View Full Version : Tigron in HD?

27th August 2011, 11:53 PM
I was totally not camping on a round of eliminator on Metropia when I decided to take a screenshot. While trying to find a good camera angle, I noticed something very... odd:



28th August 2011, 01:14 AM
No offense but that's old news.

The dam in Sebenco Climb has a huge Van Uber decal painted on it.

Challenger #001
28th August 2011, 07:43 AM
Tigron was a reserve team in Pure, so perhaps they were supposed to come to Metropia for the FX300, got their board up and then got pulled or relegated to lower Formulae.

Either that or it's a reminder of darker days of the racing. And a none-too-subtle reminder for Goteki, Triakis and Qirex to be good boys if they can help it.

28th August 2011, 02:05 PM
Tigron had gratuitous violence(more than the other teams) as a tactic back in the F9000 leagues.
And Overtel betrayed Qirex(I think),which was then bought by Tigron. Oh well...

28th August 2011, 07:32 PM
No offense but that's old news.

The dam in Sebenco Climb has a huge Van Uber decal painted on it.

No offense taken! Honestly, i'm not surprised that this was spotted before, with it in such an obvious place and whatnot.

I'm pretty sure there are others; I could've sworn I saw one in Chengou...

ag assassin
16th February 2012, 03:39 AM
well would anyone want tigron and van-uber to return in hd we should tell sony(if we can.:()

16th February 2012, 06:06 PM
They won't listen, they're too busy ****ing up the game.

ag assassin
20th February 2012, 02:03 AM
So their just teams that are lost forever well if that's what happens to them WHY THE F*** DID THEY MAKE THEM??????:?:

Challenger #001
20th February 2012, 10:40 AM
They were made as new teams for Fusion, genius. The series moves on and changes. We may lose Mirage or EG-X or Harimau or Triakis if we make a future future WipEout. It's the same with F1, teams rise and fall and sometimes they're returned. There's nothing to stop Van-Uber returning in a future WipEout, though as Tigron was basically evil Qirex, it's unlikely they'll be back.

ag assassin
21st February 2012, 07:29 AM
That sucks their pretty good teams well I have to remember''When an old team falls a new team is made" random quote (by me:))

8th April 2012, 08:56 AM
Just thought I'd leave these here.
The last picture has an old Piranha decal above the Van Uber one.

8th April 2012, 10:12 AM
Hah, well spotted! :)