7. Vostock Island
8. Spilanskinanke (sp?)

Compared to the previous tracks (even in Challenge I (one)), I can't even navigate through these! V.I. is just a bunch of pieces so, you're jumping all over the place and making turns about 3-5 seconds before they actually come. To top it off, you're going at over 200 km/h.

Number 8 is another tough one and to me, it's the hardest track in the game thus far. There are many areas where you can't see where you are going and you have to make some 90 degree turns that you can't even see in mid-air.

On both of these tracks, it's hard to get most weapons to work due to the fact that the tracks have a lot of jumps and twisty turns. So, can anyone help me out here? What's the best ship to use on these tracks? I just got this game 3 days ago and I already beat Challenge I and tried the 2 tracks out this morning (current time as of this writing: 2003-08-03 13:36 UTC-04).

I have a question:

What happens after you beat Challenge II (two) and get the Pirahana (sp?) team ship? I heard of and noticed on the track record screen a "Red Bull" but, is this yet another mode like the 2 Challenges?