It's alright if you liked it. I'll put it this way. It's a quality WII game, but I found it a failure in the Zelda franchise like Other M was to Metroid.
I 'm not a raging retro elitist crying over it. It just felt...lazy. The story felt made up on the spot to shut up the Zelda theorists and it was forced (couldn't skip cutscenes the first time, I hate that). Barely any new items, handholding exploration mechanics, far too easy, tedious backtracking (the Zelda standard of warping was removed or I didn't beat it 100% like I thought), weak upgrading system, and none of the awesome WW and TP combat upgrades. I could go on. I really could, but that's enough for now. I was happy to see that Skyrim won GoTY because I genuinely felt SS didn't even deserve nomination like it's predecessors. And, apparently, this is the new standard for console Zelda. If it is, sad to say, I'll never play Zelda on a console again.
I'm looking forward to any 3DS titles, though.

Parts of the desert, the gossip stones, Demise, Ghiry 3, and Koloktos were the only things I enjoyed. I also didn't mind Fi. People hate Fi and Navi. I love them both for some reason. I just never answered them.

Don't start any flaming. But, what did you think for yourself? Maybe I'm too harsh? Dunno...