I think there’s one more suggestion that I think anyone here would be really happy to see and what no one has talked about on this thread yet, and that’s the ability to visually customize your craft.

A perfect example would be like games GRID and GRID2’s customizing. You can still keep the pre-made patterns/livery that we saw on the trailer, but I thought it would be great to create your own.

You’ll first get a plain white base craft and start by choosing a base paint from the available colors to choose (A color wheel would be great) Second is to if you want to choose a pre-made pattern/vinyl which will have grayscale palettes and you can choose what colors you want for your palette. However I think you should play through the game to unlock some patterns. And third option is to add sponsors/manufacture stickers on selected spots on your craft. That’s if the developers can make up some sponsors/companies like in past WipEout games (Red Bull included), and would be unlocks by playing through the game.

I don’t want to keep pushing if there’s limitation for it, but for optional customization features, maybe put a text name on your craft, whether it’s your name or a pilot/character name including a number or nationality on the side or any spot on the craft, just like what I saw in the trailer. And lastly you can save your custom liveries in slots including the option to have the other race craft wear your liveries in a racebox mode. If you can somehow implement that to the game, I will be completely satisfied and looking for forward to this, and I know most of us here will create WipEout team color liveries for their crafts.