Ok...let's start things off with this. I hate when people go on message boards to whine about certain things and yet here i go, doing exactly just that. but i guess the good thing is i admit what im doing lol.

Anyways, i have been a longtime fan of the WO series having played it as my first game on my psx and have got all the console versions (yes, even WO64), so im not a complete n00b to the series. I finally got a ps3 for X-Mas because my fiancee got tired of me begging for one so that i can get WOHD. I started playing it, and wow... i was taken back a bit lol. The game looks amazing, and the whole style of the game is there, but.. i noticed something was weird about it.

The gameplay was totally changed (yeah, i know im a well over a year too late on this huh? lol). I remember playing (and beating) all of the psx versions of wipeout without too much trouble except near the end. but this game (and Fusion) are just ridiculous. another thing that could be is that maybe im just getting old and my reflexes arent that good anymore (i noticed this in other games too). Right off the start i went straight for the Elite difficulty and managed to barely squeeze by the first Event with all golds, then after that it all went bad. So bad that i had to go all the way to novice.

Now im stuck on the final Event: Meltdown, where i cant beat any of the races on Phantom class. These damn tracks are WAAAAAAY too narrow and one nasty turn after another. I've looked at the tutorial videos and FAQ's, but they make it look too easy and effortlesly. when i race, its pretty much known that ill hit every single wall when turning. Of course i airbrake but maybe thats where im doing it wrong. Am I supposed to ever let off the accelerator? (cuz i dont) when i turn left i use Left Air brake, and Right for the right turns and it seems they just help me slam into a wall faster lol. Im just losing my patience here because i used to not be this bad before at the other games, but then again that was years ago.

If someone out there could just kinda help a fellow old man out by giving me some pointers for turning properly in this game, it would be much appreciated. im sorry i had to make a whole new topic about it mates, just kinda losing my cool here with this.