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Thread: What do Vita owners think of vita

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by vincoof View Post
    The lucky shot was to choose the Blu-Ray drive when they didn't know if HD-DVD or BRD would won the HD war.
    Well.... Blu-ray is - pretty much - Sony's own format. So, lucky or not: They were pushing a new format, which was supposed to flush in money from licensing, among other things. They were successful in making it the industry choice and some luck might have been involved there. But it certainly wasn't a case of having a choice and waiting to get lucky.

  2. #42
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    I'm on the verge of selling Vita. Don't know what else I can do with it except playing WipEout (which is not bad, but still...). I was hoping that I could use it not only like a gaming system, but also like a tablet device. Guess I was wrong and... well, now I feel stupid.
    What bothers me especially is that Sony doesn't seem to hurry with all the announcements considering the future of Vita.

  3. #43
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    What announcements do they have to make?

    There were more high quality launch games than the average console début, so I don't think we'll see a second wave of titles for a few months yet.

    In terms of future announcements I think the Vita will have a big E3, though. I'm thinking we'll see a Gran Turismo and a few other big names.

    I am looking forward to what's next for the Vita, but Unit 13 will keep me busy in the meantime - might go back to WipEout eventually, but that game needs a patch the size of a small planet before I'll play it again!

    If you do sell it on chalovak, be sure to offer it to the folks on WipEoutZone first!

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by infoxicated View Post
    If you do sell it on chalovak, be sure to offer it to the folks on WipEoutZone first!
    Hah! Nice idea, in that case someone'll get a chance to visit Russia. Anyone is welcome.

  5. #45
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    I've played my Vita an absolutely ridiculous amount. There's so many games out for it. So far I've got Wipeout 2048, Fifa, Ridge Racer, Lumines, Mutant Blobs Attack, Super Stardust, Escape Plan and Motorstorm RC. So far the only game I have played over £20 for is Wipeout too, everything has been really cheap.

    I actually really like Ridge Racer, I've got something stupid like 18 hours against it so far.

  6. #46
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    I love it more than my 3DS, that's for sure. Of course, I only bought it for WipEout. Like the 3DS I only own one game on it by choice until both libraries beef up some. I'm looking into Gravity Rush. And a certain game company, Cave, said they were going to support it which could mean awesome shooters and ports of their old ones finally. That's a major plus.

    I have very limited tastes in games unfortunately and nothing on shelves besides maybe Lumines interests me. The system itself is phenomenal! I love how simple everything is and it has a lovely, friendly appeal to it. The 5 MP camera is excellent and the content manager makes music adding a lot faster. I always preferred my PSP over iPods and my phone. It played every beat with good volume. The Vita is no different. Great job on this, Sony.

  7. #47
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    I started this thread around mid febuary and I gave my honest opinion of what i thought of my vita along with other memebrs.
    now we are in mid april and i have had my vita for 8 weeks now.
    I no longer bother playing vita its sits in a drawer collecting dust and i consider it a total waste of money
    the romote play promised is non existent unless you hack the firmware.
    games bore me and nothing is really coming out, unless you want to pay for your favourite psps games again which i refuse to do.
    to summarise i personally think the vita is a super flop it may have all this hi tech specs but it dont change a thing.
    perhaps in another 8 weeks my mind will be changed..we shall have to see

    I have gone back to using psp

  8. #48
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    I still use mine pretty much every week day on my commute to work and I still love it.

    Unit 13 has been one of the best games I've played in years, and even though I've earned five gold stars in all but one mission, I'm still going back trying to improve my scores on various missions when I see people on my friends lists have beaten me.

    I want Everybody's Golf, but was wanting to wait until the price came down before I got it. I'm super tempted to just go for it now regardless of the price, as I have one game I think I'll trade in before it loses too much value.

    Curiously, that's the game I actually bought with the console, but I've barely been back to WipEout 2048 - haven't even used the network pass. It's odd that the game that motivated me to buy the thing in the first place is the only thing that's disappointed me about my Vita experience!

    One thing that I never thought would be a benefit of it is that the Music Unlimited client on the Vita is brilliant if you have that service - such a nice interface for browsing the music, and the sound quality that comes out of the Vita is superb.

  9. #49
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    You're making my curious about Unit 13 Rob!
    I like the Vita, but I currently have few interest to use it.
    I believe in the potential of the console anyway, I like several kind of games so no doubt I'll use it again
    It's a great piece of hardware, too bad the video player sucks that much... but with the experience from PSP and PS3, it was not really a surprise. Too bad, the screen is so nice!

    I may be interested in Gravity Rush, when available in Europe.

  10. #50
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    I love my Vita. I bought it about a month ago, and I guess part of me was still on the fence about it right up until the moment I played it for the first time. It's a very well built, very solid piece of hardware. It's also the first Sony system to get online functionality right. Aside from that, the games available for it now are very good, despite only being on the market for two months. Right now I have Ridge Racer and Wipeout 2048, but in the future I'm looking to buy Virtua Tennis 4, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom, and Lumines. The interface is also pretty neat, certainly a breath of fresh air from iOS and Android.

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