I was waiting for the news on what the free PS+ games for August were going to be, and saw that they were posted today.

Along with the list of games was a article revealing that Playstaion Plus subscriptions had dropped 300k in just 3 months.

There were some other figures given as well.
Firstly to date Sony has sold 82 million PS4's, of those PS4's only 33.9 million people have a PS+ subscription, down from the 34.2 million 3 months ago.

Since you need a PS+ subscription to play online, one can only deduce that at a bare minimum, 60% of PS4 owners don't play online.

The article says that this drop in subscriptions is not unusual as it considered a slow time for gaming, but I'm not too sure that that is really the case, when you have 60% of your user base that can't play online due to not having a PS+ subscription, what percentage of the remaining 40% of your user base that CAN play online, IS playing online?

I have seldom gamed online historically now I come to think about it, apart from HD/FURY and LBP on the PS3 I can't think of any other games I've bothered playing online, I even avoid buying games that have online trophies, or just don't bother even attempting to get the online trophies if there are any....I loath shooters, so that accounts for the vast majority of online games.
The situation with my ever worsening internet speed, combined with the timezone difference being 10 hours when those few that are still playing the Omega pack are online, has meant that I now basically no longer play anything online either.

What about the rest of the forum members?
Are you playing online less than you used to ? and I don't just mean Wipeout, I mean generally, or have you never gamed online much anyway ?

It seemed strange to me that Omega online died very quickly, at first I thought it was a combo of 'Too hard for the Newbie' and 'Already Played it to death' that was the cause, but now looking at the figures I'm not too sure, I think there might just be fewer people playing anything online anymore./
That or there are just too many games spread between those remaining online regulars...??