What i discover tonight in reading a post from 'Arc de Clarc'( wipeoutfusion.com), desgusted me ( sorry no other words): you can cheat with zone mode with the infinite weapon.
What about us the clear competitors? Studio Liverpool has thinking of that: i spendt more than 200 Hours (only in zone mode 'cause 'stupid' cheaters put 'stupid' (i try not to be rude you know Mister Webmaster but it's hard) times on Time Trial.) 200 hours for what now : nothing 'cause Studio liverpool ruins this game in offering the possibility for people to cheat in the league.
Anyone now can have a doubt of mine performance or Oggob ' s or the others' s one.

First you(STUDIO LIVERPOOL) underestimated us for the score ( the reset at 2*32)
And Now you ruin all the whole internet competition.
Thank you for THAT

I don't accept any excuse
I hope just you keep this lesson for the new opus of Wipeout.

R.I.P. Studio liverpool