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Thread: Purchasing options for Wipeout HD/Fury

  1. #1

    Default Purchasing options for Wipeout HD/Fury

    Forgive me, I know I'm coming very late to the game, but I wanted advice on purchasing Wipeout HD/Fury. Please understand, I don’t play very many games, but always loved playing the Wipeout series, I just wasn’t going to purchase a game console for only one game. I’ve always been able to get my game consoles for free (friends upgrading and giving me their old one, etc). But since PS3 has lasted for <exaggeration> 400 years </exaggeration>, there hasn’t been a reason for anyone to upgrade. Well, I’m finally getting a PS3. Next step, purchasing Wipeout HD/Fury, and I’m sorry, but I’m a bit confused. Here is what I do know, Wipeout HD is only available for download at the ‘PS3 app store’. Wipeout Fury can be purchased on Blu-ray and it includes Wipeout HD. Since Wipeout HD/Fury is old, in gaming terms, no one carries the Blu-ray version anymore. The only place I’ve see it is one seller on Amazon from Greece selling it for $75. Is that right and why can’t I find it elsewhere? I also see, coming to this site now, that Wipeout HD/Fury will be a subset of Wipeout 2048 for the PS3.

    Questions: If I purchase Fury, via download, does it come with HD, or do I first have to purchase HD, then Fury. Does anyone know the cost of each?
    Should I wait, instead, for Wipeout 2048, so I can play both 2048 and HD/Fury on my PS3? Will it be the same gaming experience via 2048 as if I was playing the original HD/Fury?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    London, England
    PSN ID


    It's possible to purchase Wipeout HD ($19.99) and the Fury expansion ($9.99) seperately on PSN, but you can also purchase both at once in the 'WipEout HD Bundle' for $24.99.

    Regarding 2048, there are no current plans for a PS3 release of the game (to my knowledge), so that won't do you much good unless you intend to buy a Vita when that comes out.

  3. #3


    Great! Thank you LJtheZombie for the info. I'll go with the bundle option.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Preston, Lancashire
    PSN ID
    Colonel__Gaddafi, Erik_Ponti


    You won't regret it. In terms of value (money spent / playing time), I can't imagine I'll ever find another piece of entertainment like it. Nearly 900 hours I've racked up since June 2010, which is absurd really. I only paid £20 on Blu-Ray too.

    Kind of enjoying a mini break at the moment though, been playing some GT5 for a change. It won't last

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    London, England
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    The only problem I have with GT5, Colonel, is that I always end up trying to barrel roll my Honda Civic round the corners. It never ends well!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Preston, Lancashire
    PSN ID
    Colonel__Gaddafi, Erik_Ponti


    I keep trying to use my airbrakes round tight corners

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