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Thread: New wipeout game in production?

  1. #41
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    Please, i don't give a flying **** about another WO on a PSP device. I'd say its a new WipEout game on the blue-prints. But jesus, i don't wanna have to buy a PSP to play it. If that's so, they need to release it later on the PS3. Its more than clear to all that the PS3 has much better sale than the late PSPGo...

  2. #42
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    Indeed I don't see ANY reason why SL could not implement the new tracks into another expansion for wipeout hd. I mean it makes sense, all the new tracks they develop for the new game could easily be made hd and injected via the PSN. or even a new ship/track pack. Every who already has
    Hd will no doubt buy it even for $30. Makes sense don't it

  3. #43
    yeldar2097's Avatar
    yeldar2097 is offline WipEout HD Cup - Quarter Finalist Veteran Pilot
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    Not sure it'd be what the people (us) want though. HD is quite buggy (getting more and more so) and probs won't be fixed.

    Better to start afresh methinks

  4. #44
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    It's always easier to fix the bugs than to start afresh mate...
    The few bugs left are very small.
    I would hardly say it's "buggy"
    Go play formula 1 2010 to get an accurate definition of buggy

  5. #45
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    I'm with yeldar. It's not that there are millions of bugs, but the few that were there at the start partially got fixed, and then even more crept in. Also, all sorts of weird stuff happens online. The more laggy it gets, the more crazy stuff happens, e.g. falling through tracks, weird green zone ships on the start grid, two of the same player apparently in a game, bad weapons randomization. That stuff is mostly fairly rare but I do feel like in general they got worse as add-ons and updates came in, and not better, as they should have. The latest problem I've seen is the in-game select-button friend screen doesn't usually seem to work. It was probably one of the best new features introduced in an update and at first worked really well, but now it rarely shows all my friends and when it does it tells me they're doing things in the game that they're not. It's the way these things just seem to creep into the game for no apparent reason that makes it seem like there is just something inherent to the way the game is built that allows these errors to creep in, and also makes them difficult to fix, and therefore they'd probably be better starting over.
    Last edited by SaturnReturn; 25th October 2010 at 12:15 AM. Reason: .

  6. #46
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    Not all the bugs are that bad... Syncopia SL ftw

    I'd like a new game, but I don't think any benefits made would be substantially greater than what we have already should it be released on the PS3. I reckon making it for next gen is the best thing to do. With a new team, they'd be allowed some room for flexibility so they may come up with changes in terms of style and gameplay, but I still just don't think it's worth it for this gen. The bugs in WOHD are rare and even more rarely game-breaking. They'd be able to do a lot more with new hardware.

    I also don't care about a PSP release, as I'm never going to get a handheld console, pretty much ever.
    Last edited by amplificated; 25th October 2010 at 01:13 AM. Reason: clarification

  7. #47
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    Hmm that's funny coz iv been playing online for over a year now
    And iv only just experienced a "buggy" race the other night for the first time.
    Where I was 10 seconds behind the othe players in the race at the
    Start of the race. I highly doubt the online bugs have anything to do
    With the game, more so I think it's network stability across the globe,
    Which manifest as "bugs".

  8. #48
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    If you read the job description you will see that whatever the new "Senior Designers" role is, it's following a game plan that is already somewhat established.

    If you read some of the posts made by some of the now ex SL people from Feb you will see hints [ the history of SL/Psynosis threads] that another Wipeout was at least in a rudimentary stage of being designed, but then again you have posts by Colin Berry [who had left SL a few months before the axing's] saying that Sony had told SL that there was to be no more Wipeout after FURY, so I guess that's what stage any new game designs would of been stopped.

    I'm kind of thinking this will be a totally new game, if there is one in the works that is, it's all conjecture anyway, not a HDifying of more old Pure/Pulse tracks.
    If it will be compatible with HD/FURY who knows.
    After seeing the difference between HD & FURY I suspect not, the game was seemingly heading in a new direction.

    Why the turn around by Sony to resurrect a game they had basically killed a few months previously for all intended purposes is another matter.
    It could of been the resurgence of interest in Wipeout with the Playstation + subscription.
    Upon seeing that, Sony realized that there was still life in the franchise [probably much to the annoyance of the fool at I'm guessing SCEA that said it was a dead game].

  9. #49
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    Blackwiggle I really hope you're correct in that last paragraph.

  10. #50
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    The differences between HD and Fury are purely aesthetics and only because the design team of HD wanted to make it different. It wasn't headed anywhere I do believe.
    Now, they said they wanted to make more after Fury but they didn't get the chance. More after Fury could mean another expansion - More likely as the base game is so solid - or a full retail WipEout title on PS3 -Possible since they already have the tech, they would just make art; but improbable because WipEout HD probably sold barely to break even since it's not immensely popular and it costs more to make a disc game.
    And then there's something I can't tell about the PSP games... So this new thing could be for PSP2 also, it would not be surprising because WipEout PurE was a good launch title for PSP.

  11. #51
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    Well I've been playing Wipeout since year dot and I never picked a "Detonator or Zone Battle mode" as a possibility being included in FURY.
    Did you honestly?
    That's what I mean by Wipeout taking a new direction that the people designing the game want to include, not what this fan site request/deem as mandatory.
    Who knows what might be the next "MODE", I sure as hell don't.

    It might be a complete failure as modes go, but I understand Wipeout cannot rest on it laurels, if it could then it would be far more successful than it is, mind you total lack of promotion hasn't helped.
    Any new Wipeout would almost certainly be better than none, but I do reserve the word "ALMOST", as a BAD WIPEOUT would do far more damage than none at all IMHO

  12. #52
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    psp2 or ps3, I'm sure this new wipeout will be ace. Can you imagine Zico Liu programming crappy stuff Blackwiggle ? I can't lol. And the major part of the crew is still part of SL. I just hope they'll correctly advertise this new game this time, as I believe the main reasons hd didn't reach its sales objectives are no marketing at all, no bluray in the first year, and finally no community support like official online tournaments and so on.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackwiggle View Post
    Well I've been playing Wipeout since year dot and I never picked a "Detonator or Zone Battle mode" as a possibility being included in FURY.
    Did you honestly?
    Well Zone Battle was fan service, some people on here wanted multiplayer Zone mode with the graphics effects I think it's kind of cool that they actually pulled it off. Eliminator was also requested a lot, the only new thing is Detonator that nobody expected, and I don't think it's taking the game in a new direction really... I mean for years there has been races, time trials, tournaments, eliminator, zones, speed lap, and now Detonator. I think it flows straight in a single line...

  14. #54
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    I think blackwiggle has sort of a point though. In another subject we ponder why the WO series is not (or no longer) widely popular and it has been put forward that WO is an old-fashioned type of game in many ways. I'm not sure how the WO formula can really be upgraded further at this point in a meaningful way (not just a graphics update, new tracks or more ships...) without addind some bold new elements in the game.

    Then again, this is not my job or anything and SL proved they had a few ideas up their sleeves that are right in line with WO as a whole but new nonetheless (Zone, etc...). I guess you could also add some proper endurance races or something...

    But perhaps a future WO title would be "more of the same with some tweakings". I'm sure nobody here would mind that and since Sony seems to view WO as a niche property with very specific uses, that's the most sensible (and economic) way to handle things for them.

    But there's also the possibility that the franchise is (or is viewed as) getting kind of stale and may just be discontinued. I think there is quite a few popular franchises that just... well... died, despite being big things on the PSX. A lot of VG franchises are just exhausted at some point and while WO has not been milked as badly as some other IPs, 8 games (I count HD+Fury as 1) is a pretty respectable count.

    However, I'm not sure fans would be too pleased with a radical revision of franchise nor that Sony is really willing to put the money and effort into it (they really have other fishes to fry and quite a few new IPs to care about: Motorstorm/Resistance/Uncharted/inFamous for instance, all very recent and with potential).
    Up to this point, the only "hip" feature I could see an use for is some sort of external customisation for the ships.

    Yeah, kind of a downer message.
    Last edited by Laeke; 27th October 2010 at 06:15 PM.

  15. #55
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    I see that the almighty Colin Berry is online now. Maybe he can give us an insight into this?

  16. #56
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    Probably not, he's at Bizzare Creations now.

  17. #57
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    There’s still big potential in a proper online mode. With tournaments and such. But I agree. The game could rather go back to the basics than add dozens of new features that just don’t fit (thankfully that hasn’t happend yet!).
    We’ll see anyway. Maybe they’re working on something totally different and give WipEout a pause. As long as it’s not totally dead, I’m happy

  18. #58
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    Hey Sony. If you make a new WipEout I'll buy a PS3.

    I actually came to these forums because I found this article

    But since I used the search function I didn't make a duplicate topic =D

    Glad to see this community is still alive. Let's keep hoping!

  19. #59
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    I dont get why some people might think there's no more creative potential for a new WO title...

    One of the main issue reviews gave WOHD was the fact that no new tracks were introduced, that the game was recycled into bolder graphics and animation. How about making completely new tracks then? It would be the time to present spectacular track design, that would be a strong start. Nothing too crazy, but surely:

    - Loops
    - Interacting environment: i could see a Spilskinanke-inspired track with shifting parts
    - Couples of short cuts or alternate routes.
    - Multi-level areas, perhaps like the AP over-pass, but without any obvious advantage like tons of speed pads.
    - Interlacing areas, like on Vostok Island and SilverStream

    And then:
    - Weapon pads turning into Speed pads when the Item has been taken, to maintain challenge
    - New teams and/or reintroduction of Tigron Enterprises and Van-Uber.
    - Elaborated and refined tools for custom ship skins - PLEASE.
    - "Eliminator" mode now involving kick-out last position pilots every lap.
    - Specific "Weapon Only" mode, like Cannons, Rockets, Turbos, etc.
    - Timed Endurance and Survival Mode.
    - Completely new soundtrack, along with maintaining custom playlist. WO games always have been a powerful promotion tool for electronic music artists, its a well-known fact.

    The WO universe always laid the path for immense creative possibilities. Its far from being a dead-end for the franchise. With the introduction of 3D features, there's still a lot of flesh around the bones to get. And this time, if SCEE/SCEA officials use their brain cells, they'll put up the proper marketing campaign to promote this awesome, new chapter. Advertising should be implemented WITHIN the game, in a visible manner but not overwhelming. Just like in wipE'ouT" (Red Bull). You know have extra revenue to maintain the franchise aflot.

    Believe me, if $ony perceives the possibility of a hint of augmenting the profits, they will develop it to a considerable level.

  20. #60
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    new game, old physics


    same game, old physics

    would be happy with either here. at least get rid of sideshift and put wipeout physics back to where they belong, and either fix the barrel roll or get rid of it. Motion blur does not mean speed, and it also makes the game look worse. Actually either give it the speed of the older games(pure/pulse), so it matters, or get rid of it altogether (I am for this one), or limit it to one per lap, but a good burst of speed so you need to use it in the best place.

    To be honest, I would be happiest if they just got rid of sideshift, that is just not wipeout at all.

    Oh, and make not hitting mean something, maybe a small increase in speed for every 10 seconds you don't touch a wall, then perfect laps would mean something, I have seen lots of youtube records where the wall is blasted into, but sideshifted off and still got a record.

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