out. Cones will periodically spawn in patterns or dispersed in bunches all over the area for you to hit and score points. Once time runs out, the ship that hit the most cones wins. You can choose whether to use weapons or not. You have infinite shield energy in all of these variants except this one. Being eliminated will cause you to lose and drop 10 cones that can be hit by other ships.

    Thoughts on these modes?

  19. #79
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    I'm not a huge fan of the whole cone idea. I mean, why place a hundred random cones on a racetrack and have a TT with them when you can have a regular TT on the open track, with speed pads that make you move out of your racing line anyway. Once upon a time a sort of gate idea was brought up, but dropped because of the already technical challenges of the courses. For example, many times on Cassandra or Draco Cavernae on Gamma class, you're lucky to run a perfect lap in an iFreet (which has a handling stat of 90/100 by the way) let alone dodge a bunch of cones. This mode might have worked physically in a game like Pure that turned really fast and was really slidey, but SSGX is more like WO3 where every corner demands F1-like perfection and some corners push a good ship to it's limit. (Cassandra turn 3, anyone? ) However, if I remember right (check me on this Ric) there will be an early part of the campaign that involves dodging obstacles, but mostly just for the practice of doing so.

  20. #80
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    I had an idea for not necessarily a mode, but rather a configuration menu, for custom races: Mutators. I got the idea from Unreal Tournament and Super Smash Bros.

    Basically, you can configure all kinds of stuff for mutators, be it:
    - No Shields (race like in WipEout Classic)
    - Automatic Acceleration
    - Max/Min Stats
    - Regenerating Health (incompatible with No Shields)
    - Weapon-Swapping (when you get hit and do not have a weapon, you will copy the weapon that hit you)
    - Enable Super Weapons
    - Etc

    I also came up with an ACTUAL gamemode:
    Handicap Race
    Basically like a normal race, except those who are more likely to win will receive a penalty to their various stats, what weapons they can pick up, their maximum speedclass, etc. Meanwhile, those who are losing will get buffs to their stats, their maximum speedclass, or what weapons they can pick up. If possible, this could be turned into a mutator that could be applied to any competitive mode.

    Flagrun (did somebody already suggest this?)
    There is a flag on the map, and whoever picks it up becomes the flag carrier. Depending on how long they can hold it, they will gain points. If they get eliminated, they will respawn but lose the flag. A team version could also be available.

    There is one ship, and everyone else is teamed up against them. There is only one objective for the Juggernaut: Survive as long as possible. There is only one objective for everyone else: Beat the Juggernaut. Whoever delivers the killing blow to the Juggernaut becomes the Juggernaut. But what exactly is the Juggernaut? The Juggernaut is a ship with maximum possible stats (or perhaps even higher), and possibly a few unique abilities inspired by the Prototype ships in 2048. The Juggernaut isn't at an unfair advantage however, since EVERYONE is teamed up against them.

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