Has anyone ever suggested having a normal WipEout race but without contact? Many racing games have this option and I think it'd work well in WipEout.

I am sick and tired of taking the correct line around a corner, only for someone else to pile drive into me whilst the other 6 ships zoom past me and then all proceed to lay mines and bombs directly after.

Also, I'm not sure if anyone is aware, but the contact system is NOT accurate. I was racing with my step-dad (xTHORGODx) side-by-side on holiday and we were purposely avoiding contact with each other. On my screen I had flown past him and wasn't touching him what-so-ever, but on his screen I was next to him and was contentiously colliding with him. A lot of the contact with other ships won't actually be on purpose.

So, how about an option to turn collides off?