tonight i dreamed about a final ending of wipeout, i was playing a super tourny extra hard, and when i finished it, it showed stats on a big screen above the track on a building, saying that i used a female character for the most of the time (which i dont remember the name now), ship, and other statistics.
then credits began scrolling down, with all the people involved in the game, and the camera was flying thru a sci-fi cyberpunk city, but with flat colors, like the prototype tracks on WO3 SE, together with a great song, like this, but with japanaese lyrics:

(i will remember forever this ending)

i have to be honest, i was almost crying lol.
what do you think about? wipeout needed a final ending or not? if not, why? yea i know it is a normal arcade game but it has a story behind...
i liked also the idea of playing with different characters on my dream, like on WO Fusion, just to extend the single player campaign (like: you have to complete all the characters on the game to have 100% game complete).

P.S i know i'm a bit weird, on my dream there were also other players of WZone playing with me.