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22nd November 2002, 12:11 PM

.......................................machaon.... .....terrafumos..........velocitar.....
al sartwell........................2:29.7............ ....2:02.4.................1:49.7
robert stockwell..............3:48.7.................3:27 .1.................2:50.8
John Urban......................3:48.8................3 :13.7..................2:36.2
Mike Abair........................3:38.8............... .3:21.7..................2:41.1
Steve Mcdonald...............2:58.8................2:29. 4..................2:09.5
Isaac Parenteau..............3:47.6.................3:22 .0..................2:41.2
Brian Coolidge.................3:46.0.................3: 18.1..................2:08.7
Joe Bourdeau..................3:24.5.................2 :52.9.................2:18.8

I'll try and get the tables done tomorrow night.

24th November 2002, 07:20 AM
WO64 - NTSC - Canada - Single Race - Cyclone ON
Jay West flying for AG Systems

Machaon 2 - 3:14.7 / 36.5
Terrafumos - 2:54.4 / 32.9
Velocitar - 2:16.5 / 26.4

Hey, the WO I've played the least, on all the settings I'm worst at! Yay! 8 P
I think I've gotten the hang of Velocitar, it seems fast but simple. I could probably take another 5 secs off. Terrafumos is tougher, but I think I'm getting the hang of it. I'm sure I could take another 10 secs off that one with practice. Machaon 2 is my bane. I'm having a tough time flying "nose-down" all the time, I keep hitting trees! I should be able to take another 10 secs off that one easy, but that's only if I learn how to fly the damn track...
Edit: I'm getting better at Machaon 2, I think I've got the hang of it now. Brake hard, brake early. Terrafumos is getting easier too, but I'm still missing a corner here and there. I can't seem to improve my Velocitar, I think I gone dun pretty good on that one. Oh wow, I've even beaten zargz on that one! Dude, you have no idea how much that means to me. Thank you. 8 )

25th November 2002, 01:11 AM
PAL - piranha - team EU/AU

Machaon II - 3:08.0 / 35.6
Terrafumos - 2:47.8 / 31.2
Velocitar - 2:23.7 / 26.7 .. yao! here's 1 piranha u kicked, J! 8) hate the stick!! :evil: :roll:

25th November 2002, 04:57 AM
Team - Piranha II

Machaon II - 2:39.5 / 29.4
Terrafumos - 2:10.6 / 22.8
Velocitar - 1:47.8 / 19.3

Hybrid Divide
25th November 2002, 07:35 AM
Machaon II 2:55.5 / 32.6
Terafumos:2:32.7 / 28.4
Velocitar:2:07.1 / 23.8

I know I've done better in the past but I would get lazy and turn off the system before saving. Either way, Wiseman, I'm impressed. You obliterated my times.

For some odd reason on Terafumos. My time for Rapier is a bit faster. I guess that's what happens when you play Rapier for too long before going to Phantom! ^_^