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Thread: THE WipEout to end all WipEouts???

  1. #1
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    Default THE WipEout to end all WipEouts???

    Thinking about it...does anyone seriously think SL will even release a 'proper' WipEout for the PS3 after how much time, effort and work has gone into HD???

    Was thinking today...if SL is taking awhile to nail down HD to perfection, will we even need another WipEout??? Here's a checklist...

    Gameplay - check...if the controls experienced by 1UP and other previewers are to go anything by...HD will have pretty much a solid control scheme that will define WipEout

    Graphics - check...1080p at 60fps...cmon...what more can you ask for??? Now if this applies to both split-screen and online as well...we do not need anything will be perfection

    Music - check...sure there are only what?? 8-9 tracks??? But we also have customisable can always be added on as DLC

    Tracks - check...sure there are only 8 tracks with a few more added...but the WipEout series has a very rich resource of tracks spanning across a whole line-up of games. Plus, none of these tracks were in any way particularly I'm sure that if SL slowly or quickly released all the tracks ever made from WipEout, WipEout 2097, Wip3out + Wip3out SE, WipEout Fusion, WipEout Pure and WipEout Pulse as free DLC, we will eventually have one helluva anti-gravity experience sitting in our black magic box...

    So yeah...if SL can nail this one down to perfection...I reckon...this will be THE definitive WipEout...then they can focus on other nudge wink wink...

    EDIT: Guess what I'm trying to say is that if the engine for WipEout can be done right first time on the PS3...all we need would only be updates that will enhance a game that is already pretty close to what we all envisioned in the cut-scenes of older WipEouts...

    if anything...SL could probably even release filters that can change the 'look' of the game...maybe a 2097 filter, or Wip3out filter...

    EDIT: Just to emphasise my point on how many tracks WipEout has given us over the years...


    Altima VII
    Karbonis V
    Aridos IV

    WipEout 2097

    Talon's Reach
    Phenitia Park
    Gare D' Europa
    Odessa Keys
    Vostok Island

    WipEout 64

    Klies Bridge
    Qoron IV
    Machaon II


    Stanza Inter
    Sampa Run
    Manor Top
    P-Mar Project
    Porto Kora
    Mega Mall

    WipEout Fusion

    Florion Height
    Cubiss Float
    Alca Vexus
    Vohl Square
    Temtesh Bay
    Katmoda 12

    (3 variations of each)
    (forward and reverse)

    WipEout Pure

    Vineta K
    Modesta Heights
    Chenghou Project
    Blue Ridge
    Sebenco Climb
    Sol 2
    Staten Park
    Exostra Run
    Uber Mall
    Sebenco Peak
    Anulpha Pass
    Kara Descent
    Card City Run
    Paris Hair

    WipEout Pulse

    Talon's Junction
    Moa Therma
    Arc Prime
    De Konstruct
    Tech De Ra
    The Amphiseum
    Fort Gale
    Platinum Rush
    Outpost 7
    Vostok Reef
    Gemini Dam

    (all in White or Black)
    Last edited by cybrpnk; 29th July 2008 at 11:44 PM.

  2. #2
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    I agree with this assessment IF newly designed tracks are part of the DLC that is eventually made available. IMHO core features of Wipeout HD seem more than adequate for a "next-gen" edition of the game but not without newly designed tracks.

    Quote Originally Posted by agent orange View Post
    .... so I'm sure that if SL slowly or quickly released ....[content]... as free ...
    That seems unlikely to me-- I think the cost will be significant, and we had better brace for it now.

  3. #3
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    downloadable content? they haven't even released the pulse packs yet.

    Fusion has 3 tracks per environment, and they all are playable in reverse. I wish these could get into the ps2 version somehow, since some of these tracks are incredible.

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    I agree with Jabberjaw, the Fusion tracks were incredible, but they have more or less been disregarded as WipEout tracks due to the rest of the games flaws..... bring back the flip-pads from katmoda 3???

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    Oh please no! I really didn't like the flip pads! Actually, this is just one more of those new features which seem to have been added in just for the sake of adding new stuff, to have a selling point. Honestly, same goes for mag-strips and barrel rolls. The game was perfect before all these additions (see 2097 and 3), so why? WHY I ask!

    But anyways, back to topic: YES, if a large roster of old tracks, and some completely new ones were to be added to HD in the future, this would indeed make it the ultimate wipEout game. Throw in the odd new team here and there, and give us an option to ban BRs - bang, you got it nailed down!

    And yes, some of the Fusion tracks were great! I especially enjoyed Florion Heights 3 reverse (yes, reverse!) and oh, Temtesh Bay, all of them, were uber-sweet (were it not for those f*ckin energy barriers )

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    What I would do to race on Quron IV again in WO64 but with WOHD glory. That would be flipping amazing!!!!!!

    My only complaints of HD is the BR's and physics of the game (floatiness)

    But the list you have drawn up is pretty amazing TBH. All those tracks in 1 game? I'll be satisfied till the next generation of consoles lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Axel View Post
    and physics of the game (floatiness)
    You have not played the game, so how would you know about that? You simply cannot judge from the videos.

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    Quote Originally Posted by eLhabib View Post
    Oh please no! I really didn't like the flip pads! Actually, this is just one more of those new features which seem to have been added in just for the sake of adding new stuff, to have a selling point.

    And yes, some of the Fusion tracks were great! I especially enjoyed Florion Heights 3 reverse (yes, reverse!) and oh, Temtesh Bay, all of them, were uber-sweet (were it not for those f*ckin energy barriers )
    The flip pads were only used on two tracks in the whole of Fusion, and i'm curious as to how you like Florion 3 reverse better than the normal one, it has that huge jump!

    And yes! those energy barriers were a bloody pain! They would always spin you out on certain tracks. As far as weapons go in Fusion, some of them were plain silly (boisnare??? :S come on! thats just an excuse to render fart gas!), but some were brilliant, just to name my faves;

    Penetrator - loved the concept of a kamekazi weapon.
    Seismic Field - it was like a plasma bolt to multiple opponents, it made the sky turn black and made the ground shake.......... what a weapon!
    Last edited by swift killer; 29th July 2008 at 01:47 PM.

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    Martin: As long as it wasn't Temtesh Bay 2, honestly I could have slapped a dog the amount of times I crashed out on that bastard course

  10. #10
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    personally going on what i'd seen and been told of HD, i was willing to give it a miss and wait for the full blown ps3 wipeout. however i don't think that game's really on the cards anymore...just yet (correct?) i'm hopeful if a lot of the rumours about changes to HD been made are true...i would just like a bit of solid official information about some things. possibly from someone working on it or new gameplay video's.

    HUD - rumour of alternative one's, this is great news if true, as i didn't like the one from most recent previews, giving players an option would be a good move.

    tracks - mag-strips on pure tracks, in fact mag-strips in general, i don't like them and they're now flashy and shiny and stuff, which i don't like in wipeout...i can forgive it as long as they're not plastered onto all of the tracks.

    HUD speed blur effect - i NEED to know if this is optional, again personel opinion and been optional would be great for people who do like this.

    music been muffled when you use a shield - this was horrible in the preview video's, hopefully not in the final game.

    split screen - a feature that should have been in from the start, awesome! if true, this is great news.

    4 new ships available - Auricom, available from the off, yes please.

    if all the above is confirmed somehow, then i may have changed my tune on HD, just a side note, if they do make remake tracks from the previous games then i hope for no mag-strips, less bright neon and on the subject of fusion, just stick with florion height tracks as they would be great for HD, others suffer from random rocks/ice/flip pads/closing doors?!?!?

    i'm hopeful

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    Red face Viewing a bit of history

    Why is there such a large audience that dislikes Fusion, it appears that the old hardcore wipeout fans dislike it alot due to the gaming physics of this title.

    My opinion every single Wipeout game that has been released is fantastic (including Fusion), and is an constant evolution where every new wipeout game further develops on the qualities of the previous title. Fusion has now become one of the rarist Wipeout to find now. The tracks where awesome, Florion Heights Part 3 with that insane jump before the main straight Cubiss Float, Alca Vexus and Temtesh Bay with parts of the tracks that where not static and destructable, the off course sections of some of the tracks and the first time i raced on Katmoda 12 was unreal with the in depth scenery, even though this game is 7 years old now. I think now the pros are starting to outway the cons in this game. Wipeout Fusion is one unique Wipeout title, the only thing i can possibly see wrong with it is the gaming physics which dont make it a 'true' Wipeout title, oh as well the loss of some of the best teams Goteki, AG SYS, Qirex, Assegai, Icaras but hey there was the introduction of some really cool teams EGR and Xios and now EGX.

    Hellfire Temtesh Bay Part 2 was a bastard of a course, got lost in the ****ing maze of mines, then again it was the same with Vohl Sqaure. First time i was on that track i said **** where am i

    But hey Studio Liverpool, not everybody hates Fusion. I liked it. Dont be afraid to try new things in the next coming Wipeout titles. Hey if it creates a bigger audience, it will create more sales on the next coming Wipeout title. Then Wipeout will still be a big seller in ten years from now

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    Quote Originally Posted by emerald dragoon View Post
    if all the above is confirmed somehow, then i may have changed my tune on HD, just a side note, if they do make remake tracks from the previous games then i hope for no mag-strips, less bright neon and on the subject of fusion, just stick with florion height tracks as they would be great for HD, others suffer from random rocks/ice/flip pads/closing doors?!?!?

    i'm hopeful
    Why dont they just alter the tracks layouts so the random rocks/ice/closing doors are removed, I absolutely hated all the trackless sections, they were daft.

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    I liked WipEout Fusion as well, the environments were unique and vivid and didn't have that samey feeling like the PSP games have at times, it gave us the incredible Zone mode, and as I've said all along, the way the backstory and information is written makes you feel at times like you're following the exploits of a real racing league. It's one of just two games in the series that has pilot profiles.

    That said, I highly doubt HD will end up having every single track and ship and league recreated etc., it doesn't feel to me like the game could support all that.

    Though, before the series ends, hopefully a long way away, I would like to see an "ultimate" WipEout compilation game. But it would need to be done right.

    ..Bring Back Burcombe

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    Quote Originally Posted by swift killer View Post
    Why dont they just alter the tracks layouts so the random rocks/ice/closing doors are removed, I absolutely hated all the trackless sections, they were daft.
    a good point, they could do that...and if they do plan any fusion remakes they should do that!

    but i'd much prefer remakes from most of the other games anyway. full HD silverstream with beautiful aurora overhead. dark and rainy gare d'europa. altima vii just because it's the first wipeout track ever and could look amazing!

  15. #15
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    Altima VII was in one of the packs for wipeout pure, if i remember correctly.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by swift killer View Post
    Altima VII was in one of the packs for wipeout pure, if i remember correctly.
    yeah, originally in wipeout 1, but it was a virtual remake in pure, no full colour or detail, i'm hoping for HD any DLC track packs will be fully designed and realised tracks.

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    I just hope the prices won't be as ridiculous as pulse's.
    But i agree, I don't really need much more then extra music and tracks over time to keep me interested + splitscreen of course

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    @swift killer: yes, Florion 3 REVERSE. I love the steep climb at the start, and from then on it's a long smooth ride downhill. (plus, I always found the huge fans that push your ship upward on Florion in the regular direction to be the biggest FAIL of Fusion altogether)

    @Charlie: wouldn't have thought you had a habit of slapping dogs! seriously though, the mineshafts were a thing of evil, but once you find out all you have to do is stay left, it's only a matter of luck with the sliding doors... oh alright, they were ****, admittedly.

    @emerald dragoon: I would DIE for a dark and gritty HD remake of Altima VII. That's the essence of wipEout, right there.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkdrium777 View Post
    You have not played the game, so how would you know about that? You simply cannot judge from the videos.
    It doesn't take a genius to know the game play wont be that much different from PULSE and PURE by looking at the vids alone. Now if they do change the physics as I said above, then I would be over the moon. But I doubt it though. Still getting it

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    well, judging from the preview build, it is quite a bit floatier than Pulse.

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