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Thread: New to WO zone, negcon

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default New to WO zone, negcon

    Hey all, new here to wipeout zone, but have been playing wipeout for a while now. Just received a negcon in the mail and started playing WO XL for the first ever! oMg, what have I missed? Until recently, the last time I played WO was on a PC with the original version of WO. Boy, I love this series. Been playing a lot of WO HD too, same handle. Cheers all!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    NeGcon can REALLY change any wipeout perspective! don't forget to calibrate the negcon for each ship exemple: you can not have the same sensivity for Quirex and Piranha because of the handling differences

  3. #3
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    Welcome to the zone!!! There are so many good tips tucked away here, have fun finding them all!
    you can not have the same sensivity for Quirex and Piranha because of the handling differences
    The wink is important, because you can have the same just makes the game that much harder-errr, I mean that much more interesting!!

  4. #4
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    What is the NeGcon?? I've never even heard of it . . . But, then again, perhaps I'm not ready for anything too advanced just yet, since I'm still (very very very much) learning the tracks.

    I played through the first six tracks and I was like "Pssh, Wipeout 64 is WAY harder than this game!" Then came the last two tracks. Holy. Crap.

  5. #5
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    Don't worry about the NeGcon being "too advanced"--it makes the game easier in my opinion!
    Check out this thread:
    There's lots of info here on the NeGcon. You can find them on Ebay, or in the "Wipeout Marketplace" thread here, from members willing to part with theirs.

  6. #6
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    Well, I caved and purchased a NegCon for the "bargain" price of just under 50 bucks earlier this evening on ebay. The acquisition of this thing is becoming quite the epic struggle: first, I tried my hand at an ebay auction only to be outbid while I was on vacation. As a second attempt, I purchased the controller on and eagerly opened the package only to discover the Jogcon, and that the seller had advertised it as the NeGcon incorrectly. Third, and most recently, I got into an INTENSE bidding war within the last three minutes of a second ebay auction and purchased the controller for way more than I intended to.

    As I look back and reflect on these trials and tribulations, I can only assume that whatever pain and suffering I have endured these last few weeks is nothing compared to the physical agony of manipulating the D-pad on the dual shock controller with my left thumb. I await my NeGcon eagerly.

  7. #7
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    Well you will either love it and you`ll be reborn as a pilot, or you`ll get hideous cramp and you will have to stop using it and put it back in the box forever before your lower arms fall off. Welcome to the owners club and let`s hope it`s the former

  8. #8
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    OMG LOVE IT!!! There's a windy stretch in Sagarmatha through which I couldn't ever quite find a good line, but now it's easy But man, Odessa Keys with the Qirex ship is still a chore!! I don't think I'll be able to pilot that tank with finesse for quite some time

    What do you people use for sensitivity? I'm liking 60 degrees (total) max torque with AG Systems, more like 40 for Qirex. Also, I'm wishing right about now that I could calibrate the I and II button sensitivity . . .

    Anyway, this thing is a total blast. I'll have to continue to mess with it in the coming weeks. Hell, the thing is so intuitive that I asked my wife if she'd have a go and she was piloting through Valpariso like a pro in no time!
    Last edited by quickbeam; 31st October 2010 at 06:56 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    Glad you love it. I`m not sure about best settings for the negcon on 2097. Try a search of the forum as it`s all been discussed in the past at some stage, as have button layouts.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by quickbeam View Post
    But man, Odessa Keys with the Qirex ship is still a chore!! I don't think I'll be able to pilot that tank with finesse for quite some time
    Haha! I had the same problem. I played okay with Qirex up until then, but I had to switch to another ship (can't remember which) for that track. I was ashamed.

    Quote Originally Posted by quickbeam View Post
    I'm wishing right about now that I could calibrate the I and II button sensitivity . . .
    I couldn't use those buttons, so I switched acceleration and weapons to the normal digital buttons. Much more comfortable now. But don't take advice from me; I'm not a very good player on the old games and my settings are probably all wrong!
    I just play those for fun, and the NeGcon makes it so much more fun.

  11. #11


    guys i saw the best price to be around 25quids , does it worth for a used pad ? i so regreted it that back in ps times i said what the heck ill stick with the ps pad , i would knew if i like it or not

    do region regulations apply on controllers too ? can i play a jap negon on pal ps2 ?

    i can play negon on ps2 right ?

  12. #12
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    Here in this forum the Negcon is widely recognized as the best controller for the first 3 wipeout games and 3SE so I guess most people will tell you that 25 quid is a fair enough price for a kinda priceless controller like a Negcon. In the end you'll have to decide for yourself though if better steering control, a better feeling of the track and the game's floatiness and almost guaranteed imrpovement of your times is worth the price.

    As far as I know there's no region regulations for Negcons and yes, you can hook up your Negcon to the PS2 and play without any problems.

  13. #13
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    i bought one last year and am yet to master it. i've spent so many years using the d-pad it's hard to get used to a new way of controlling the ships!

    good fun trying though.

    out of curiosity did anyone start playing wipeout with a Negcon from the beginning and did you ever try going to a d-pad?

  14. #14
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    Unfortunately not. The first time I had noticed the Negcon was here at the Zone.
    I´ve already ordered one, but I haven´t received it yet.
    I´m looking forward to use it in Wip3out SE, I think it´s going to be awesome!
    At our first WOZ-mini convention, dan introduced me to this interesting controller. Since that evening I am convinced!
    Notwithstanding that I´ve never used one before, I believe it will be the best way to master the tracks!

    Highly recommended!

  15. #15
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    The best part about the neGcon is that it's easily the best method of analog control for a game like this, and once you get past the initial awkwardness, if you do get past it, it makes everything easier. I was a Dualshock warrior for years in games like Wipeout 1 and XL which don't support any other analog controllers besides the neGcon and a few aftermarket steering wheel peripherals and trust me, especially in XL, it makes a HUGE difference being able to have analog steering that's this fluid and responsive. Ridge Racer Type 4 becomes 10x easier as well. You won't regret your purchase at all.

    This controller is weird because it's rare but with very little demand aside from the Wipeout community. I snagged my second neGcon for $5 USD at a nearby Play-N-Trade (yes, I said that correctly). It's the black neGcon that'll fetch high dollars because it's stupidly rare and Al Sartwell owns half of them already : but the white one will suit you just fine. The black is a bit smaller.

  16. #16
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    maybe!! I might actually own half of them

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