View Full Version : AG Assassin Easier Now?

28th May 2009, 12:22 PM
Hey everyone, I played Wipeout HD a lot when it first came out and killing people online was damn near impossible for me. A couple of months ago, I started going online with the sole purpose of eliminating other people and it still took forever to get any kills. But now I'm reading on here that the recent patch has made it a lot easier to get kills? Is this true? Are the weapons more powerful or somethin?

Thanks for the help.

28th May 2009, 08:46 PM
47 views and 0 replies?

28th May 2009, 08:55 PM
Three weapons have been modified:
Rockets have more stopping power
Leech Beam has more stopping power
Mines last longer on the track

So yes, it has become a little easier to get kills.

28th May 2009, 09:45 PM
Okay, cool, thanks.

Man, I hate bringing some guy's health down and then he either eliminates himself on a wall or someone else gets the kill.

28th May 2009, 10:48 PM
Use a Plasma. Generally, it works :lol
(Plasma takes 60% of energy, so in the middle of the race if you score a hit it's almost a guaranteed kill)

You could also ask friends and meet up and kill yourself, it's less fun but it's faster. Depends on you of course. ;)

28th May 2009, 10:54 PM
I suck at using Plasmas though, I pretty much always miss who I'm aiming at, haha. Missiles and rockets are my favorite weapons.

And nah, I don't boost trophies (what people call meeting up to get trophies). I'm up to 23 kills so far, so hopefully it doesn't take that much longer, but it's still a major pain in the ass, especially when I get shields every other power up, haha.

28th May 2009, 11:09 PM
Got the trophy easily, i got many kills and many Destroyer badges.

@Darkdrium777 : plasma=60% of what ship shield? arent icaras supposed to be weaker? and triakis stronger shield?
On the screen, over the weapon sign there are the damage and absorb amounts of the weapon, but are those in percentage of average shield or something like that?

how damage is calculated?
it must be harder to kill a triakis, but if a triakis absorbs a weapon, it got the same percentage of shield like other ships, which means a greater amount of equivalent damage right?
if a triakis hits a wall, it takes the same % of shield in damage (2 for a common rub) as an Icaras, that means greater damage (as it shield has to be stronger)
:dizzy :brickwall :?

it's a bit difficult to understand.
in Fusion, there was no problem, as shield was shown in a common unit, not in percentage.

28th May 2009, 11:23 PM
It takes 60% of all shields, it's just that over time Icaras has weaker shields.
Where Triakis might lose 5% over five seconds against a wall, Icaras might lose 10%. That's why it's often easier to kill Icaras or AG-Systems mid race, it's because they usually suffer more damage from collisions than other ships, thus on average have less energy than Triakis in mid race.
All weapons do the damage they say, no matter the ship. All weapons also restore what they say on the tin, no matter the ship. It's collisions where it plays a role, at least that's what I've found out through play.

28th May 2009, 11:34 PM
OMG, i have to think the game a different way now...

i thought Icaras were weaker under weapons fire too. So that's why there are not a lot of good players playing with Triakis! (i'm not talking about you KIGO)
as long as you don't collide, the shield stat doesnt matter. :frown:

29th May 2009, 02:23 AM
Am I the only one who thinks the weapon system needs some tweaking? Why does absorbing rockets give you twice as much health as the damage they deliver? Why am I getting shields and mines so much when I'm in last place?

Are the items really that random or are things weighted?