View Full Version : ntsc vs pal

10th April 2010, 01:13 PM
I know this won't happen, but how difficult would it be to add a patch on the sony store website to make it possible to play the pal vs ntsc or even the japanese version? It would be cool to take the havenzoomer up against klor, or just make it easier in general vto play other people. Of course the ntsc would not be able to play the 4 extra tracks, and when the opposite region uses a ship that is not in the other, there may need to be a generic ship representing it. to me, this does not seem like a hard task to do, but unfortunately will never happen

10th April 2010, 05:14 PM
In theory, it probably wouldn't be difficult at all... they'd just need a patch to edit the code of the NA Pure to process all the DLC files from the European packs. The content is only exclusive due to licensing rights I think... Puma and Coke, and the artists who did some of the crazy stuff for the EUR version of Pure, etc... there was probably no contractual agreement for them in any other regions :/

10th April 2010, 08:50 PM
One can dream. Maybe, if we all just dream together...yeah, won't happen.;)