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Thread: PS3 NeGcon - Can it be done???

  1. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by JABBERJAW View Post
    28awg is what I should use then? I'm not even going to tell you what I used, I'll give you a hint though. Smallest wire at radio shack Can't wait to make another one.
    The smallest wire at Rat Shack is 30awg magnet wire, which is technically the same size as what I used for some of this, but it's actually thinner as the insulation on it is an enamel, so it's a lot thinner than the coating on 30awg Kynar wire.

    You should use whatever awg ya need for whatever you're doing. The 28awg is a little big for soldering on those IC pads, but could be soldered to a Via with little issue, so it all depends on what/where/how you're doing it as to what awg will work better. They have the 30awg Kynar (Wrapping wire) at Rat Shack also.

  2. #102
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    I just pulled out 24 wires out of the cable from those gameshow controllers. They are theright length, and are easily thin enough. Saved some money there. I'm going to make a new one soon, as soon as I find out what I want to do for a dpad

  3. #103
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    A little update where I'm at with this thing..

    It's all wired back up and still works (bonus) so now all that's left is to mount the PS3 board in there and that's about it. The L1/R1 buttons aren't really used too much, Look Back is for people that like running into things and Voice Chat might get used, but I think I'll add them to the control box anyway.
    Last edited by RDC; 18th July 2009 at 02:08 PM.

  4. #104
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    I got one of these joypads, never thought of using it to play, are they good for wipeout.

  5. #105
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    Asayyeah -OFW-


    For few of us , Negcon is our ultimate controller to play old wipeouts, you can steer and pitching nose separatly, it's so much more immersive than any other controller imo (especially if you race internal view héhé )

    Check 2097 & Negcon, get a caïpirinha and launch the track called Valparaiso, after winning the race you have permission to dance Samba do Brazil

  6. #106
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    Haha Asa Warning: Alcohol and WipEout is no good combination! … well … at least if you're going for records. If you're not, well, then it's fun!

    On Topic: I never played with a NegCon (Shame on me!), but I see its advantages. But: I have to admit that the motion sensor works pretty well for pitching in WOHD. I did not get the hang out of it for steering (though there are people who are pretty good with it), but for pitching I thought it was very enjoayble. Is the NegCon still that superior to the motion-sensor-pitching?

    If it is: RDC, I'll preorder one for the time I buy a PS3. That means I'll preorder one for the time the PS3 has the 360's price niveau. Or is at least available for around 200€ on ebay.

  7. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asayyeah View Post
    For few of us , Negcon is our ultimate controller to play old wipeouts, you can steer and pitching nose separatly, it's so much more immersive than any other controller imo (especially if you race internal view héhé )

    Check 2097 & Negcon, get a caïpirinha and launch the track called Valparaiso, after winning the race you have permission to dance Samba do Brazil
    anything with samba do brazil Sounds good to me.

  8. #108
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    NegCon Is VASTLY SUPERIOR to current motion sensing technology. By orders of magnitude.

    We're not all busting our nads for nothing, ya know.

    Also - the D-pad feels sooooooo nice, too.

  9. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by JABBERJAW View Post
    sorry xavier, got to get to bed, will try kinetica another time. Does kinetica allow for dpad movement?
    Yes I think so via one of the alternate control layouts. I just figured this out myself that there was more than one control setup... And Kinetica is a launch title for the PS2, and the first game I got on the console
    Can someone yell laaaate?

  10. #110
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    Just a quick question to those that have meddled with the innards of both the NegCon and the sixaxisis.

    If it or would be possible to rewire a sixaxisis so that the L1R1 [air brakes] were able to work as anolouge like the L2R2 [air brakes]

    I'm thinking NO ,but if a possible YES was the reply,well I'm out with the soldering iron.

  11. #111
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    If you're talking straight PS3 controller, the L1/R1 buttons are already Analog, they just don't have the 'travel' the L2/R2 buttons do. The D-pad, X, [ ], /\, O, L1/2 and R1/2 are all Analog. If you have a game that doesn't allow ya to setup those buttons how ya want then L1 can be swapped with L2, same for the R1 and R2 buttons, and depending on the version of PS3 controller ya have that could be anything from a right challenge to a real mess.

    If you're talking about making the L/R buttons on the neGcon Analog then that's already 50% done, as the L Button in the neGcon is Analog, so when ya wire it up to the PS3 controller it stays Analog. Making the R button in the neGcon Analog would be the 'fun' there, and it wouldn't have the same range/feel as the L button, unless you really got in there and messed around with both L/R buttons and set them up the same way, difficult, but doable.
    Last edited by Lance; 26th July 2009 at 09:36 PM. Reason: Useless quotation removed. Read the WZ guidelines in the announcements section.

  12. #112
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    I'll wait till one of you comes out with a step by step "HOW TO' and needed parts before I NegConstien my only NegCon controller.

    I have quite a collection of "OLD" contollers.

    I had one of these working OK after modification.

    That was untill 45kg of tennis ball chasing Labrador came crashing into it while on a garage workbench.

  13. #113
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    Hey, you got that working on the ps3? I have one of those for that purpose, but haven't tackled it yet. How hard was it? you could use the hat switch for pitch, and still have analog movement

  14. #114
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    This one is about as done as it's gonna be for now. The buttons on the thing are Select, Home, L1/R1 and the Mode select for the Twist radius.

    Video of the LEDs for the Twist Mode select changing when the button is pressed..

    I would make up some vids of it in action, but holding that whole mess, trying to hit buttons and steering while looking at the camera to make sure the TV, neGcon and control box are all in screen and not have the CPU players mug me while I'm sitting there trying to get it all done just isn't gonna happen, I tried. The video of it working earlier is pretty much the same thing as now, just has 4 different max turn radius settings and is in a box instead of being a mess held together by the wiring.

    Extra special thanks to Manta and DoJthis for all the work they did on the PIC/Math side of things, I just wave the soldering iron around.

    If I ever mess with another one of these things I have a few more ideas to implement, with the main one being making the adapter so the neGcon isn't 'harmed' in any way and it can just be plugged up as-is (that's a HUGE undertaking there) customizable Twist settings and then BR+ (Barrel Rolls Plus) where ya only have to hit a direction once to do a BR, which is cheating in my book, like Rapid Fire, but figure it would be neat to try out since that type of adapter will have a lot more control over what's going on, but that's a whole other project to get into and has it's own set of challenges compared to this.
    Last edited by RDC; 23rd July 2009 at 04:27 PM.

  15. #115
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    1. Good work there! Also love the LED indicators!
    2. Just another (design) thought: You could try a heat shrink sleeve for the cables

  16. #116
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    1. Thanks.
    2. There is heat shrink on the cables. The reason it's not 100% heat shrink is because if it was then it couldn't bend easily at all. I may put some type of wire loom on there later on, but I honestly have no plans to keep the thing. It was mostly just a challenge and this is by no means what I'd like to have as the 'final' product, this one is just the proof of concept really.

  17. #117
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    well done indeed to all the people involved on this project.

    if anyone would be so inclined in building me one i'll pay for it -'specially if it's would be of a final build quality.

  18. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovedr View Post
    well done indeed to all the people involved on this project.

    if anyone would be so inclined in building me one i'll pay for it -'specially if it's would be of a final build quality.
    Thanks, though my definition of 'final' build would take months to even get working, let alone finished up, this one here works, which is as final as it's gonna get.

    Also forgot to mention sine it can't be seen in the pics, but the miniUSB connector for charging the PS3 controller's battery up is on the side opposite of the cable.

  19. #119
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    Oh I was just looking for this as I remembered that I have a EMS ps1 adapter for my PC and figured that I'd hook it in to the PS3 and plug my negCon into it. Unfortunatly I could only make 3 buttons work on the PS3 and figured that someone else might have thought of the same thing. Seems a little more complicated than just remapping the keys. I was really hoping it would have worked

  20. #120
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    Maybe Ih8you or RDC can help me here

    this site shows the pin layout of the psp vs a regular analog stick, and how to connect an analog stick to the psp. Since the negcon has only three pins for the turn, where would these three wires be connected to from the negcon potentiometer?

    On a side note, I have now finished two negcons. Second one is better because the dpad assembly is a little better, and the right side in intact completely with no different buttons. It is also better because the wires are smaller.

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