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Thread: SL leaderboard post boost-select-boost

  1. #81
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    Whether BSB takes skill or not, the whole thing draws one out of the game and
    it doesn't really fit within the WipEout universe either. Secondly, any known
    glitch / exploit sheds a bad light on the game from the outside and may even
    draw people away from the game. I have no problems with those who favor BSB,
    since I know for myself how it feels to pull out something which is regarded as
    difficult, and it's kinda fun sometimes to do such things like BSB & Co., but
    from a community standpoint it is really bad to say that you should get used to
    all the exploits to get good / competitive at the game, at the leaderboard.

  2. #82
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    errrrrr Dark you really like to argue about everything, seriously. No, I still don't see the point in wiping out the SL rankings, even with your arguments guys. Because there's a lot of real glitchs to deal with in the (zone/multiplayer...) rankings first.
    BSB simply means -0.15/0.20, not more. And as you said Dark, it would be the same rankings anyway, just after a couple of weeks. For the last time, you guys have to admit that PATIENCE, DEDICATION & WORK are the only required conditions to make the rankings.
    You'll never stop the need for speed, and particularly if it's a fair technique. As Jaytech, this technique can be used by everyone. And as Jaytech, this technique can be defeated by everyone. I've not all the best times in mind, but as it has been stated before, anulpha pass forward #1 rank 20.08 proves BSB is not the ultimate lethal weapon. Again guys you're not reading posts before posting. Saying BSB times can't be beaten is absolutely not true. Sometimes, a well-executed boost on the starting line can be faster than a stratospheric barrel roll above your ship. Moreover, BSB is forcing you to improve your racing lines, & inventing new tricks (adding a BR somewhere for eg.) This is just a matter of practice, & I'm finding really sad to see a lot of people are reducing that concern to a simple glitch debate. This BSB technique actually motivates me to improve my racing lines, nothing more. I'll never take this technique as an excuse for my not-fast-enough times. And yes, I am in some of the speed lap rankings, and when I have time, I'm still improving my records without BSB.
    Just to let you know, I'm not going to answer to your future post(s), I've more important things to do, like errrr working gah. And tonight I'll probably make some speed lap runs, and I'll ENJOY A LOT to follow some superfast ghosts, BSB -or not- powered, really DON'T CARE. I'll enjoy to execute A LOT of HORRENDOUS barrel rolls everywhere I can, cos I LIKE THAT.
    And you should -really- try to compete in the Speed lap tables before posting here.
    Last edited by kanar; 4th September 2009 at 02:00 PM.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by kanar View Post
    For the last time, you guys have to admit that PATIENCE, DEDICATION & WORK are the only required conditions to make the rankings. You'll never stop the need for speed, and particularly if it's a fair technique. As Jaytech, this technique can be used by everyone. And as Jaytech, this technique can be defeated by everyone. [/B]
    It's great to have a time trial challenge-- I love me 1,000+ lap "free play" sessions in PurE trying to set a new personal record

    But I still think it's nuts for SL to "fix" the BRB mechanic and not reset the leaderboards-- IMO it should be all or nothing

    I wonder if Sony is worried about resetting the leaderboards because it could discourage/annoy the "average" WOHD pilot that doesn't have times anywhere near the top of the rankings? I can certainly imagine that Sony wants to limit the number of times that leaderboards are reset.

  4. #84
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    This is why i rather race with other humans,

    Some choose to put there lives around doing SL and TTs all the time, and if someone breaks there records, they become all devastate and depressed and want to jump of a bridge or something, when someone beats there record.

    Its like my first car, i put all this care and time into it only to be ****ing wrecked by some stupid cunty bastard in a knobby car. So i can understand your situation SL and TT guru's/

    Anyway, continue, i think the popcorn is nearly ready.

  5. #85
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    @kanar: That's nice in all, but I'm not sure whether those iffy techniques
    like BSB enhance the experience in any way. If they do, then way not
    implementing a technique where one has to press five times three different
    buttons, within a second, to get another boost? Mastering this technique would
    become a skill as well, a skill that is pretty much ridiculous.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by kanar View Post
    errrrrr Dark you really like to argue about everything, seriously.
    Discuss seems more appropriate. An argument usually has a negative connotation where people are shouting at each other, which is the polar opposite of what I am doing
    Quote Originally Posted by kanar View Post
    No, I still don't see the point in wiping out the SL rankings, even with your arguments guys. Because there's a lot of real glitchs to deal with in the (zone/multiplayer...) rankings first.
    Yeah, they are. I also said they should be taken care of at the exact same time as speed lap. If Sony Liverpool (Or whoever's in charge) eventually does this, they'll do it in one shot, not step by step.
    Quote Originally Posted by kanar View Post
    For the last time, you guys have to admit that PATIENCE, DEDICATION & WORK are the only required conditions to make the rankings.
    Have I not done this already, by saying that whoever's on top now would still be after a wipe? If anyone thinks for a moment that I'm still posting about this because I feel I could gain something out of an eventual wipe of the board, well you're absolutely barking mad There's no way I could ever be on top with the other guys, I simply do not have the time. No, why I am discussing this still is because the exploit is still present in the game in some form, and voicing the opinion that it should be removed along with all the times of the boards (Because like I said before there's no way to tell who used it and who did it) in order to re-instate a fair competition for this mode while respecting the original design of the game.
    Quote Originally Posted by kanar View Post
    Again guys you're not reading posts before posting.
    Yes I am, I suggest you go back yourself. I never even talked about the "if" beating BSB times was possible or not, I'm only talking on the basis that it's an exploit.
    Quote Originally Posted by kanar View Post
    I'm finding really sad to see a lot of people are reducing that concern to a simple glitch debate.
    It is an exploit, that's not up to debate.
    What is being discussed is an eventual wipe of the leaderboard because of the semi-removal of the exploit by Sony Liverpool. But you guys come back in here and keep saying it isn't an exploit, so who is debating this really?
    Quote Originally Posted by kanar View Post
    And you should -really- try to compete in the Speed lap tables before posting here.
    Playing the game and wanting any and all exploit, bug, glitch, hack or cheat removed is not enough? You're telling me I have to be top 10 before I can start posting? Is that a pre-requisite or a rule on the WipEout Zone Guidelines announcement that I have not seen? Is everyone else here in a top 10 of speed lap and I am not aware of that? Having played WipEout for five years, having accumulated 300 hours (SPARTA!) across three games is not enough for you? Having gone to two wonderful conventions hosted by Al Sartwell is not enough for you? Is it not enough proof that I am dedicated to this franchise and a loyal fan, simply wishing the game to be glitch/hack free?
    Seriously, that's not even a point you can make.
    Even the lowly newbie who only plays in Venom because he doesn't have the time and patience to get better at the game has the right to freedom of speech and voicing his opinion on the BSB exploit. This sentence is basically you blocking your ears with your hands and saying "lalalalala I'm not listening." You think that's rational?

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by kanar View Post
    BSB simply means -0.15/0.20, not more.
    I'm sure on some tracks, such as Vineta K (note yeldar2097's video) and Ubermall, because of the way you land, you can easily gain a good half second+ with BSB.

    Quote Originally Posted by kanar View Post
    Saying BSB times can't be beaten is absolutely not true.
    Depending on how effective the BSB is, yes it is. Sub-18 seconds laps without BSB on Vineta K (example) is impossible (to my knowledge anyway).

    Quote Originally Posted by kanar View Post
    And you should -really- try to compete in the Speed lap tables before posting here.
    I SL regularly. I always keep finding new lines and places to BR/use the turbo and put in a lot of effort, time and hard work (as you say) in getting these times, but the simple matter is i'll know if I was twice as good as I am now, I still wouldn't be able to beat (or in some cases even get close to) most of the BSB'd SL times. It's just a fact.

  8. #88
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    quote BLAH BLAH BLAH quote BLAH BLAH BLAH. Always the same. You should try to disqualify Husain Bolt's records cos' he's taller (obviously it's a glitch) than the other sprinters, I'm sure you have your chances with your great arguments. Pretty annoying and boring, as this place these past few weeks. Hopefully the game itself is still interesting. I know I said I won't answer lol, but I just wanted to let you know what I feel about your "discussion". BTW : 17:87 on vineta k forward by myself WITHOUT BSB, just for your info (on my way to 18:60 easily, if I have time to spare).
    Last edited by kanar; 4th September 2009 at 03:05 PM.

  9. #89
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    You're on your way to a slower lap time?

    Regardless, I'd love to see a video of that.

  10. #90
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    Default Moderator message.

    I believe that the points have been stated on all sides, and now are simply being repeated with increasing heat in the hope that the heat will change the opinion of the opposition. That will not happen, as examination of human nature and history will show. In other words, cool it.

  11. #91
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    sorry for starting a bit of a row. it wasnt intended.

    i thought some of the SL die-hards would be irrated that beating their competitors times just got harder, or impossible in selected cases, but alas i was wrong, pirahpac & kanar have proved their dedication is as strong as ever!

    good luck to you all.

    ive happily listened to all your points, and am going to go SLing right now to see if im fussing over nothing. apologies again.

  12. #92
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    Lance: I believe I can say again what I want. Am I trying to change the opinion of others about the BSB? No. What I've kept on saying I believe for the major part of this discussion was that:
    1. Sony Liverpool agrees it is an exploit by removing "half" of it from the game. It's still possible, but much harder to do.
    2. I am inclined to agree with them, and I think they should go further and reset the leaderboards for speed lap in order to re-initiate the competition in an environment in accordance with the design of the game.
    The ones who don't believe the BSB is an exploit can keep their opinions, it just happens to not be concordant with Sony Liverpool's and is what I'm also saying, but I'm not trying to anger people here. If you are getting angry because I keep posting that, well I don't know what to say except don't get angry
    Why I have been saying it over and over is because people aren't reading the "opposing" point of view and still say that it's not an exploit, which is obviously not up to discussion at all as it is:
    1. Off topic to this particular thread.
    2. Sony Liverpool have modified the feature in an attempt to prevent the BSB, thus confirming that it is an exploit of a flaw in the game design.

    Apparently people are getting angry though And I simply don't get it. What am I saying here to anger people, perhaps I need shock therapy or something. If it's simply the fact that I'm responding, well you know what? I'll invite you to put me on your ignore list so you don't have to read me again. It's like magic and will hide any post I make from your view, if you would like to read it you'll just have to click a button. If my responses are so annoying for whatever reason, you are free to not read them using this feature, and I invite you to do so as to not embarrass yourself like kanar here with his complete and entire dismissal of my post with "BLAH BLAH BLAH", which frankly could be taken as quite insulting and rude.
    Because as far as I'm aware, I've not insulted anyone, called anyone a cheater, etc; in fact I tried to avoid as much as possible this situation where a misunderstanding could occur by saying multiple times: I respect the skill of those dedicated to the Speed Lap mode; and additionally I wish partly for the removal of the BSB and the resetting of the board so that a good and uncompromised competition can be re-ignited between them.
    If anyone sees me as opposed to the fact that there are these players at the top of the speed lap, I'll go ahead and say it again that I am not. They deserve to be there, they are the best. However in the interest of the game being as clean as possible, there is this suggestion of removing the BSB and wiping the board for a new, fresh, and uncompromised competition starting over.

    Since the removal of the reputation, I cannot get feedback of my posts through it anymore, so if there is a problem, feel free to PM me.

  13. #93
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    what angers people is probably the "matter of fact" attitude while saying your piece my friend .

    add a slice of agression to the mix and you get a flawless recipe for "annoyed people". best served cold.
    ....with ice cream.

  14. #94
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    i think it's not what you say that irritates people, but the way you say them, the tone you use.
    and, imho, you'd just have to spend half the amount of time you spend writing useless post here, into SL competition, and you'd set better SL times than some bsb or maybe all bsb times (who knows with your wipeout skills!) and then you would have more free time for other things

    (ok except maybe 1 or 2 tracks where competition maybe ****ed, but well ... you still have a lot of tracks to have fun with ! )

  15. #95
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    No, playing so much games right now would be a bad idea in my case. Unfortunately school has started and I won't have much time anymore. I can only bring my laptop which is how I post in the lunch hour and the breaks.

    And like I said, send PMs, I'm open to feedback. I don't wish to derail this thread further by asking for feedback.
    I've already stated what I wish for (multiple times) so it's done and I'll try to stop now

  16. #96
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    Default Moderator message.

    And how many times saying the same thing over and over are required to get in the last word, or to annoy the hell out of everybody, or to convince oneself that one is right, or solve the problem when one is not speaking directly to the people responsible for creating and fixing the problem? What constructive purpose is served by this repetition? How much repetition is just sheer bloodyminded argumentativeness? To be clear, my statements above do not apply to just one of the participants; several people have done one or more of these things. The thread has not only long since become unproductive, it is also now providing material and opportunity for incivility.

    Thread closed.

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