Do all Icaras players hate using weapons? > I don't know about that, I'm not an Icaras player. However I'm fairly certain I would use them if I used Icaras.

Now I'm gonna address a few points made in here (but only once)

Are there ships that allow you to win more easily? > No. I don't believe so. What makes the good players win more easily is the fact that they are better players at the time of the races. The end. I won with Goteki and I think everyone will agree that this ship does not make it easy. But I still use it because of the reasons I chose it, and also because I'm one of the few left. I don't win often, sometimes being 3-4 against the best players, but then these players are better than me and so they win. Sometimes though I win against them, and I was better that time, this is simply how it works.

Do weapons require skill? > Yes. Someone who knows how to use weapons more effectively will get more hits than people who don't. Knowing how to use weapons can grant you a victory. Yes indeed, it can. Some people have a problem with that, I can understand. But the name of the game is WipEout, and there are weapons. So in races where they are active, it's either use them strategically, or learn how to avoid them, but you cannot say that using weapons to win is a weakness. It is a strength to know how and when to use weapons. Using weapons is a mind game, you have to think how to put your current weapon to it's best use. If you can't, absorb and roll the dice when you pick another up.