ONce again D post, but this is good. That 90 degree 10k seems like a success !! It turns up until around 45 degrees or so on both sides. With gradients as well. It will take a little practice, and more degrees like 145 MAY be better, but I doubt it. The only problem at this point, is it is turning the opposite way that I am telling it to do. Switching wires did not change this, so I am trying to figure a way to make the controller hook together backwards, so you are still holding it the same way. Upside down is not an option. I used a steering wheel guts to test this. but I am sure that the wired controller would have reacted the same way. The steering wheel had better ports for testing and hooking up. I think I am going to take a break from this until AFTER the wipeout tourney though. it has wrecked three days of practice. I would have been done the first round of practice by now. OH well.

OH, there is a slight dead zone in the middle, but it seems to be a good thing. I haven't been able to really race yet, since I havent hooked up the buttons. HOpefully someone can test this from here.