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Thread: Ship physics for Pulse - Analysing the past

  1. #81
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    I love the barrel roll what else are you going to do on a long drop? Also adds to your overall strategy you could be on lap 5 going off a final drop before the line and are running low on energy do you do the roll and loose even more energy increasing the risk of elimination or do you hold off? Chenghou project is a good example there is a drop near the line with a weapon pad on the left sometimes I find myself slowing down a little so I can drop onto the pad and absorb a weapon whilst the ship that was right behind me barrel rolls off and takes the position from me, I'd rather loose 2 points on a guy than end up in pieces and loose 8. It would all depend on the points at the time as well if it was tight I'd probably take the risk in the above situation hoping no last minute quake is going to come along and get me. Intensive racing people!!

    Hyperthrust I liked it but compared to the barrel role system is cheap in my opinion and requires no skill, press the button instant boost

  2. #82
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    Personally, I like just having the turbo boost and speed-up pads.

    Call me old-fashioned, but it just seems to make more sense to me.

  3. #83
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    Last edited by JABBERJAW; 10th July 2007 at 07:03 PM.

  4. #84
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    Al, even though I agree with you on some points, one has to consider how games and gamers develop. And there's also the fact that nowadays games need to appeal to a bigger crowd of people. The freaky great physics are no good if casual gamers don't get it and thus won't give your game the chance it deserves. I bet good money that if Sony were to go back to WO 1, 2 or 3 a hell of a lot of people would complain about the physics the same way we miss the "good ol' days".

    Also, since acceleration in general has been improved in Pulse and Phantom is a LOT faster (partly because of the reason mentioned and partly because the graphics have been improved), I don't miss a quicker start. It's still a turbo start and that's fine with me.

    Honestly, I haven't yet noticed the fact that barrel rolls now suck a percentage of the overall shield power, but I think that's just the right way to go in order to make ships more balanced. Good thinking there, Colin an the rest!

    And now back to practice. I haven't won a single frigging Pahntom race on Pulse's hard difficulty setting so far. Granted, I focused on Grids, Zone and anything else for the first few hours, but still... this IS "hard", alright. Plus, as for the few tracks that come with the Preview code, they are more technical than the average Pure course.


  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by JABBERJAW View Post
    Al, there's a good reason that certain suggestions on this board have made it into the game in some way or other, and plenty of yours have not.

    You address people like they're beneath you. Either change your approach or just STFU already, because you only serve to piss people off with the armchair game designer attitude.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by JABBERJAW View Post
    I really don't get it now. I'm not a real fan of barrel rolls(though comparing it to crash team racing is insulting even to it } NOw it has a slow boost. The only thing cool about it was the fast boost, and a slow turbo start really sucks. The only game that had slow turbo starts were wo1 and fusion. If barrel roll is going to stay in, just allow one or two rolls per lap or something like that, instead of slowing it down and making it boring. keeping it at one or two will make you decide the best place to do it. Pure was only fast because of these rolls, and it was the only way to keep things moving in phantom. It was already on the edge of being "too slow" at phantom speed. I love the other stuff put in, but this really sucks.

    for the love of something do not slow down the barrel roll if this is the lone speedup(meaning no hyperthrust).

    I have no idea why the physics cannot be as good as a 9 year old system because someone just wants to make it different. In this case different is not better, although it seems that pulses physics are starting to get back to the roots.

    I have to reiterate that slowiing down the turbo start is freaking stupid. Why? all the good versions of wipeout had fast starts and it got you going right off. Slowing down the barrel roll(if this is the main turbo feature like pure) is also very very bad. There is no reason for this, just limit the rolls.

    oh my eyes, the caps, it burns...
    Hyperthrust conflicts with the absorb sytem which we think is far preferable to pit-lanes and a system worth keeping. Also the hyperthrust system is somewhat flawed as it by logical extension meant you had to pit in each lap and thus meant the pit-lane actually became part of the main track making the normal part of the track redundant. I'm sure some PEOPLE WANT hyperthrust back, I'm also sure some dont. Fortunately in my position I get to make the choice as to what I think is best for the game and make calls accordingly (or sometimes just decide what I prefer and go with that as long as its justifiable) not everyone is going to be happy but I can live with that no game or piece of music or film or book or tv show is universally loved.

    The Barrel Roll is not a 'slow boost' now it has just been reduced from Pulse where it was excessive. The turbo start has been reduced more than the barrel roll, but we feel it works well. In online multiplayer the difference between winning and losing should not be all about who did or didnt get the turbo start, if it is too excessive it can cause such division in the race. As such its been reduced so that it is effective but not decisive. We do not want races decided in the opening 5 seconds. Its enough to give you a push off the start line, but not enough to decide a race. We did toy with removing it altogether as this was some peoples preference however we did not go down that route in the end.
    Remember, no game decisions are made for the hell of it, perhaps before judging it, wait and see it (in its final state).

  7. #87
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    and wait i can...

    have trust in you colin and SL that pulse is gonna rock!!! like i said in another eager for this game that i already tried to preorder it but its 'not on the system' at my local games store...

    love the changes so far like the convexed hud, tracks, customizable ships and custom mp3s just to name few...

    screenies are wicked but i know in the case of WipEout, as always, static screens do not do it justice...

    now all we need is a release date for the ps3 WipEout, and i don't mean HD, so i have a REAL excuse to plonk down my hard earned cash to invest in a ps3...and of course bragging rights to all my xbox fanboy mates who always say...'man, ps3's got nothing against the 360'...then i can retaliate with a...'it doesn't have WipEout now does it???'...
    Last edited by cybrpnk; 10th July 2007 at 10:36 AM.

  8. #88
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    I`m kind of on the "barrel rolls are too much in Pure" side of things, such as Foxxy described, but I also completely see RR`s point above, about how it increases the strategy in the game. I think SL proved, in Pure, that they know how to follow the middle-way and to make a balanced, interesting game. I agree with Colin`s argument as to why the barrel roll/absorb system is better than hyperthrust. It`s genius for multiplayer. At the end of the day we all have to accept that SL are making a game to sell a million, not a bespoke personal game for any of us, and that the old games are the old games and that type of ship handling probably isn`t coming back. It`s marvellous that some of WZ`s concerns and suggestions influence the game design. We may be the most hardcore bunch of testers the game could have, but we`re a very small part of the market

  9. #89
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    I'll keep further game design comments to a minimum(just suggestions). I am not trying to put people down, sorry if anyone took it like that. I'll certainly play the game before any judgements on it. My frustrated attitude I guess is just begging for a classic wipeout feel, which hasn't been put in since wipeout 3.

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Berry View Post
    It is less of a divider in Pulse though as the boost received from a barrel roll has been reduced (as indeed has the boost from a trubo start), plus the energy drained from performing one is now a % not absolute figure meaning each ship can in theory perform the same amount.
    This sounds like a very smart approach for keeping the barrel roll mechanic intact for Pulse, given the online play.

    Making the energy drain a percentage means that every vehicle can participate in barrel rolling on an equal footing-- hopefully a number of ships will be viable in online competition

    September can't come soon enough! (Well, for Wipeout... I'm kinda enjoying summer otherwise )

  11. #91
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    Yes - the thing I really hate to see is a function of the game that basically renders some craft absolutely useless (Harimau, anyone?) and hopefully this new BR mechanic works out fine.

  12. #92
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    well I'm relieved the thrust is not back and although I didn't play pure yet I'm not that found of the idea of the barrel roll ...
    mostly coz it doesn't seem 'real' (imagine a F1 car or a NASCAR doing it ) and the ' tekken combo' involved to acheave it. :-
    I'd rather have the Boost as a weapon as in wipEout ( imo still the best wo, SE close 2nd coz of the thrust. as said before I haven't played Pure yet )
    Or just put some fat quadruple speed pads on a well chosen sraights and before turns or hairpins as at the Silverstream hairpin!
    okay just checked it's only double ...

  13. #93
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    I disagree about Hyperthrust conflicting with the absorb system. It would mean that every race became the ultimate compromise:

    Do i go for broke with using all the weapons and hyperthrust at the expense of shields?

    Do i absorb all the weapons and continually use hyperthrust?

    Do i only use some weapons and absorb others for hyperthrust when i need to?

    It would make for some very close online races if people chose different strategy's.

  14. #94
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    It conflicts because if you can turn a weapon into energy and energy into speed, then what's the difference between a weapon pad and a speed pad? One becomes pointless, likely the speed pad. Suddenly the "faster path" on the track is the one where you hit all the weapon pads and ignore all the speed pads.

    Definite problem.

    I'm sure SL is totally correct in that you can't do a Hyperthrust system with the absorb mechanic, and I definitely love the absorb mechanic.

    Oh, and zargz: Boost is a weapon in Pure. 8 )

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