View Full Version : Thoroughly disappointed right now

19th June 2014, 12:21 PM
It's been years since I last played Wipeout Pulse, I was only playing rpg games on my psp and other games on other consoles/pc. I finally found my Wipeout Pulse game so I boot it up, ahh so many memories playing this game, I loved eliminator. One thing that disappoints me is that the website wipeout-game.com has been shut down, I know I'm a but late I don't keep up to date here. Same when I got PS3 with GT5 I was late knowing the servers have been shut down because they want budget on GT6, I was looking forward to racing other players, I'm a little too late now :(

19th June 2014, 06:54 PM
I know that feeling. It's even worse when you get a game and play online one day and the next day the servers are shut down like it happened to me with Combat Flight Simulator 3.

Amaroq Dricaldari
20th June 2014, 05:34 PM
Only a matter of time before WipEout's servers go down as well... and unlike PC games you can't edit the .INI file to change the master servers it connects to.

25th June 2014, 06:59 AM
I think it will be a while before they shut down HD/FURY servers.
As it's also tied in with 2048 via crossplay, and since Sony want to promote VITA/PS3/PS4 compatibility as a major selling point , it's more than likely to keep it going just for that fact.

16th April 2015, 08:01 PM
Oh damn, I was just about to ask if anyone was able to get online later as I was hoping to play some later.. That sucks..

5th November 2017, 11:35 PM
Haha, I just tried wipeout-game.com earlier today. No luck. ;)

Besides that, I'm making my way through the tournaments in this game. Pulse is currently my "bedtime story". I'm on the last grid before the Phantom one. Starting too get a feel for it again. I'm playing on my trusty old PSP 1000.

It's so interesting to me how crappy Wipeout feels before you get ok at it. Running into walls all the time, -"What is **** physics??". It's probably something like a blessing a curse for the series. You really need to spend time with it before it actually starts to feel good. Maybe this is true for other games that I've underestimated in the past. Some games are just rush-jobs. Wipeout clearly isn't. You're obviously aware.

Opposite to the thread creator, I dislike Eliminator. xD The frames drops, it's a lot of luck luck, but not that difficult compared to some of the other events, but not fun either. It doesn't do what Wipeout does best. Or... I don't play Wipeout to play just another Mario Kart.

6th November 2017, 11:22 PM
You can use the wayback machine to access old websites, thought i don't know if that website is in the archives. Here's the link: https://archive.org/web/
As for server shutdowns, it's even more disappointing when the game has online - only unlockables. In Motorstorm: pacific rift, you can no longer get half the vehicles because they were only unlocked through online play.
I agree with Nopy on eliminator. It's more like "who can get the most repulsors and quakes simulator 2208"