WipEout HD is nearly here...and judging by how long we have anticipated its arrival...I for one am excited to take this online...

Let's settle on a date...and time...(maybe sometime on the weekend and also a time that will suit Wipers of everyone country, colour and creed)...where all of us with HD will meet and have an online session of HD...

I know it is difficult to specify a date just yet, without the release date even given yet...but lets say sometime in Oct or Nov where we have ample amount of time to brush up and hone our skills, especially with the new control options and physics that HD has to offer...

Who's in???

And when might be a good projected date for this worldwide 'event'???

Start adding PS3 friends on the PSN... I know I have fox, Nadia, Habib and a few others whom I can't remember off the top of my head (pardon my memory)...I would actively add people, but recently I haven't found the time for my PS3...