I've been giving this particular subject a lot of thought recently and so far my mind points to the fact that WipEout HD Fury is virtually the only PS3 game I've played with no complaints whatsoever. Let me get one thing straight, I am a total Gran Turismo fanboy, the reason I bought my PS3 was for GT5. However, even though I have played a ridiculous amount of that game (Including 5 24 Hr Endurance races (Still not done the one on the Nurb though, haha ) I just feel like there was too many flaws and faults for it to be considered the best PS3 game. It wasn't even best in the entire series.

WipEout HD on the other hand, it's totally redefined gaming for me. It is the only game I've literally played where there is always that tiny bit better you can do, you can always find that edge, you can always leapfrog yourself and become a better pilot. The tracks just seem spot on to me, unlike all the other games I've played with Maps/Tracks/Environments, there isn't one track where I groan and curse about it. They all are pretty much perfect. The graphics are absolutely stunning. Nothing more to add. It easily has the best custom soundtrack implementation of any game I've played since Vib Ribbon on the PS1. The online does the job it sets out to perfectly. It's fast, frenetic fun, do I wish it had integrated VC that worked? Of course I do, but that's a minor point.

So, yes. My opinion is that WipEout HD Fury is the best PS3 game out at the moment. What are your thoughts?