I'm a HD / FURY pilot that weeks ago bought a PSP with PURE and PULSE to check them. A friend of mine also has PULSE so I wanted do some races online. The thing is that I'm new into PSP hardware so I do not know if I'm doing something wrong or not.. but I still do not see anything online.

I've a PSP-3004, my WLAN already config. and my WLAN button activated. I use the online mode of PULSE (not the AD HOC since I guess that one is for using online when you've a PSP near?) and I do select ENGLISH SPEAKING channel. Then the menu stays all the time searching without finding any created lobby.

Am I doing something wrong or there's nobody playing PULSE anymore?. I don't know how the online in PSP goes but I think AD HOC is for when you've a PSP near and online is for when you want to connect through the router like on any other console. Is that right?