... when you ask a wipeout coder to build loop and twisted track ?
This coder cant handle general gravity anymore and must disable it for a local track gravity.
In my opinion this is the main cause for all the bugs in Wipeoutfusion.
If you have no general gravity you have to emulate jump with some "trigger zone" and it exactly what happen in fusion.
its exctly the same for pitch. On the ground it seems to be only a way of rotate view, and in the air the effects are really weirds...
In addition, this game isnt finished. The collision mesh is buggy and sometime you can fall below the track just for hiting a wall too fast...
The respawn is great, 3 times in a single night of play, it take me far away my original position (12th --> 5-6th)
How can we compare our best time with glitches like this ?

Now, I'm really sad, like all of you, I was waiting for Fusion for a long time...