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Thread: What are your dream ideas for WipEout.

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    GMT + 8


    One thing I find very interesting is the dynamic damage in WO Fusion. Honestly one of my most favorite parts of the game. This opens many opportunities. While I believe it shouldn't affect performance (speed, handling etc.), I would like the idea of that area would be weaker than the rest. Just an idea...

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Seattle, Washington, United States
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    VHX1138: PSP, PS3, PS4, PS5, Steam


    ^^^ I love that idea too. Its futuristic but not TOO futuristic. The idea of a perfectly safe clean and shiny future wasn't the entire appeal to the core of Wipeout. The modern PS4 Wipeout feels really clean. I'm not saying it's not a really good game, just saying that there still is content ideas for a different kind of Wipeout that could do it justice.

    I have to say that I miss the dark gritty style of the older ones. Like these high tech ag-crafts and tracks were hiding a dark understory. A lot like bladerunner, and it goes really well with a more futuristic new wave 80s retro vibe in my opinion. Now I see the attempt with Metropia. If anyone had seen the classic film this track was named after, you'd see how.

    It doesn't even have to be lo-fi 80s retro but the idea that there are obvious sign to a dark undertone that don't directly reveal the issue, but rather hint at it are very important to me. Such issues could be the moral dilemmas of cloning, or common mistreatment of androids as lovers, or capitalists using robotic soldiers the keep people slaves of a rat-race system much like THX1138. Or perhaps a track that takes place in a highly toxic radioactive environment of death with only signs of previous inhabitants and occasional homeless recklessness left behind.

    The point is there are all sorts of avenues and possibilities that could be used in a creation of what could feel like a deeper Wipeout.

    I also loved the dynamic theme of the old flash website of Wipeout Fusion. Even though the physics were off, there were a lot of elements that game was going for that was genius. It made it feel dark and largely epic.

    All this, and I miss weather. Once again Wipeout feels very safe and bright. Why not present tracks that are dark and dangerous again. Some Wipeout Fusion tracks did that well. Weather effects such as the options of heavy fog, or extreme storms and blizzards. So much so that they actually effect the controls and balance of the craft. Elements that effect the physics of racing hasn't been seen since Silverstream and I think more of it should, and it wouldn't even have to effect the entire track the same way.

    All this and in VR. Just some things I miss and would love to see back.

    Edit: I would also like to add that adding more hazardous racing conditions provides an entertaining challenge when the skill of the player has to adapt to device malfunctions such as ag-craft parts and weaponry as well as putting a twist on the style of content. Perhaps different kinds of missiles can work in some environments but not others. Maybe weapons that can have multiple uses can he introduced. Other than this, just more customization is about all I can think of. And a moving reactive game chair lol, but this provides direction for further content.

    Edit 2: another idea that has cropped up since bringing mishaps and malfunctions into play are the lives of the pilots. Providing the option of an evacuation system brings even more tension into online multiplayer. Such as a tournament, if the ship is destroyed it is a DNF from the race, but of the ship AND the pilot is killed, it is a DNF from the entire tournament. There could also be a time set for no longer being able to choose the team/pilot after such an occurance. Just another idea to throw into the hat.
    Last edited by Chill; 3rd February 2019 at 06:41 PM.

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    GMT -3.5


    They're sitting on a massive goldmine if they make a game about the FX150. Since it was an amateur season, they could introduce things like custom emblems for players (like For Honor does), ship customization with both independently-made ship parts and official parts made by canonical teams that you can unlock with in-game points, and maybe even implement a clan system (or rather, a "racing team" system) where players can build their own teams with other players and organize clan matches accordingly (2v2v2v2, 4v4, etc.). Not to mention it'd essentially "canonize" all the unique pilots/ships/teams people create.
    There's no shortage of possibilities, really. Hopefully it'll be real someday.

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Seattle, Washington, United States
    PSN ID
    VHX1138: PSP, PS3, PS4, PS5, Steam


    When we think of the purpose of a real Wipeout sport, it's actually believable if it can be done through physics. When we think of combat such as war, it's not all just about domination and resources. It about evolution and adaptation for the workings of physics. Battles have always been a part of human history for that fact. What is the goal of humanity once we get rid of war? I believe it's for space exploration and possibly battles. The "space force" will most likely come about eventually. What could set humans up to evolve to such physics of combat? Why not a sport such as Wipeout, which involves blood guts and glory. When the pilots aren't racing they can be prettied up in their service dress sporting their team colors but the races don't need to he clean and safe, they would be dark and gritty. At least in areas away from the audience.

    Wipeout served as a bridge of the gap between the physics on a planet's surface and of space. It even uses some weapons which involve space physics and weather effects such as the plasma and some of the weapons on Fusion (which I thought was doing a great job along with this idea).
    Last edited by Chill; 21st October 2019 at 02:26 AM.

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