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Thread: ZONE / Zone Battle thread of vEry awEsomEnEss

  1. #761


    I am tempted to try and get Zone 50 in Sebenco Climb in internal view, my best record on that so far is 41, I feel the goal is within reach but it'll be a tough mountain to climb!

  2. #762
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    i know it`s not internal view, but i guess it`s still useful.

  3. #763


    It certainly helped take a good line in the first two-three corners, and as of just now (6 attempts today, and around 5-10 over previous times) I have finally achieved my goal!

    Managed to scrape past 51 before the ordeal was done, but I am so glad i've done it, the footage has been recorded as well and will be up as soon as possible

    Last edited by Snake55wildcat; 11th January 2013 at 08:20 PM.

  4. #764
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    I know this is an old debate, and one where I've always been on the fence, but the recent Zone Round in the Omnium tournament settled it for me...

    There is a difference in the handling between different Zone ships. I swear blind there is, and not just a small difference, a massive one. So far I've only tried direct comparisons on the faster tracks, such as the Pure Four. I tried a couple of them in the Feisar, when I reached Supersonic the ship became so twitchy it was uncontrollable, and when I got into trouble I'd quickly end up pinballing around the track.

    A second attempt on each track in the Goteki 45 was a completely different story. It feels much heavier, and as a result much more stable. At higher speeds on the Pure Four, it was easy to carve stright lines through the track, and if I did end up in trouble, it was so much easier to correct it.

    So there's my two pence. In my opinion, a heavier ship such as G-45, Auricom or Triakis is much better for Zone than something lightweight like a Feisar. At least for the faster tracks anyway. As we didn't do any technical tracks I can't comment on them, but I'll have a play with them soon and report back.

    I would of course welcome any opinion to the contrary (albeit in that patronising way when you know you're right).

  5. #765
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    I'm bumping this thread because I didn't want to start a new one. My question is, how come so many people play single races, tournaments and eliminator battles online, but zone battle rooms are so uncommon? It's a shame because I probably enjoy zone and zone battle the most, but often can't find anyone to play with. Is it because there aren't any powerups? Is it because it is really hard (especially if the target is 55)? Is it because the zone battles take too long? What gives? I'd take a four-person zone battle over a four-person eliminator battle anyday!

  6. #766
    yeldar2097's Avatar
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    Same reason WipEout has always had more of a cult following than being popular, same reason 2048 turned out the way it did. The average gamer, the majority, the general populous, the people.
    In other words every braindead pleb who enjoys tagging along, tagging himself, an eternal prefix of hashtags. Those people

    Zone Battle is a challenge AND there are no weapons, therefore it is boring and a waste of your and everyone else's time.
    Play CoD, Everyone loves CoD, hell, that racer Blur even used the prestige system for online play.
    Don't have CoD? Play eliminator.

  7. #767
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    Errrr, I don't think zone battle is not played because it's too challenging. Surely everyone agrees that getting used to ZB takes a lot less time than getting used to racing ? Well that's my personal experience anyway. You can't really say it's challenging online either, considering how few games are hosted. If it's not from people I know, most of the ZB rooms are hosted by hurr-durr noobs who put some stupid setup like syncopia @30 or something. Reminds me of that one time when that guy set up a Sebenco Climb @40 to scare me off of the room... that was cute.
    Though the lack and weapons+ the fact it's not a mainstream mode (ie something major in the offline campaign or the reason why you buy the game to begin with) explains the lack of popularity methinks.

    I don't think they're too long. I don't remember when the zone decreasing thing start, but it's at a reasonable time imo. Definitely not too hard to get to 55. On any clear track that's easily done under the time limit. If anything, I'd say it's a lot easier than classical racing or zone : you can recover from mistakes much more easily in general (wall damage is negligible, health easily restored,etc) and goals more straightforward (all you have to do is chase around speed pads, health management for BRs is inexistant, position of others on the track and lines are mostly irrelevant).

    I just think that people mostly play the campaign, do a couple of ZB against the retarded AI (in retarded settings to top it off. The hardest is what, MH @40 maybe ?), dismiss it as a bogus bonus mode designed to look pretty alongside detonator (which is waaaaaay harder to master imho), and get back to the racing mode.

    I'll be able to play some Wipeout starting september, so if you have a plan to manipulate people into playing ZB by then, do enact it^^

  8. #768
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    I still play ZB regularly Denton, but getting a room going can be torturous. I usually set it up, then pgo on the laptop for a while until a player or two come along. If after 5-10 minutes nobody arrives, I'll usually leave and hoin a race / elim room. So yeah, it's underplayed to say the least.

  9. #769
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    A few weeks ago, one person on my friend list and I were having some 1 on 1 zone battles. They were INTENSE. One time on Anulpha Pass Reverse, we both boosted past 55 at the same time, but the game gave me the victory because I was at 55.4 while the other person was at 55.0. We also had some close ones on Modesto Heights Reverse, including a 55.0 to 54.7 finish. The ONLY thing about zone battle I don't like is how easy it is to lose a perfect lap because of being bumped by other ships, especially on the first lap.

    As for regular zone mode, my Syncopia scores continue to gradually increase. My top 5 personal scores now are all higher than 360,000 points with finishes better than 115/90. Today I raced a 118/93 that I recorded and will upload to YouTube. I'm also having a lot of fun with Sebenco Climb Reverse and Modesto Heights Reverse. I am happy to play 1 on 1 zone battles because if there are 5 of us in the room, it can get pretty crazy pretty fast with all those zone barriers on the track. But I would take a zone battle over a tournament or 1 on 1 eliminator anyday!

  10. #770
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    I finally cracked the 400,000 point barrier on Syncopia tonight. I had a 122/100 run with 75 total laps and 56 perfect laps. I had about 80 ship energy at Zone 112 when one mistake led to HUGE damage. My highest zone ever is 127, but I value points over total zones because perfect zones and perfect laps are what it takes in order to make it to higher zones with your ship intact. Anyway, my quest to make it to Zone 200 before Super Ryuga continues! Watch out, Ryuga!

    Another track I love zoning on is Anulpha Pass reverse. I'm nowhere near as good on that track as I am on Syncopia, but it's still a lot of fun.

  11. #771
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    I haven't played Zone mode for loong time, especially in Syncopia, but now I'm back a challenge!!

    Zzonkmiles, this is a challenge!! Reach Zone 200 before you now is my main target!
    If you want, anyway, we can run on zone battle , I love this mode too, but I have the same problem, nobody play it

  12. #772
    yeldar2097's Avatar
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    200 should be quite possible with 2.51 patch.

    Take a video for us noobs

  13. #773
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    Ryuga! If we are online at the same time, I'll open a Zone Battle room. Actually, that mode works best when there aren't so many people playing it because the barriers can be KILLERS when they are all over the track!

    I also played Zone again a few days ago and opened with 87 perfect zones on Syncopia, which is a personal best. But the game ended up being a disappointment because I flamed out at Zone 117. Right now, my goal is to hit Zone 130. I know you're about 50 zones ahead of me, so it'll take a little time to catch you. But let it be known that I am trying! It appears that I am ranked #29 worldwide on Syncopia, but that's not good enough!

    I think my biggest problem with Zone that's holding me back is the fact that I don't use sideshifts. It seems unnatural for me to use sideshifts in Zone, but I bet they could really help me if I could use them correctly!

  14. #774
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    Just done 186 zones yesterday, but not WR, now I have the WR on Funeral__Mask with about 183 zones! 200 is near

  15. #775
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    Ryuga/FMask, do you have the ability to record your zone sessions? I would LOVE to see how fast Zone 180 is. That is insane. I mean, even at Zone 90, it's easy to get careless and lose a lot of energy. Even though it is my stated goal to reach Zone 200 before you do, I think the only way this can happen is for your PS3 controllers to inexplicably break. Impressive indeed.

    Keep zoning! It really is my favorite game mode. :-)

  16. #776
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    Yeah, I can record my zone sessions with a camera if I can today, I record one session!

  17. #777
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    I just had an INCREDIBLE Zone session on Syncopia just now. I opened with 90 perfect zones. 90 PERFECT ZONES. In other words, I made it up to Zone 91 before I hit the wall for the first time. My previous best was no damage until Zone 88. Anyway, I turned that into a 123/102 run worth almost 414,000 points. Sadly I don't have video, but I do have a picture. I passed two more people in the worldwide rankings, so I'm #29 according to the online stats. My new target is Doriett (who is on my friend list!). I'm only 15,000 points behind you, friend, so you better practice!

    (And of course, my ULTIMATE goal is to reach Zone 200 before Super Ryuga does!)

    My progress with Zone has been funny. I can't seem to make it past Zone 125 (I think I did maybe twice), but I am getting a higher number of perfect zones now. My perfect zones used to be in the mid-90s, but now I am getting perfect zones of 100 or more now. That's encouraging. But I can only squeeze so many more points out of 120-125 zones. So I need to try and hit 130 or so next.

    Screw Zico. I LOVE ZONE!!!!

    Last edited by Zzonkmiles; 18th January 2014 at 01:46 PM.

  18. #778
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    ^^ Sadly your attachment's broken, but congrats on the run, that's fantastic! Looking forward to seeing a 200 Zone run on HD (as I think it has been achieved on 2048 on Sol).

  19. #779
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    I like zone mode because I like listen to custom music and calm my nerves, breaking zone records that's my favorite part for playing zone mode is to break records.

  20. #780
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxSuperRyugaxX View Post
    now I have the WR on Funeral__Mask with about 183 zones!
    Ah is that you? I've raced against you with that account but didn't know

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