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Thread: When the first download content will be released?

  1. #301
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    It's only right that the DLC should be paid for; hard work should always be rewarded. But every now and then something free should be given to the fans to keep them sweet.

    I wish Sony had a more hands-on approach to WO, like Bungie has to Halo. Keeping the fans informed and assuring them that new stuff is just around the corner will keep them on their toes. The total silence that we have just makes people wonder if Sony doesn't care and has forgotten about WO, which sends the wrong message. Wait too long and people will jump ship to another game... are we already seeing it?

  2. #302
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    There`s no way it will be free Forget it. It will probably be reasonably priced as Sony in house stuff on the PS Store tends to be good value. If there are complaints over Sony charging for it I will probably just pull out all my fingernails slowly while listening to Celine Dion and eating mouthfuls of cold brussels sprouts instead of coming here, as that will be more fun.

    If the DLC is done the best way then everybody who wants to play online will have to download the content to hard disk, and you will only purchase the unlock key for the content you already have on your hard disk. In this way, those who don`t buy it are not locked out of online games when they don`t have the right ships or tracks. They can be allowed to join games with the DLC, but they cannot host or play single player with the DLC. It is the only sensible way for DLC to be done, imo, otherwise it leads to confusion and chaos online, and almost every PS3 game does it this way I think. Maybe this method makes really big DLC downloads impractical, but I don`t know.

    And thanks to Colin, of course, for that little info-nugget, very appreciated!

  3. #303
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    guys, 5 mounths of hard work, and i bet it will become 6 if not 7, how someone can pretend to get it free?
    for much i do care an love this game i'd fell myself a thief as well, i'm more than happy to pay for dlc, to pay for every content will be released

  4. #304
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    I'm of course perfectly happy to pay for it as well, but if it does turn out to be free, so much the better! (Don't worry; I'm sure to pour plenty of money into future WO games!)

    I just hope that it's available worldwide and that the fiasco of Pulse DLC doesn't repeat itself. This was handled much better with Pure, not least because Pure DLC was free.

    Mateo, I wouldn't say that the main game is underpriced if the same technology is being used to create a future, full-blown HD Wipeout game. We'll "overpay" when that game comes out at full price, which will make up for the "underpayment" of the current WOHD.

  5. #305
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    Yes I have to agree that the Pulse situation was a fiasco. Infact a "fiasco" is a relatively well-organised and successful enterprise compared to what happened with Pulse`s DLC But, fortunately, updates seem to be handled much better on PS3. Even with Pure`s free content it was a pain on Xlink Kai`s unnoficial online play when people didn`t have the downloads - not everyone got around to downloading it, so there were problems with people not having the ships and tracks they needed and getting kicked from games or being unable to join, and the same would happen on HD if the download of updates isn`t compulsory in order to play online. Making everyone at least download but not necessarily buy the DLC before they can go to the online lobbies is the only workable solution, imo.

  6. #306
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    as mentioned above, bungie are a great example for handling DLC, also criterion games for Burnout Paradise. whether you like halo 3 or burnout paradise doesn't really matter, the fact both these companies have great relationships with the fans and do a good job with DLC says everything.

    with criterion they gave out heaps of free stuff and now are charging...which is fair enough in my book. they deserve some cash for all their hard work. They did this to build up interest in the product and get a solid user base. it worked, now they can charge and make money, while keeping fans happy with free stuff and give them options with charged stuff.

    with bungie, they charge for DLC...which later becomes free/reduced, gave out free stuff on what they call Bungie Day and express constantly how it's microsoft stopping them charging less and giving things out free or when they're done...not when microsoft say 'nows a good time to release'. they listen to the fans and constantly react.

    balancing charged and free DLC is not easy...with Wipeout and it's considerable smaller fanbase i believe charging is the best option, but the odd free thing will really help...for the fanbase, the reputation and the future...even if it's just some small things. (the people working on the product, i'm sure, would be all-for sticking at least something out for free to get the sheer joy and reation from fans!)

    whether sony would let Studio Liverpool do that, even on a small scale is another matter...

  7. #307
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    first of all they could do as criterion did, as many mates before said , they released the pack with all included and the individual packs,with only one car , so if one wish only only 1 ship , he buy only 1 ship, if one wish 1 track buy 1 track, if he want it all, get it all

    more option= more money, so the uberfans get it all, the one that want only that certain " piece" but isn't intersted in the other stuff and don't want to spend all the $ is free to get it, people aren't discouraged = sale assured

    concerning the other main argument, about the interaction -online play- people who own that track/people who don't own and cannot play anymore
    this apply only for tracks, i think
    or if one race with a download ship and another one of the participants don't own that ship, will not see it?

  8. #308
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    Quote Originally Posted by pildog View Post
    It's only right that the DLC should be paid for; hard work should always be rewarded. But every now and then something free should be given to the fans to keep them sweet.

    I wish Sony had a more hands-on approach to WO, like Bungie has to Halo. Keeping the fans informed and assuring them that new stuff is just around the corner will keep them on their toes. The total silence that we have just makes people wonder if Sony doesn't care and has forgotten about WO, which sends the wrong message. Wait too long and people will jump ship to another game... are we already seeing it?
    x2 hard work must be rewarded (to keep them motivated to do more)
    once in a while lauching a new skin/ship/track for free would also be great just to keep the game always fresh.

    Btw I just bought it this was the green signal i was waiting for

  9. #309
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    Not only do Bungie release frequent (and sometimes free) DLC, they host different or custom game types each week. This means there's always something new to do, and you know they're watching and are interested in what the fans are playing. Wouldn't it be great if WO hosted a new track challenge each week, or hosted a different tournament, where the three best times/wins over the week would be given gold/silver/bronze status?

  10. #310
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    This is hardly a fair comparison, since Halo has many many times more fans than WO (which is unfortunate), so naturally there are more important things to work on.

    With that said, lets have some DLC already!!!!!

  11. #311
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    Happy to hear that SL are at least working on some DLC! Send it this way guys .

  12. #312
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    part of the reason that burnout/halo have much higher fanbases is they did a much, much better job launching and supporting. Wipeout had a lot of hype when it was released, I was quite amazed. But then what happened? they dropped it into the world, with a massive bug on the friends list that took ages to be fixed and then nothing. left to die (or left to the diehard)

    It's not difficult to see what they could have done, got some more bones in the very bare bones online. released a stready trickle of dlc to keep ppl interested, hosted tournaments and events, created a home space. It's a much longer list than this but sony have managed to do exactly nothing.

    A bit crap for the flagship PSN game dont you think? Playing online the last month or so it seems the community is reaching a critical point size wise. I waited 10 mins the other day and only saw a single venom game up in all that time. It's fine if you get into a room as generally it will stay alive for some time, but for anyone logging on they would think it had died already. sad, sad

    Maybe its time to bite the bullet, release on blu-ray with some additional content and put a little/some/any effort into marketing!

  13. #313
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    "All the things I could do
    If I had a little money
    It's a rich man's world" (Abba)

    Time crisis mate... My thought is they had not enough budget for a decent promotional campaign. Sony focused on KZ2, LBP... But I'm sure we'll have these DLCs soon!
    Last edited by kanar; 9th March 2009 at 02:39 PM.

  14. #314
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    Quote Originally Posted by rushin View Post
    part of the reason that burnout/halo have much higher fanbases is they did a much, much better job launching and supporting. Wipeout had a lot of hype when it was released, I was quite amazed. But then what happened? they dropped it into the world, with a massive bug on the friends list that took ages to be fixed and then nothing. left to die (or left to the diehard)

    It's not difficult to see what they could have done, got some more bones in the very bare bones online. released a stready trickle of dlc to keep ppl interested, hosted tournaments and events, created a home space. It's a much longer list than this but sony have managed to do exactly nothing.

    A bit crap for the flagship PSN game dont you think? Playing online the last month or so it seems the community is reaching a critical point size wise. I waited 10 mins the other day and only saw a single venom game up in all that time. It's fine if you get into a room as generally it will stay alive for some time, but for anyone logging on they would think it had died already. sad, sad

    Maybe its time to bite the bullet, release on blu-ray with some additional content and put a little/some/any effort into marketing!

    agreed. during psone and ps2 era, sony knew what they where doing with releases, support and advertisement...they do seem to have lost the plot.

    i think a blu-ray release would help a lot...seen as there's zero advertisement, updates on the game...if people stood in a shop see wipeout in a nice shiny case next to killzone 2, they're gonna pay attention!

  15. #315
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    Not only that,the Wipeout HD website has gone all screwy with the music.

    Will somebody change the websites batteries or put a new hamster in the treadmill.

  16. #316
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    [QUOTE=blackwiggle;116863]the Wipeout HD website has gone all screwy with the music.QUOTE]

    ah so is the site screwed , i'm thinking was somethin in my pc

    good, all is left to rot...

  17. #317
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    Yeah, i entered some weeks ago, i thought that it was my pc.

    Well, it's time for some new tracks, or the "reverse campaign", or something. A few months has passed since the release and re-playing the game with more content will extend the life of this game (i have 100 hours in total, counting the 83% of the thophies, with a DLC... maybe 200 lol)

  18. #318
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    Either they've fixed the music or something else may have been erroneous. The music is working fine with ff over here.. :/

    The site displays "Navigation Panel 0.1", that even appears to be pre-release

  19. #319
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    HAHA that music from the wipeout hd site omg im really laughing my ass off !
    energy low

    anyway dlc will come! eventually

  20. #320
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    Music not working here either.
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; fr; rv: Gecko/2009021910 Firefox/3.0.7 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)

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