What I gathered was that if it would have come out in say... July 2008, with only 8 tracks and 4 cars.. etc... it would have been a $29.99 US PSN title. However, since Sony wanted them to put the 8 reverse tracks, 2 extra HUD's and 4 extra ships into the original release instead of offering them later on as a $20 US DLC [as SL themselves said that they were planning on], then I can fully see it being a $49.99 release at this point. Sony knows how many Wipeout fanatics they have salivating at the mouth over this title. Hell, they have been cock-teasing us with videos, screenshots, and bogus release dates for the past year and a half. Regardless, even if it was $59.99, I would begrudginly pay it after realizing that I throw away a lot more money that that on retarted things that don't even give me a tenth of the joy some 1080p wipeout goodness will [i.e.: dates with boring women lolz].